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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Basic Physical Education

Basic Physical Education
First semester
Main language of instruction: Catalan

Other languages of instruction: Spanish,

Teaching staff

Attention will be held at the end of the working sessions thursday from 13.00. Previously a date must be requested to perform personalized attention.


The Physical Education Base is one of the subjects that form part of the statement of Physical Education Degree Early Childhood Education and Primary International University of Catalonia. The work of the body from the base and foundation of the configuration of the individual as a subject integral possible that the movement is a key element in the education and construction of meaning through the body and movement. This course cuts across all the content blocks official curriculum proposed by the Department of Education of the Generalitat of Catalonia. For this reason the course is one of the essential foundations of Minor Physical Education.

Pre-course requirements

No hi ha requisits previs.


1. Describe, interpret and evaluate the fundamentals underpinning Base Physical Education as a key element in the programming of the area of Physical Education in Primary Education in the formation and education of children.

2. Describe, interpret and organize the basic contents of the Department of Physical Education in Primary Schools and Early Childhood Education.

3. Use different methodologies and correctly apply the proper development of perceptual-motor skills, physical and socio-motor-driving through appropriate education and training.

4. Develop Course for scientific activities by type highest possible competence of maximum reflection and maximum depth conceptual, procedural and attitudinal.

5. Apply properly the activities aimed at developing the skills perceptual-motor, motor-physical and socio-motor according to the motivations and interests of children, the psychomotor characteristics and objectives of Physical Education.

6. Procedures correctly apply the methods and research necessary to observe, gather information, evaluate, interpret, diagnose, transfer and redirect the development of perceptive motor skills, physical and socio motor of children.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CEM-06 - To know the pedagogical dimension of interaction with peers and adults and learn to promote participation in group activities, cooperative work and individual effort.
  • CEM-12 - To know how to work in a team with other professionals from inside and outside the school in the attention of each student, as well as in planning learning sequences, and organizing work in the classroom and play areas, while bearing in mind the special features of the 0-3 and 3-6 year age periods.
  • CEM-13 - To attend to the needs of the students and transmit confidence, calmness and affection to them.
  • CEM-18 - To place preschool in the Spanish educational system, in the European and international context.
  • CEM-19 - To be aware of international experiences and examples of innovative practice in childhood education.
  • CEM-21 - To participate in the preparation and monitoring of childhood educational projects within the framework of projects at the centre and in collaboration with the community, other professionals and social agents.
  • CEM-25 - To identify disorders of sleep, eating, psychomotor development, attention, hearing and sight.
  • CEM-26 - To collaborate with professional specialists to resolve these disorders.
  • CEM-27 - To detect affective, alimentary and well-being needs that disturb the normal physical and mental development of students.

Learning outcomes of the subject

Learning Outcomes: Describe the origin of the EFB, the psychomotor and human development.

Learning Outcomes: Accurately describe all items that are part of perceptual-motor system and its relationship with the subjects of the Degree.

Learning outcomes: Enter into the world of work and psychomotor practical: the body schema, muscle tone, attitude posture, relaxation and breathing-space structure, skills and motor destresses .

Learning outcomes: To develop an educational program to work concepts that have worked on the subject.


Chapter 1 Introduction to Physical Education Base (EFB)

 Objective: To describe the origin of the EFB, the psychomotor and human development.

 SECTION 1: Introduction and basic concepts.

 LESSON 1: Physical Education Base and psychomotor phenomenon.

1.1. Psychomotor phenomena.

1.1.1. Source psychomotor phenomenon.

1.1.2. The psychomotor.

1.1.3. Classification of psychomotor methods.

1.1.4. Contributions to theoretical considerations and psychomotor phenomenon: Wallon, Piaget, Spitz, Schilder, Ajuriaguerra, Le Boulch, Picq and Bayer, and Acouturier Lapierre.

1.1.5. The psychomotor education as a basis for learning.

1.1.6. Psychomotor phenomenon of the EFB.

CHAPTER 2: Human development.

2.1. The evolutionary processes of the human being: ontogeny and phylogeny.

2.2. Key concepts of human development.

2.2.1. growth

2.2.2. Maturation.

2.2.3. Environment.

2.2.4. Psychomotor Learning and Development.

2.2.5. Fundamental laws of human development: Cefalo-caudal Law, Law-Middle Distal, Law flexor-extensor 5 hurlock laws (1967) and the General Law-Specific.

