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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Community Dentistry

Community Dentistry
Second semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English

Teaching staff

Those students who wish to discuss any matter with lecturers may arrange a meeting after class or via e-mail. 



Name of subject: Community Dentistry

Course code: 10472

Type of subject: Mandatory


Responsible: Carlos Muñiz Roca.

Teachers: Ester Cots Corominas, Sònia Aguilera Pedrosa.

Community Dentistry knowledge are increasingly required to practice dentistry care level.

The study Dentistry society is like a patient, studying different methods to promote oral health and prevent oral diseases, both individually and collectively.

Community Dentistry discipline is responsible for the prevention and treatment of oral health problems in the community, not only aimed at preventing the disease, but also to restore health and is related to the general health services planning and management

Pre-course requirements

It is convenient to have made the subject of epidemiology and statistics.

Regarding languages, you must be able to read English and Catalan, as part of the additional bibliography and some material that can be used for carrying out the activities of the subject, may be in these languages.


The overall objective of the course is that students achieve the necessary skills to tackle the problems of oral health and its determinants from the perspective of the population, and to promote and restore oral health through Community actions and through access to services protection and health promotion

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 29 - Recognising the underlying causes of dental health in the population, whether genetic, lifestyle, demographic, environmental, social, economic, psychological or cultural.
  • 30 - Recognising the role of the dentist in actions to prevent and protect against oral diseases, as well as the maintenance and promotion of good health, both at an individual level and a community level.
  • 31 - Knowing about the National Healthcare System, as well as the basic aspects of healthcare legislation, clinical management and the correct use of healthcare resources, and understanding the importance of the role of the dentist in the field of Primary Healthcare
  • 46 - Providing a comprehensive approach to oral care and applying principles to promote good oral health and the prevention of oral and dental diseases
  • 47 - Educating and motivating patients in the area of oral and dental diseases, controlling pathogenic oral habits,
  • 48 - Being aware of the effects of tobacco on oral health and participating in measures which help patients who want to give up their smoking habit. Also, knowing about the complex interaction between the environmental, social and behavioural factors related to oral and general health
  • 49 - Knowing the procedures to carry out an oral healthcare diagnosis in the community and how to interpret the results
  • 50 - Knowing the repercussions demographic and epidemiological trends have in terms of dental practice
  • 51 - Knowing about the organisation and provision of oral healthcare in the community, both private and public, as well as general healthcare and the role of the dentist in these fields
  • 52 - Creating and carrying out oral healthcare programmes and knowing about the inter-institutional and inter-professional coordination that is required to do so
  • 55 - Recognising that the patient is the centre of attention and that all the interaction, including the prevention, diagnosis, planning and carrying out of the treatment and maintenance, and must support their best interests, always avoiding any type of discrimination and respecting confidentiality
  • 63 - Having knowledge of human nutrition, particularly the connection between nutritional habits or diet with the maintenance of good health and the prevention of oral and dental diseases

Learning outcomes of the subject

Community Dentistry knowledge are increasingly required to practice dentistry care level.

The study Dentistry society is like a patient, studying different methods to promote oral health and prevent oral diseases, both individually and collectively.

Community Dentistry discipline is responsible for the prevention and treatment of oral health problems in the community, not only aimed at preventing the disease, but also to restore health and is related to the general health services planning and management


  • 1.33 - Will know better the scientific method and will have critical capacity to assess the established knowledge and new information
  • 1.34 - Will get the rudiments to assess published basic research
  • 1.35 - Will manage better than at the beginning of the subject, contemporary information technologies
  • 1.37 - Will value as necessary the knowledge throughout life
  • 2.03 - Analyze social aspects that influence in the behavior of healthy and sick person
  • 2.06 - Develop appropriate research questions
  • 2.07 - Prepare a report / publication according to scientific disclosure regulations (CONSORT)
  • 2.08 - Know how to read scientific literature critically and recognize its parts
  • 2.09 - Designing a research protocol
  • 2.10 - Understand the fundamental concepts related to epidemiology and the scientific process
  • 2.11 - Understand and interpret the fundamental concepts of bio statistics related to dentistry
  • 3.22 - Knowledge of smoking and its treatment
  • 5.05 - Collect accurate and documented information on a research topic of an area of dentistry
  • 5.07 - Encourage professional activities involving the revitalization of research in dentistry.


  1.     Tema 1 Introduction. General concepts of community health
        Tema 2 Community dentistry
        Tema 3 Health Education
        Tema 4 Health planning I
        Tema 5 Health planning II
        Tema 6 Health planning II
        Tema 7 Quantitative research
        Tema 8 Epidemiology applied in dentistry
        Tema 9 Study design I
        Tema 10 Study design II
        Tema 11 Cualitative research
        Tema 12 Health models
          Health models
        Tema 13 Social Odontology
        Tema 14 Environmental health
          Occupational health in dentistry. Biosecurity

Teaching and learning activities

In person

The work plan for the course consists of group discussions, theoretical and practical experience, reading and critical analysis of literature presentations.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

The evaluation will be individually and continuously. The final grade for the course will be set from the following items:

10% Attendance to all sessions and group discussions (10% if all sessions are attending; 5% if they attend 11 of the 15 meetings, 0% if you attend less than 11 sessions)

10% Rating deliverable 1.

20% Rating deliverable 2.

10% Rating deliverable 3.

50% exam grade.

Bibliography and resources

  • Daly B, Batchelor P. Essential dental public health. 2ned.Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013.Jiménez Villa J, Argimon Pallàs JM, Martín Zurro A, Vilardell Tarrés M, editores. Publicación científica biomédica: Cómo escribir y publicar un artículo de investigación. Barcelona: Elsevier España, 2010.
  • Cuenca E,  Baca P. Odontología Preventiva y Comunitaria: principios, métodos y aplicacines. 3a ed. Barcelona: Masson, 2005.
  • Gluck G, Morangstein W. Jong’sCommunity Dental Health. 5th ed. 2011 Mosby.
  • Brian A.Burt , Stephen A. Eklund. Dentistry,  Dental Practice & the Community. 6th ed. St. Louis: Elsevier Saunders,  2005.
  • Mason J. Concepts in dental públic Health. 2ned. Philadelphia:  Masson, 2010 
  • Gordis L. Epidemiología. 3ª ed. Ediciones. Madrid: Elsevier, 2005
  • Szklo M, Nieto J. Epideimiología intermedia: Conceptos y Aplicaciones. Díaz de Santos; 2003.
  • Gofin J, Gofin R. Salud comunitaria global. Principios, métodos y programas en el Mundo. Barcelona: Elsevier España; 2012