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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Restorative Dentistry 2

Restorative Dentistry 2
Second semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English

Teaching staff

Wednesdays from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. By appointment.


Conservative dentistry aims to teach basic current concepts in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of dental tissues and of diseases of the periradicular tissues. In this subject, we provide a synthesis of the objectives of the subjects Dental Pathology, Operative Dentistry and Endodontics, as well as Introduction to Restorative Clinical Dentistry, through the discussion of selected papers and which are taught through clinical practice with patients

Pre-course requirements

Achievement of learning objectives of the subjects of Dental Pathology, Operative Dentistry, Endodontics and Introduction to Restorative Clinical Dentistry



1. To determine the causes of the loss of dental health.

2. To implement the techniques that allow the recovery of dental health.


These objectives may be classified into three large groups:

a. Knowledge-related:

1. To learn the different steps of the treatment of root canals

2. To determine the need for carrying out a treatment of canals based on an accurate pulpoperiapical diagnosis

3. To learn the different types of accidents that may occur during the treatment of canals

3. To understand the incidence and causes of endodontic failures

4. To learn the indications and clinical techniques of endodontic surgery

5. To learn the indication and clinical technique of intentional reimplantation

6. To establish the therapeutic approach to teeth with unformed apices

7. To understand the different situations leading to emergencies in the field of endodontics and the approach to be taken

8. To describe the features of extensive direct crown reconstructions

9. To describe the features of intraradicular retention elements

10. To describe the principles and clinical technique of indirect aesthetic reconstructions

11. To describe the clinical techniques for reconstruction of endodontically-treated teeth

b. Sensory and motor:

1. To reach a certain diagnosis with a patient having a dental disease

2. To establish a treatment plan for a patient with a dental disease

3. To complete on patients dental surgery and endodontic treatments of moderate complexity

c. Transferable:

1. To develop the ability to deliver a public presentation

2. To develop the ability to write up scientific work in the field of restorative dentistry

3. To develop an interest in research and in deepening knowledge

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 10 - Knowing and being able to identify the psychological and physical problems derived from gender violence in order to train students in the prevention, early detection of, care for and rehabilitation of the victims of this type of violence.
  • 20 - Obtaining and creating a medical record containing all the relevant information.
  • 28 - Acquiring clinical experience under suitable supervision.
  • 37 - Undertaking the x-rays that are necessary in dental practice, interpreting the images obtained and learning about other important image-based diagnosis techniques
  • 38 - Being aware of clinical and laboratory-based procedures and diagnostic tests, knowing their reliability and diagnostic viability and being competent in interpreting the results
  • 39 - Recognising oral normality and pathology, as well as the evaluation of semiological data
  • 40 - Identifying the main reason for the consultation and the history of the current disease. Creating a general medical record and a clinical record which accurately reflect the patient's notes
  • 42 - Handling, distinguishing and selecting the tools and materials that are suitable for dentistry
  • 43 - Having knowledge of dental biomaterial: in terms of handling, properties, instructions, allergies, biocompatibility, toxicity and eliminating residues as well as their environmental impact
  • 44 - Knowing about and being able to use the basic tools and equipment for dental practice
  • 64 - Undertaking basic oral and dental pathology treatments for patients of all ages. The treatment procedures should be minimally invasive and based on a comprehensive and integrated approach to oral and dental treatment
  • 65 - Diagnosing, planning and undertaking, at a general level, multidisciplinary, sequential and integrated treatment of limited complexity for patients of all ages and conditions and patients with special needs (diabetes, hypertension, oncological diseases, transplants, immune-depression, anti-clotting, etc.) or disabilities. Specifically the dentist should be competent in establishing a diagnosis, a prognosis and developing a suitable treatment plan, particularly in terms of orofacial pain, temporo-mandibular disorders, bruxism and other parafunctions; dental and periapical pathology; oral and dental trauma; periodontal and peri-implanted tissue pathologies; pathology of the mandibular bone, of soft oral tissue and annex glands; states of partial or total edentation and planning rehabilitation treatment via dento-muco supported prostheses, or dental impants, dental malpositions or malocculusions and other anatomical or functional alterations of the face or the stomatognathic system and their potential orthodontic, orthopaedic or surgical corrections
  • 66 - Taking and interpreting x-rays and other image-based procedures that are important in dental practice
  • 67 - Creating diagnostic models, setting them up and taking inter-occlusal registrations
  • 68 - Determining and identifying the aesthetic requirements of patients and the possibility of resolving their concerns
  • 72 - Appropriate medical prescriptions, while being aware of their guidelines and warnings, systemic effects and repercussions on other organs
  • 73 - Applying loco-regional anaesthetic techniques
  • 74 - Preparing and isolating the operatory field
  • 76 - Identifying and dealing with any dental emergencies
  • 79 - Treating dento-alveolar trauma in temporary and permanent dentitions
  • 81 - Evaluating and treating patients with caries or other dental non-carious pathologies and being able to use all the material required for restoring the shape, function and aesthetics of the tooth in patients of all ages
  • 82 - Designing, preparing teeth, prescribing, recording, doing clinical tests, fitting and putting indirect restorations into service: incrustations, veneers or aesthetic laminate veneers and unitary crowns
  • 83 - Treating destructive processes and dento-alveolar trauma injuries via operations
  • 84 - Undertaking endodontic treatment and applying procedures to preserve pulp vitality
  • 85 - Undertaking conventional aesthetic procedures from a multidisciplinary perspective
  • 88 - To undertake non-surgical treatment for temporo-mandibular disorders and oro-facial pain
  • 90 - To identify and correct oral habits that are susceptible to causing or exacerbating malocclusions

