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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Final Degree Project

Final Degree Project
Second semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan

Teaching staff

 Any questions should be addressed to the email and will be answered by the coordinator.



The Law Final Degree Project (TFG) involves the autonomous development by the student of a research project and legal analysis under the supervision of a tutor. It is aimed at facilitating the integration of the teaching delivered over the course of the programme and ensure that the competences of the degree have been acquired.

The TFG course represents 6 credits and can be undertaken as one of the following options:

a) An opinion on a practical case

b) A report (doctrinal or jurisprudential) on the state of the art of a legal problem

c) A research paper on a legal topic

The TFG is carried out individually and independently, following the style guidelines established by the Faculty of Law. It is done under the guidance of a tutor, who acts as a catalyst and facilitator of the learning process. The tutor guides the student in the definition of the TFG, within the framework of a specific subject area; resolves doubts about its development; and ensures that it has the required scientific quality by periodically reviewing the written work.

Lastly, the project is defended orally before an examination panel of three lecturers.

Pre-course requirements


The defence is carried out after the student has passed at least 80% of the credits for the previous year’s subjects (3rd year of the Degree in Law) and all the credits corresponding to the previous academic years.


Royal Decree 1393/2007, of 29 October, which sets out the organisation of university education, modified by Royal Decree 861/2010, of 2 July, indicates that official undergraduate degree programmes aim to providing the student with general training, in one discipline or in preparation for the exercise of the profession. Article 12.2 specifically states that the TFG has to be part of the study plan; Article 12.3 refers to the preparation and defence of the TFG, and Article 12.7 specifies that it must have between 6 and 30 credits, must be carried out in the final phase of the course, and must be oriented to the evaluation of the competences associated with the degree.

Therefore, the general characteristics of the TFG are derived from the provision of Royal Decree 1393/2007, according to which the TFG is not designated to be research work of a large scale and importance, original and unpublished, which are characteristics more fitting of master's, doctorate or postgraduate studies. Nonetheless, it may involve to some extent a research project with the intrinsic characteristics of a degree, in line with the credits assigned to this subject.

The objectives established for the Law degree TFG are as follows:

• To check the student has acquired the general and interdisciplinary legal concepts, a mastery of the terminology and a perception of the unitary nature of the legal system.

• To gain familiarity with the methodology of scientific investigation

• To research a monographic legal issue, which is of scientific interest in one area of the Law. Therefore, one of the main objectives is to develop skills in the management of doctrinal and jurisprudential databases, as well as to master the use of manuals and bibliographic material and systematize the object of study, identifying the points to be studied and the legal problems that they raise.

• To produce written work, with rigor and formal precision, where the student reaches their own conclusions, which may be abstract or practical, depending on the subject of study.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 02 - To acquire the ability to understand, analyse and synthesise
  • 03 - To be able to express one's ideas and arguments in an orderly and coherent way both in oral and written form (written and oral techniques)
  • 04 - To turn in documents that have been formally and thoroughly prepared to high standards
  • 11 - To acquire skills for autonomous learning
  • 15 - To develop a perception of the united nature of the legal system and the required interdisciplinary vision for legal issues
  • 17 - To understand and have knowledge of public and private institutional principles in their origin and as a whole
  • 19 - To develop the ability to write legal texts
  • 20 - To have knowledge of the basic aspects of legal argumentation
  • 23 - To identify the state, doctrinal and legal framework of a complex legal issue
  • 24 - To acquire the skills to resolve problems and make decisions using relevant information and by applying correct methods while placing the issue within a legal system context
  • 30 - To master computer techniques for obtaining legal information (legal databases, jurisprudence, and bibliography)

Learning outcomes of the subject

  • To develop skills for speaking in public.

  • To develop the ability to relate concepts, analyse and synthesise legal problems.

  • To acquire argumentation skills.

  • To develop the habit of formally and thoroughly preparing documents to a high standard.

  • To develop the ability to draw up a work schedule with a fixed and preclusive deadline.

  • To use legal terminology with precision.

  • To develop the ability to write in legal language.

  • To be able to search for information, interpret it, and use it to solve practical cases or carry out work related to this matter.

  • To be able to accurately identify the normative, doctrinal and jurisprudential status of a related legal problem.

  • To develop skills to detect the legal problems underlying a specific case.

  • To work independently and to plan and organise their learning.

  • To establish the essential concepts of the subjects of the degree.

  • To acquire the ability to specify the claim in a complex legal case.

  • To acquire skills in the use of ICT in relation to obtaining legal information (databases of legislation, jurisprudence, etc.).

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Presenting concepts and their practical application in the classroom
15 23 24
Student independent study
02 03 11 17 20 24
02 24
Individual and group projects
02 04 19 20 23 24 30

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person




Bibliography and resources

There are numerous manuals dedicated to research in legal and social sciences. Either of the two below are a good starting point to become familiar with the development of research papers and the methodologies and methods that exist in the legal field:

  • FONDEVILA, Joan Francesc; ARRIAGA, José Luis. El trabajo de fin de grado en ciencias sociales y jurídicas: guía metodológica. Madrid: Ediciones Internacionales Universitarias, 2013.
  • MIRON, José Antonio. Guía para la elaboración de trabajos científicos: grado, máster y postgrado. Salamanca: Gráficas Lope, 2013.