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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Summer Voluntary Clinical Practice in Dentistry

Summer Voluntary Clinical Practice in Dentistry
Second semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English

Teaching staff

Horari d'atenció

Contactar amb Dr.Basilio per sol.licitar visita :


The objective of this subject is to provide students with the possibility of being exposed to more hours of clinical practice, which will allow them to improve skills in both the diagnosis of the different oral pathologies, studied during the degree programme, and the application of the different treatments.

Pre-course requirements

The same as those required for the clinical practical sessions in the University Dental Clinic for the corresponding year.


To improve the clinical practice of the students in their performance of a proper anamnesis and clinical exploration of the patient, and in their use of the different complementary tests.

To help students acquire the practice that allows them to gather all the information in a clinical record in an organised manner, with students knowing how to discern relevant information from information of lesser importance.

To help students acquire clinical practice skills for patients, whether special needs patients or not, whether adults and children, when treating the most common symptoms of the different specialist areas, so that students are qualified to provide comprehensive essential dental clinical care.

To train students in the treatment of dental emergencies and in the prescription of appropriate drugs. 

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 03 - Knowing how to identify the concerns and expectations of patients, as well as how to communicate effectively and clearly, both orally and in writing, with patients, family members, the media and other professionals.
  • 07 - Promoting new knowledge and techniques being acquired through autonomous learning, as well as the motivation to achieve quality.
  • 08 - Knowing how to share information with other healthcare professionals and how to work as part of a team.
  • 09 - Understanding the importance of keeping and using patient files in order to subsequently analyse them, while ensuring patient confidentiality is maintained.
  • 18 - Being aware of, critically evaluating and knowing how to use sources of clinical and biomedical infomation in order to obtain, organise, interpret and communicate scientific and healthcare-related information.
  • 20 - Obtaining and creating a medical record containing all the relevant information.
  • 21 - Knowing how to undertake a full dental exam, including the necessary X-ray and complementary exploratory tests, as well as obtaining suitable clinical references.
  • 22 - Having the ability to make an initial diagnostic judgement and establish a reasonable diagnostic strategy, as well as being competent in recognising situations that require urgent dental treatment.
  • 23 - Establishing a diagnosis, prognosis and suitable treatment planning for all the different clinical areas of Dentistry, being competent in terms of the diagnosis, prognosis and writing up the dental care plan for patients who require special care, including medically compromised patients (such as diabetics, those with hypertension, a depressed immune system or are anticoagulated, etc) and patients with disabilities.
  • 24 - Recognising situations in which lives are at risk and knowing how to provide basic life-support.
  • 25 - Being aware of and applying basic treatment for the most common dental pathology in patients of all ages. The treatment procedures must be based on the concept of minimally invasive surgery and an overall and comprehensive focus on dental treatment.
  • 26 - Knowing how to plan and undertake multidisciplinary, sequential and comprehensive dental treatment of limited complexity for patients of all ages and conditions and for patients who require special care.
  • 27 - Outlining and proposing suitable preventative measures for each clinical situation.
  • 28 - Acquiring clinical experience under suitable supervision.
  • 35 - Knowing the scientific principles of sterilisation, disinfection and the antiseptics necessary to prevent cross-infection in dental practice
  • 36 - Knowing the danger of ionising radiation and its impact on biological tissue, as well as the legislation that regulates its use. Knowing how to manage dental radiodiagnostic facilities
  • 37 - Undertaking the x-rays that are necessary in dental practice, interpreting the images obtained and learning about other important image-based diagnosis techniques
  • 38 - Being aware of clinical and laboratory-based procedures and diagnostic tests, knowing their reliability and diagnostic viability and being competent in interpreting the results
  • 39 - Recognising oral normality and pathology, as well as the evaluation of semiological data
