Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
Paediatric Physiotherapy
Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English,
Teaching staff
The faculty will attend to all students who request it by e-mail.
Dr. Márcio Donadio (titular)
Sra. Laura Ares Brage
Dra. Rosa Cabanas Valdés
Paediatric physiotherapy is a discipline in charge of advising, treating and caring for infants, children and adolescents at neurological risk, with global developmental delays or movement disorders (both congenital and acquired).
The target population of paediatric physiotherapy includes patients (from 0 to 18 years) who require treatment to minimize or prevent impairments caused by neurological disorders (cerebral palsy, cranioencephalic trauma, spina bifida, etc.), neuromuscular conditions (cerebral palsy, cranioencephalic trauma, spina bifida, etc.), musculoskeletal disorders (achondroplasia, Perthes disease, congenital hip dislocation, congenital torticollis, plagiocephaly, etc.), respiratory diseases (bronchiolitis, cystic fibrosis, asthma, etc.), genetic syndromes (Down syndrome, Rett syndrome, etc.) or others.
The role of paediatric physiotherapists is to evaluate, plan and carry out treatment programs to improve and/or recover motor impairments, develop movement skills and prevent disorders associated with diseases, injuries or other disabilities. Paediatric physiotherapists use a wide range of therapeutic strategies, although the current trend is to intervene in the children's environment.
Paediatric physiotherapists can be found in rehabilitation services in hospitals and primary care centers, early care centers, schools (regular and special education), psychopedagogical counselling teams, private centers, and some associations.
Pre-course requirements
Not established.
- To know the different fields of action.
- To know the evolution of theories and models applicable in paediatric physiotherapy.
- To understand the principles of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF).
- To know how to apply the F-words paradigm.
- To acquire basic training in embryology.
- To know the causes and main pathologies derived from an abnormal embryological development.
- To know the stages of normal development.
- To know the conditions that favour or hinder development.
- To acquire a basic training on the warning signs that can detect a possible psychomotor retardation.
- To know the different contexts that favour the learning of voluntary movement.
- To acquire training on the main assessments applied to the different stages of growth.
- To acquire skills in the global and integral therapeutic approaches in children with multiple disabilities.
- To know the specific therapeutic approaches according to the individual abilities.
- To know the different strategies that can be used for learning motor skills.
- To acquire training on the general characteristics of play in childhood and the main adaptations of play in children with disabilities.
Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme
- 01 - The ability to analysis and synthesis.
- 02 - The ability to organise and synthesize
- 09 - Demonstrate critical thinking skills.
- 10 - Develop autonomous learning skills.
- 12 - To be creative
- 15 - Demonstrate a concern for quality.
- 18 - Demonstrate a patient-centered approach by showing respect for the central role of the individual and his/her needs in decision-making.
- 21 - Knowledge of the physiological and structural changes that can occur after physiotherapeutic interventions.
- 28.3 - Show respect, appreciation and sensitivity towards the work of others.
- 29.1 - Demonstrate a committment to ongoing learning and self-improvement.
- 30.1 - Teamwork skills.
- 37.4 - adhere to professional competencies and standards in health care
- 37.5 - knowledge of the profession's deontological ethics codes
- 43 - Knowledge of physiotherapeutic procedures based on techniques and methods specific to physiotherapy interventions applied to the various disorders of all systems and medical and surgical specialisations, as well as health promotion and disease prevention.
- 49 - Ability to design a physiotherapy treatment plan.
- 53 - Capacity to participate within the areas of health promotion and disease prevention.
Learning outcomes of the subject
The student:
- Knows the different areas of paediatric physiotherapy.
- Knows the evolution of theories and models applicable in paediatric physiotherapy.
- Understands the principles of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF).
- Knows how to apply the F-word paradigm.
- Knows the physiology and pathophysiology of nervous system and musculoskeletal system development at various stages of maturation.
- Knows the causes and main pathologies derived from abnormal embryological development.
- Identifies the main risk factors that affect the psychomotor development of the child.
- Knows the different contexts that favour the learning of voluntary movement.
- Knows the appropriate tests, assessment scales and questionnaires to collect signs and symptoms derived from the child's conditions in the different stages of growth.
- Identifies the child's functional abilities and limitations.
- Analyses the possibilities of intervention in the child's development according to the individual environment.
- Acquires skills in the global approach in children with multiple alterations and deficiencies.
