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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Medical-Surgical Pathology and Oral Implantology 3

Medical-Surgical Pathology and Oral Implantology 3
Second semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English

Teaching staff

Through the UIC corporate email you can contact the person in charge of the subject: Samir Aboul-Hosn Centenero Only emails sent directly by the student enrolled in PMQ3 will be answered. All students are invited to review the partial and / or final test although, in the event of an error in the calculation of the final grade, it may cause the student's grade to be lower. Any note less than 5 will be a failure. Class entry is not allowed once the teacher has started the class.


The Medical-Surgical Pathology 3 (PMQ3) deepens the knowledge about dental implantology and pre-prosthetic surgery, and makes an introduction on three types of pathology always from a surgical point of view: -pathology of the TMJ (temporomandibular joint) -pathology of dentoskeletal deformities -head and neck oncological pathology It is the subject where some of the knowledge that has been acquired in the PMQ1 and PMQ2 -dental implantology is consolidated and deepened, very important concepts of advanced oral surgery and maxillofacial surgery are introduced to complete the surgical knowledge of the dental student.

Pre-course requirements

Having passed the subjects: "Oral Medical-Surgical Pathology 1" and "Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine"


To deepen the knowledge of rehabilitation with dental implants and preprosthetic surgery techniques, explaining the different options for advanced implant surgery in patients with moderate and severe bone atrophy. I Have the theoretical foundations of: - Pathology of the temporomandibular joint: anatomy, diagnosis and therapeutic options - Head and neck oncology: highlighting the importance of screening and early diagnosis, as well as the follow-up of treatment protocols for squamous cell carcinoma of the oropharynx -Orthognathic surgery and dento-skeletal deformations: understand the different deformities, the diagnosis and the therapeutic options and highlight the importance of coordination with the orthodontist.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 10 - Knowing and being able to identify the psychological and physical problems derived from gender violence in order to train students in the prevention, early detection of, care for and rehabilitation of the victims of this type of violence.
  • 24 - Recognising situations in which lives are at risk and knowing how to provide basic life-support.
  • 35 - Knowing the scientific principles of sterilisation, disinfection and the antiseptics necessary to prevent cross-infection in dental practice
  • 43 - Having knowledge of dental biomaterial: in terms of handling, properties, instructions, allergies, biocompatibility, toxicity and eliminating residues as well as their environmental impact
  • 44 - Knowing about and being able to use the basic tools and equipment for dental practice
  • 48 - Being aware of the effects of tobacco on oral health and participating in measures which help patients who want to give up their smoking habit. Also, knowing about the complex interaction between the environmental, social and behavioural factors related to oral and general health
  • 56 - Identifying the signs and behaviour which suggest potential abuse
  • 57 - Knowing the general processes of illness, curing and reparing, including infection, inflammation, haemorrhage and clotting, scarring, trauma and alterations in the immune system, degeneration, neoplasia, metabolic alterations and genetic disorders
  • 70 - Evaluating motor and sensory oral, mandibular and annex function
  • 71 - Undertaking limited procedures for invasive diagnostic techniques using soft tissue (biopsies)
  • 74 - Preparing and isolating the operatory field
  • 77 - Undertaking medical and surgical treatment for common diseases in soft oral tissue
  • 78 - Undertaking simple surgical procedures: the extraction of temporarily and permanently erupted teeth, fractured or retained roots and the uncomplicated surgical extraction of non-erupted teeth and simple procedures for pre-prosthesic surgery

Learning outcomes of the subject

  • 1.37 - Will value as necessary the knowledge throughout life
  • 2.43 - Perform an oral and facial scan to detect cancer lesions
  • 2.47 - Prepare the working field to reduce the risk of contamination and spread of disease
  • 3.09 - Control of anamnesis and basic general physical examination
  • 3.21 - Know how to explore at physical oro-maxillo-facial level and interpret laboratory complementary examinations and image
  • 4.001 - Know the anatomy and histology of the periodontal tissues in health and disease
  • 4.006 - Obtain the adequate clinical experience in implementing the specific preventive measures against EP and in the implementation of the appropriate therapeutic measures in patients with gingivitis.
  • 4.025 - Perform limited invasive procedures of invasive diagnostic techniques in soft tissue procedures (biopsies)
  • 4.028 - Diagnose, plan and carry out a surgical treatment of limited complexity in patients of all ages and conditions
  • 4.030 - Know how to derive, when necessary, to other professionals or centers, complex treatments or medically compromised patients.
  • 4.111 - Know the basic principles of the ideal occlusion
  • 4.114 - Understand the processes of growth and dent skeletal development and know its clinical application
  • 4.117 - Know how to make a proper patient history
  • 4.118 - Know how to make a proper oral and practical examination of the patient


Oncological pathology of the head and neck: makes an introduction of the surgical anatomy of the head and neck region, highlights the importance of screening for oropharyngeal cancer in the field of dental consultation, suspected diagnosis and biopsy of intraoral premalignant lesions, medical and surgical treatment of different tumors at the oropharyngeal level, local and regional involvement of these tumors, their sequelae, and possible post-treatment oral rehabilitation.
Oral implantology and preprosthetic surgery: in PMQ3 we explain advanced surgery techniques in implant oral rehabilitation, therapeutic options in cases of moderate-severe bone atrophy, new paradigms of this type of surgery, use of 3D technology and more frequent complications in implantology dental.   Introduction to the treatment of dentoskeletal deformities: this subtopic introduces the student to the basics of orthognathic surgery, explaining the decision-making process based on the diagnosis as well as conventional and three-dimensional preoperative planning, anatomical fundamentals and surgical treatment, as well as surgical results in the functional and aesthetic field.   Temporo-mandibular joint: the anatomy and functionalism of the joint is reviewed, its exploration, the different pathologies and invasive (surgical) treatments to the supply.   Topic 1 Oral Implantology and Preprosthetic Surgery Topic 2 Oncological pathology of the head and neck Topic 3 Introduction to the treatment of dentoskeletal deformities T opic 4 Temporomandibular joint (TMJ)

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

Final theoretical exam: 50 multiple choice questions, 4 possible answers. Each correct question will add 1 point, each wrong question will subtract 0.33 points, blank questions do not add or subtract. The criterion to get approved will be 25 points (50% of the possible points)

Bibliography and resources

Peterson's Principles of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Michael Miloro, Ed BC Decker

 Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, Neville, Ed Saunders

Oral Surgery for the General Dentist, Sailer, Pajarola. Ed Thieme

Atlas de anatomia: Netter

Atlas de anatomía: Sobotta

Atlas de anatomía: Gray´s