  • 40 - Identifying the main reason for the consultation and the history of the current disease. Creating a general medical record and a clinical record which accurately reflect the patient's notes
  • 41 - Being aware of the behavioural and communication sciences which facilitate dental practice
  • 42 - Handling, distinguishing and selecting the tools and materials that are suitable for dentistry
  • 43 - Having knowledge of dental biomaterial: in terms of handling, properties, instructions, allergies, biocompatibility, toxicity and eliminating residues as well as their environmental impact
  • 44 - Knowing about and being able to use the basic tools and equipment for dental practice
  • 45 - Applying the principles of ergonomics to dentistry work, both at an individual level and a work-group level where appropriate, also in terms of the principles of the prevention of work-related accidents in dental practice
  • 46 - Providing a comprehensive approach to oral care and applying principles to promote good oral health and the prevention of oral and dental diseases
  • 47 - Educating and motivating patients in the area of oral and dental diseases, controlling pathogenic oral habits,
  • 48 - Being aware of the effects of tobacco on oral health and participating in measures which help patients who want to give up their smoking habit. Also, knowing about the complex interaction between the environmental, social and behavioural factors related to oral and general health
  • 49 - Knowing the procedures to carry out an oral healthcare diagnosis in the community and how to interpret the results
  • 53 - Knowing the legislational and administrative ethical and deontological precepts which regulate the dental profession and its application in clinical management and practice, as well as the organisation, competences and functions of professional corporations. Filling in all types of medical and legal documents and records
  • 54 - Knowing the role of the dentist within the healthcare professions and working with other healthcare professionals and other members of the dentistry team
  • 55 - Recognising that the patient is the centre of attention and that all the interaction, including the prevention, diagnosis, planning and carrying out of the treatment and maintenance, and must support their best interests, always avoiding any type of discrimination and respecting confidentiality
  • 56 - Identifying the signs and behaviour which suggest potential abuse
  • 57 - Knowing the general processes of illness, curing and reparing, including infection, inflammation, haemorrhage and clotting, scarring, trauma and alterations in the immune system, degeneration, neoplasia, metabolic alterations and genetic disorders
  • 58 - Knowing the general pathological characteristics of the illnesses and disorders that affect organic systems
  • 59 - Knowing the oral manifestations of systemic diseases
  • 60 - Knowing about general and clinical pharmacology for dental practice
  • 61 - Knowing the pharmacological grounding for the various anaesthetic techniques, both local and general, as well as the role of sedation and general anaesthesia in terms of managing dental patients
  • 62 - Conocer y manejar las emergencias y urgencias médicas más frecuentes en la práctica odontológica y en las técnicas de reanimación cardiorrespiratoria básica
  • 63 - Having knowledge of human nutrition, particularly the connection between nutritional habits or diet with the maintenance of good health and the prevention of oral and dental diseases
  • 64 - Undertaking basic oral and dental pathology treatments for patients of all ages. The treatment procedures should be minimally invasive and based on a comprehensive and integrated approach to oral and dental treatment
  • 65 - Diagnosing, planning and undertaking, at a general level, multidisciplinary, sequential and integrated treatment of limited complexity for patients of all ages and conditions and patients with special needs (diabetes, hypertension, oncological diseases, transplants, immune-depression, anti-clotting, etc.) or disabilities. Specifically the dentist should be competent in establishing a diagnosis, a prognosis and developing a suitable treatment plan, particularly in terms of orofacial pain, temporo-mandibular disorders, bruxism and other parafunctions; dental and periapical pathology; oral and dental trauma; periodontal and peri-implanted tissue pathologies; pathology of the mandibular bone, of soft oral tissue and annex glands; states of partial or total edentation and planning rehabilitation treatment via dento-muco supported prostheses, or dental impants, dental malpositions or malocculusions and other anatomical or functional alterations of the face or the stomatognathic system and their potential orthodontic, orthopaedic or surgical corrections