Learning outcomes of the subject

  • 4.015 - Identify the anatomic and dental structures in panoramic radiographs, periapical and bitewing
  • 4.016 - - Perform the following treatments in phantoms with primary teeth: making records with alginate, sealed pits and fissures, isolation of the operative field with a rubber dam, cavities Class I, II, II, IV, V, VI, filling cavities class I, II, III, IV, V, VI with composed materials, pulpotomies and pulpectomies, placing preformed steel crowns, extensive reconstructions in the first permanent molar, splints, veneers of material composed in primary incisive
  • 4.019 - Conduct prophylaxis and demonstrations of proper oral hygiene adapted to the patient's age
  • 4.020 - Demonstrate the ability to isolate the operative field with a rubber dam in children
  • 4.023 - Use correctly the composite materials for sealing cavities
  • 4.031 - Differentiate pain according to location
  • 4.032 - Differentiate pain according to origin
  • 4.033 - Differentiate pain according to duration
  • 4.034 - Differentiate pain according to the characteristic of the pain
  • 4.035 - Plan and perform different operative dental cavities of operative dentistry: its elements, classification, conditions of form, types of restorative techniques, objectives and sequence of cavity preparation
  • 4.036 - Learn how to act with the patient prior to the placement of a rubber dam
  • 4.037 - Perform dam placement technique using the clamp first and then the paste
  • 4.038 - Perform placement technique using rubber dam and then the first clamp
  • 4.039 - Perform the technique of placing the dam carrying simultaneously the clamp and rubber
  • 4.040 - Choose the correct clamp according to the tooth to isolate
  • 4.041 - Dominate the absolute isolation technique of an hemi arcade
  • 4.042 - Perform the enamel adhesion technique
  • 4.043 - Perform the adhesive technique in dentin
  • 4.044 - Choose and apply a suitable adhesive system to the type of restoration to make
  • 4.045 - Place properly the first three layers of composite in cavities class I
  • 4.046 - Know the instruments for the insertion of the composite
  • 4.047 - Know the instruments to adapt the composite
  • 4.048 - Master the clinical technique of carving a cavity class I for composite
  • 4.049 - Master the clinical technique of sealing a class I composite cavity
  • 4.050 - Make a formwork with the matrix system Auto matrix
  • 4.051 - Perform a formwork with preformed sectional matrix system and separation rings
  • 4.052 - Selecting the most suitable formwork system to the characteristics of each cavity
  • 4.053 - Perform the clinical technique of carving a class II cavity for composite
  • 4.054 - Master the clinical technique of carving a class II cavity for composite
  • 4.055 - Select properly the matrix for each specific cavity class III
  • 4.056 - Carve a cavity Class III in different clinical situations
  • 4.057 - Place properly the placement of the matrix prior to the insertion of the composite
  • 4.058 - Seal properly a cavity class III
  • 4.059 - Select the finishing and polishing system more suitable depending on the configuration of each specific cavity class III
  • 4.060 - Make the polish of the filling Class III of composite
  • 4.061 - Perform a test restoration into a cavity of class IV
  • 4.062 - Make a palatine mask for a class IV cavity
  • 4.063 - Carve a cavity Class IV for a good retention and aesthetic of the sealing material
  • 4.064 - Seal a cavity of class IV by stratification
  • 4.065 - Polish fillings composite class IV
  • 4.066 - Master the clinical technique of making a composite class V cavity
  • 4.067 - Master the clinical technique of sealing a class V composite cavity
  • 4.068 - Establish an indication of an indirect restoration
  • 4.069 - Choose the right material for an indirect restoration
  • 4.070 - Carve a cavity for indirect restorations inlay type
  • 4.071 - Carve a cavity for an indirect restoration on lay
  • 4.072 - Carve a cavity for indirect restoration overlay type
  • 4.073 - Carve a cavity for an indirect restoration, crown type
  • 4.074 - Make a temporary restoration for a cavity for indirect reconstruction
  • 4.075 - Take records for an indirect restoration
  • 4.076 - Communicate with the laboratory to indicate the guidelines for the preparation of a restoration
  • 4.077 - Prepare properly the internal surfaces of the restorations according to the type of material
  • 4.078 - Prepare the tooth surfaces for receiving an indirect restoration
  • 4.079 - Perform the adhesive cementation of indirect restorations
  • 4.080 - Diagnose not caries dental pathology in a patient
  • 4.081 - Give a treatment plan for a patient with not caries dental pathology
  • 4.082 - Determine the caries risk of a patient
  • 4.083 - Establish treatment plans in a patient with a high risk for tooth decay
  • 4.084 - Use diagnostic means of dental caries
  • 4.085 - Diagnose caries harms
  • 4.086 - Establish the need to carry out a filling on a carious lesion
  • 4.087 - Remove the carious tissue from a carious lesion with maximum respect to the remaining tooth structure
  • 4.088 - Select the means of removing carious dentin according to the characteristics of the lesion
  • 4.089 - Perform a proper medical history to assess the state of the pulp
  • 4.090 - Know how to organize the materials and instruments for endodontics, and treatment between patients
  • 4.091 - List the usual conducts and the most frequent variations in each tooth of the Arcade
  • 4.092 - Adopt the appropriate therapeutic approach to the different pulp and periapical entities that require root canal treatment
  • 4.093 - Isolate the operative field properly for a root canal treatment
  • 4.094 - Plan Properly the root canal treatment
  • 4.095 - Identify the material and instrumental useful in endodontics
  • 4.096 - Perform correct camera openings and locate the entrances to the root canals
  • 4.097 - Implement properly the ducts
  • 4.098 - Fill properly the ducts
  • 4.099 - Perform hand treatments of complete ducts on different teeth of the arcade
  • 4.100 - Perform in vivo ducts treatment in teeth with a difficulty level 1
  • 4.101 - Select intraradicular retention elements depending on the characteristics of the treated tooth
  • 4.102 - Place intraradicular retaining elements intraradicular
  • 4.103 - Reconstruct with direct materials an endodontic tooth
  • 4.104 - Reconstruct with an indirect technique, an endodontic tooth
  • 4.105 - Diagnose a patient who has suffered dental trauma
  • 4.106 - Treat a dental trauma urgency
  • 4.107 - Establish a treatment plan for a patient with dental trauma
  • 4.108 - Consult with the necessary specialists for a comprehensive treatment
  • 4.112 - Know the development of teething and tooth eruption
  • 4.113 - Know and diagnose abnormalities of eruption
  • 4.117 - Know how to make a proper patient history
  • 4.118 - Know how to make a proper oral and practical examination of the patient
  • 4.123 - Recognize normal and pathological anatomical structures in a panoramic, periapical and occlusal radiography
  • 4.126 - Know how to make a list of diagnostic problems and structure it properly
  • 4.129 - Acquire skills in bending wire
  • 4.132 - Know the general principles of interdisciplinary treatment in adults
  • 4.133 - Acquire the discipline to focus interdisciplinary treatments
  • 4.137 - Identify patients requiring a multidisciplinary treatment to achieve therapeutic goals, and be able to work on the treatment.
  • 4.151 - Perform the reconstruction of severely damaged teeth by prefabricated bolts or casted stumps.


