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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Implant Prosthetics

Implant Prosthetics
Second semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English,

Teaching staff

Attention will be on Wednesday morning from 9 to 11, with prior arrangement by email.


Implantology has brought a revolution in the field of dental prosthesis. With the clinical success and predictability of dental implants, prosthodontic treatments of patients can combine the concepts and skills of traditional oral rehabilitation with new concepts of implantology. These aspects determine the importance of the implant as a field of knowledge and new dentists work in our society.

Pre-course requirements

Having passed the subjects Prosthodontics 1,2,3 and 4


Implant Dentistry course is intended to encourage thoughtful and critical study of the subject of implants, both in the surgery and in the prosthesis, in a comprehensive manner.

Promote the study of diagnosis and treatment plan in an oral implant rehabilitation.

Provide training and clinical application of the student in the different sections of oral rehabilitation on implants.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 65 - Diagnosing, planning and undertaking, at a general level, multidisciplinary, sequential and integrated treatment of limited complexity for patients of all ages and conditions and patients with special needs (diabetes, hypertension, oncological diseases, transplants, immune-depression, anti-clotting, etc.) or disabilities. Specifically the dentist should be competent in establishing a diagnosis, a prognosis and developing a suitable treatment plan, particularly in terms of orofacial pain, temporo-mandibular disorders, bruxism and other parafunctions; dental and periapical pathology; oral and dental trauma; periodontal and peri-implanted tissue pathologies; pathology of the mandibular bone, of soft oral tissue and annex glands; states of partial or total edentation and planning rehabilitation treatment via dento-muco supported prostheses, or dental impants, dental malpositions or malocculusions and other anatomical or functional alterations of the face or the stomatognathic system and their potential orthodontic, orthopaedic or surgical corrections
  • 66 - Taking and interpreting x-rays and other image-based procedures that are important in dental practice
  • 67 - Creating diagnostic models, setting them up and taking inter-occlusal registrations
  • 68 - Determining and identifying the aesthetic requirements of patients and the possibility of resolving their concerns
  • 69 - Identifying patients who require special care, recognising the characteristics and peculiarities of such cases

Learning outcomes of the subject

138. Determine the different biological parameters necessary to perform
an oral rehabilitation.
140. Apply biomechanical concepts that govern each type of dental prosthesis.
141. Getting occlusive pattern best suited for each patient and each type of
dental prosthesis.
142. Applied when indicated, the technique of selective attrition in the patient.
143. Do the board a partial and complete dentures.
145. Determine or partially edentulous patient endéntulo parameters
characterizing biological and artificial teeth are placed in space. in
the case of partial and complete dentures will also be able to determine the
parameters that characterize the denture base.
153. Take impressions suitable for each type of prosthesis
dental, functional removable partial denture in closed basin
open implant prosthesis, and associated techniques, such as retraction
the gingival Fixed prosthesis.
154. Perform the appropriate cemented fixed prosthesis.
155. Carry out various tests and making prosthetic color, which make
during the preparation of the different prostheses.
156. Knowing the different materials used to make prosthetics
dentistry and be able to indicate the most appropriate for each case.
157. Inform the patient about the most appropriate maintenance measures
each type of dental prosthesis.
158. Conduct appropriate checks for each type of prosthesis to
detect and prevent the most common complications in each.
159. Assess the need for adjustment of removable prostheses and perform the
exceeded appropriate.
160. Perform the appropriate provisions in the dental laboratory for each type of


  1. Presentation. Wax-up / guides radiological / surgical templates
  2. Impressions
  3. Provisional prosthesis as a diagnostic 
  4. Provisional prosthesis 
  5. Abutments and Cad-Cam implant dentistry 
  6. Screwed / Cemented 
  7. Total fixed or removable prosthesis? 
  8. How to move from provisional to definitive prosthesis 
  9. Occlusion on implant and short arch rehabilitation
  10. New rehabilitation materials (MCM, carbon fiber). 
  11. Cad-Cam: Fact or Fiction 
  12. Materials for prosthetic implant restoration
  13. Proposal full rehabilitation protocol 
  14. Hands On recognition implant abutments 
  15. Immediate loading of unitary restorations. Immediate loading of complete dentures 
  16. Clinical Cases

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Lectures and Seminars

Clinical cases exposition

Practical excersises at Moodle

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

There will be a multiple choice exam with thirtyquestions, with 4 possible answers per question and a single solution. Each correct answer will add a point and each incorrect answer will add 0 points, not subtracting. To pass the test you must obtain a minimum score of 18 points

Bibliography and resources

Cantó-Navés O, Medina-Gálvez R. Dando sentido a la prótesis implantológica. Editorial Quintessence 2019.

Misch CE. Prótesis dental sobre implantes. Madrid: Elseiver Mosby; 2006.

Branemark PI, Zarb GB, Albektsson T. Prótesis Tejido-integrada. Berlin. Quintesence books, 1987.

Davarpanah M, Martínez H, Kebir M, Tecucianu JF. London. Quintesence books, 2003.

Davarpanah M, Szmukler-Moncler S. Immediate loading of dental implants. Theory and clinical practice. Paris. Quintesence books, 2008.

Preti G. Prosthetic rehabilitation. London. Quintesence books, 2008.