2.2.6. Characteristics of psychomotor development.

LESSON 3: General considerations with respect to human movement.

3.1. Human movement.

3.2. Analysis of human movement.

3.3. Organization of human movement.

3.4. Study of human movement.

Chapter 2. Basis perceptual-motor movement in human skills.

Objective: To describe accurately all the elements that are part of the perceptual-motor system and its relationship with the subjects.

SECTION 2: perceptual-motor basis of human movement.

LESSON 4: The body schema.

4.1. The concept of body schema.

4.2. Different visions of the body schema.

4.3. Conceptual and historical evolution of body image.

4.4. Body image and driving skills.

4.5. Pedagogical criteria to work the body schema.

ITEM 5: muscle tone and posture.

5.1. The concept of body tone and attitude.

5.2. Different visions tone and posture.

5.3. Historical development and conceptual tone and posture.

5.4. The tone and posture and motor skills.

5.5. Criteria for pedagogical work the tone and posture.

LESSON 6: Relaxation and breathing.

6.1. The concept of relaxation and breathing.

6.2. Relationship between relaxation and breathing.

6.3. Historical development and conceptual relaxation and breathing.

6.4. Relaxation and breathing skills driving.

6.5. Criteria for pedagogical work relaxation and breathing.

CHAPTER 7: The spatio-temporal structure.

7.1. The concept of space-time structure.

7.2. The concept of spatial orientation and temporal orientation.

7.3. Historical development and conceptual structure of space-time ..

7.4. Structuring space-time and driving skills.

7.5. Criteria for pedagogical work spatiotemporal structure.

SECTION 3: skills and motor skills

CHAPTER 8: motor skills and destresses.

8.1. Conceptual approach and destresses driving skills.

8.2. Classification of motor skills and destresses.

8.3. Destresses basic motor skills and motor skills and specific.

8.4. Analysis of basic motor skills (practical).

8.5. Analysis of specific motor skills.

8.6. The static equilibrium dynamic equilibrium.

ITEM 9: Evolution of basic motor skills and motor destresses.

9.1. Conceptual Approach to the basic motor skills and motor skills.

Chapter 3. The programming of basic motor skills, motor skills and basic skills Perceptual motor.

Objective: To develop an educational program to work concepts that have worked on the subject.

SECTION 4: Areas of action Physical Education Base.

CHAPTER 10: The areas of action of the EFB.

            9.1. The EFB in the field of physical education.

            9.2. The EFB in the field of sports initiation.

            9.3. The EFB in the field of special education.

            9.4. The EFB in the field of recreation, leisure and entertainment.

Teaching and learning activities

In person


The proposed methodology is based on both theoretical and practical work in the classroom and in the sports field or in the environment. There will be lectures with computer support, lectures and group work sessions for collaborative work. Students must complete a total of three work and exam (multiple choice questions + to develop)


CEM-05 CEM-06 CEM-12 CEM-17 CEM-39 CEM-53 CEM-55 CET-2 CET-3 cooperative learning
Learning Project
Method Presentation / lecture
Solving exercises and problems

Development of a portfolio of educational Minor Physical Education
practical classes
Individual study and work / independent
Study and work in group

Design and defense of a portfolio of Physical Education Minor

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

 Describe the origin of EFB the psychomotor and human development. Level of participation
oral presentations
Design activities
Short answer tests
objective tests
Works and projects
Presentation of work
Presentation of a teamwork
 Accurately describe all items that are part of perceptual-motor system and its relationship with the subjects.. Level of participation
oral presentations
Design activities
Short answer tests
objective tests
Works and projects
Presentation of work
Presentation of a teamwork
Hack into the world and work for psychomotor practice, the body schema, muscle tone, attitude posture, relaxation and breathing-space structure, skills and destresses motor. Level of participation
oral presentations
Design activities
Short answer tests
objective tests
Works and projects
Presentation of work
Presentation of a teamwork
To develop an educational program to work concepts that have worked on the subject. Level of participation
oral presentations
Design activities
Short answer tests
objective tests
Works and projects
Presentation of work
Presentation of a teamwork

Bibliography and resources


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Arnold, P.J. (1991). Educación Física, movimiento y currículum. Madrid: Morata.

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 Blázquez, D. (1995). La iniciación deportiva y el deporte escolar. Barcelona: INDE.

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ESPACIO Y TIEMPO. Revista de educación física




HORIZONTE. Revista de Educaçäo Física e Desporto
















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