In this subject, the students perform clinical practices that cover all the contents of Dental Pathology, Dental Surgery, Endodontic treatment and the introduction to clinical practice subjects, supplemented by seminars about specific areas of all these contents, with the aim of encouraging debate about decision-making based on scientific evidence.

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Students are provided with a set of learning objectives and a limited reading list for each seminar. For some seminars, students individually should submit a summary or  Power Point/Keynote through Moodle. The learning o0bjectives for each seminar shall be debated in the general seminar.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

The final mark will be determined by the CUO clinical mark(30%), ATTENDANCE, WORK AND PARTICIPATION in the seminars. (10%) and the note of the theoretical exam (60%). The theoretical exam will consist of 40-50 multiple choice questions. Correct questions will add 1 point. Questions answered incorrectly will subtract 0.33 points. To pass this subject, it is an essential condition to pass the clinic and the theoretical exam separately. Failing one of these parts prevents the signature from being passed.

Work after the deadline will not be accepted.

The absence in 3 seminars, or the non-presentation of works in Moddle will not allow the grade of the subject. Once the teacher has started classes, entry into class will not be allowed.

Students with a particular problem may request an oral exam that will be carried out by a panel of three professors from the Dental Restorative Area.


Bibliography and resources

The essential bibliography shall be provided through Moodle.