- Identifies the characteristics of the play that contribute to psychomotor development.
- Identifies the role of the family, caregivers and other professionals in the rehabilitation process.
- Definition of pediatric physiotherapy
- Intrauterine respiratory and cardiac development. Congenital respiratory and cardiac diseases. Respiratory assessment.
- Intrauterine neural development and neurodevelopmental disorders
- Psychomotor development, warning signs and assessments in the first years of life
- Most frequent respiratory diseases in the pediatric population and their interventions
- Childhood diseases: prematurity, PBO and TMC.
- Play as a therapeutic tool.
- Cerebral palsy
- Other childhood diseases
Teaching and learning activities
In person
Classes will be given with audio-visual support and the theoretical contents will be related to real practical cases.
Different activities related to procedural practice will be solved according to the contents of the course.
Teaching methodology
- LM - Expository Method/Master Class
- MC - Case method
- REP - Exercise and problem solving
Training activities
Hours |
Presenciality (%) |
TC - Theoretical classes |
30 |
100% |
SLA - Self-learning activities |
20 |
0% |
IE - Independent study |
40 |
0% |
Evaluation systems and criteria
In person
La evaluación en primera convocatoria consistirá en:
- Actividades de evaluación continuada (30%). Se plantearán actividades de evaluación continuada relacionadas con los contenidos impartidos.
- Examen teórico (70%). For each incorrect answer, 0.05 points will be deducted from a total of 10 points.
Se establece como requisito para aprobar la asignatura superar el examen teórico con una nota mínima de 5,0.
La segunda convocatoria se evaluará a través de un examen teórico que supondrá el 100% de nota. También se requerirá una nota mínima de 5,0 para aprobar.
Se utilizará el sistema de calificaciones de acuerdo con la legislación vigente. Actualmente, según el RD 1.125/2003 del 5 de septiembre:
0-4,9 Suspenso.
5,0-6,9 Aprobado.
7,0-8,9 Notable.
9,0-10 Excelente.
La mención de “Matrícula de Honor” podrá ser otorgada a los alumnos que obtengan una cualificación igual o superior a 9,0. Su número no podrá ser superior al 5% de los alumnos matriculados en la materia en el correspondiente curso académico, salvo que el número de alumnos matriculados sea inferior a 20, en este caso se podrá conceder una sola matrícula de honor.
Bibliography and resources
- Fisioterapia en pediatría. Maria Lourdes Macias Merlo, Joaquin Faoaga Mata. Editorial Médica Panamericana. 2018. 2ª Edición. ISBN: 9788491102120
- Physical Therapy for Children. Campbell S, Palisano R. Elsevier 2011. Fourth Edition.
- The Identification and Treatment of Gait Problems in Cerebral Palsy. 2nd Edition, 180-181. James R. Gage, Michael H. Schwartz , Steven E. Koop ,Tom F. Novacheck. Hardcover. July 2009
- Cerebral palsy. from diagnosis to adult life. Ronsenbaum, P. Rosenbloom, L. 2012. WILEY
- Management of the Motor Disorders of Children with Cerebral Palsy, 2nd Edition. David Scrutton, Diane Damiano, Margaret Mayston. Hardcover. February 2007
- Postural Control: A Key Issue in Developmental Disorders. Mijna Hadders-Algra, Eva Brogen Carlberg. Paperback. October 2008, Wiley-Blackwell
- Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy for People with Cerebral Palsy: A Problem-Based Approach to Assessment and Management. Karen Dodd, Christine Imms , Nicholas F. Taylor.Paperback. January 2010, Wiley-Blackwell
- Physical Rehabilitation 6th Edition. by Susan B. O'Sullivan, Thomas J. Schmitz T , George Fulk . ISBN-13: 978-0803625792
- Positioning for Play: Interactive Activities to Enhance Movement and Sensory Exploration. Rachel B Diamant. ISBN-13: 9781416404316
- Therapeutic Exercise in Developmental Disabilities. Barbara H Connolly. ISBN-13: 9781556426247
- -The Clinical Practice of Pediatric Physical Therapy: From the NICU to Independent Living. by Mark Drnach. ISBN-13: 9780781790635
Evaluation period
- E1 14/01/2025 A01 10:00h
- E1 14/01/2025 A02 10:00h
- E2 25/06/2025 A08 10:00h