  • 66 - Taking and interpreting x-rays and other image-based procedures that are important in dental practice
  • 67 - Creating diagnostic models, setting them up and taking inter-occlusal registrations
  • 68 - Determining and identifying the aesthetic requirements of patients and the possibility of resolving their concerns
  • 69 - Identifying patients who require special care, recognising the characteristics and peculiarities of such cases
  • 70 - Evaluating motor and sensory oral, mandibular and annex function
  • 71 - Undertaking limited procedures for invasive diagnostic techniques using soft tissue (biopsies)
  • 72 - Appropriate medical prescriptions, while being aware of their guidelines and warnings, systemic effects and repercussions on other organs
  • 73 - Applying loco-regional anaesthetic techniques
  • 74 - Preparing and isolating the operatory field
  • 75 - Identifying, evaluating and attending to medical emergencies which may arise during clinical practice and apply cardiopulmonary recuscitation techniques; manage severe infections, including pharmaceutical prescriptions and simple surgical aspects
  • 76 - Identifying and dealing with any dental emergencies
  • 77 - Undertaking medical and surgical treatment for common diseases in soft oral tissue
  • 78 - Undertaking simple surgical procedures: the extraction of temporarily and permanently erupted teeth, fractured or retained roots and the uncomplicated surgical extraction of non-erupted teeth and simple procedures for pre-prosthesic surgery
  • 79 - Treating dento-alveolar trauma in temporary and permanent dentitions
  • 80 - Treating the inflammatory processes of periodontal tissue both pharmacologically and surgically, including supra and subgingival techniques for periodontal instrumentation
  • 81 - Evaluating and treating patients with caries or other dental non-carious pathologies and being able to use all the material required for restoring the shape, function and aesthetics of the tooth in patients of all ages
  • 82 - Designing, preparing teeth, prescribing, recording, doing clinical tests, fitting and putting indirect restorations into service: incrustations, veneers or aesthetic laminate veneers and unitary crowns
  • 83 - Treating destructive processes and dento-alveolar trauma injuries via operations
  • 84 - Undertaking endodontic treatment and applying procedures to preserve pulp vitality
  • 85 - Undertaking conventional aesthetic procedures from a multidisciplinary perspective
  • 86 - To treat both partial and full edentulism, including the biological design (specific design characteristics), dental preparation, obtaining record, clinical trials and adapting partial and full removable prostheses to patients, simple dental-supported bridges and simple prostheses on top of implants, both removable and fixed, including
  • 87 - To write up prescriptions to measure for healthcare products such as «dental prostheses» and «orthodontic and dento-facial orthopaedic apparatus»
  • 88 - To undertake non-surgical treatment for temporo-mandibular disorders and oro-facial pain
  • 89 - To undertake bucco-dental treatment on young patients and recognise its characteristics and peculiarities
  • 90 - To identify and correct oral habits that are susceptible to causing or exacerbating malocclusions
  • 91 - To plan and determine the specific characteristics of the design, records, prescription, clinical trails, placement and clinical adjustment for fitting removable and fixed space-maintainers and interceptive orthodontic techniques as well as extractable active elements destined to reposition teeth or correct an overbite

Learning outcomes of the subject

  • 1.03 - Diagnose, treat and prevent the most common infections in dentistry
  • 2.19 - Recognize and know when to use the specific material of different dental specialties, such as endodontics, periodontics, surgery, etc.
  • 2.34 - Perform radiographs for the correct diagnosis of caries
  • 2.37 - Advertise preventive treatment based on caries risk
  • 3.07 - Obtain and develop a medical history that includes all relevant information
  • 4.028 - Diagnose, plan and carry out a surgical treatment of limited complexity in patients of all ages and conditions
  • 4.029 - Master the bases of basic oral surgery: equipment and instruments, sterility and prevention of infection, techniques of loco-regional anesthesia, surgical field, hemostasis, post-operative cures, pharmacotherapy
  • 4.085 - Diagnose caries harms


  hours of clinical practice on patients in the facilities of the University Dental Clinic.

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Clinical practice monitored by the lecturer in charge.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

Continuous assessment of clinical practice by teaching staff.

Bibliography and resources

The clinical protocols for the treatments to be performed are posted on the Intranet, in the section