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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Teaching and Learning the Experimental Sciences 1

Teaching and Learning the Experimental Sciences 1
First semester
Main language of instruction: Catalan

Other languages of instruction: Spanish

Teaching staff

Afternoon Group: Tuesdays 18:30h to 19:20h by appointment.

Morning Group: Tuesdays from  10:00 am to 10:30 am by appointment.


This subject for prospective teachers of primary school aims to provide an overview of the fundamental contents of the experimental sciences, which will serve as a basis to achieve the maximum utilization of the e. and a. experimental sciences II and III that will be taught in the course. At the same time, through the different theoretical and practical sessions on the subject, will work the specific competences of the experimental sciences, the cross-disciplinary skills and general skills that are listed below.

Pre-course requirements

It is recommended but not essential, to review the general knowledge about the experimental sciences have been able to receive during secondary education.


3.1. Knowing what content should be worked with school children from the stage of primary education according to the current legislation (Royal Decree 157/2022, BOE; Decree 175/2022, DOGC).

3.2. Acquiring the basic knowledge about the experimental sciences necessary to tackle with sufficient solvency of the teaching and learning of subjects in experimental sciences II and III, in which in addition to expand knowledge, there will be special emphasis on the "form" in which this knowledge will be transmitted.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CEM-25 - To understand the basic principles and fundamental laws of the experimental sciences (physics, chemistry, biology and geology).
  • CEM-26 - To be familiar with the school curriculum for these sciences.
  • CEM-27 - To consider and resolve problems associated with science in daily life.
  • CEM-28 - To value the sciences as a cultural item.
  • CEM-29 - To recognize the mutual influences of science, society and technological development, as well as pertinent citizen behaviour, in attaining a sustainable future.
  • CEM-30 - To develop and evaluate curriculum content through appropriate teaching resources, and to promote the acquisition of basic skills by pupils.
  • CET-2 - Pedagogical responsibility: to have the knowledge and teaching skills required to create a safe learning environment for both classes and groups, but also for individual students, in order that children can become responsible, independent adults.
  • CET-4 - Expertise in the subject taught and teaching methodologies: to have the required knowledge in the subject taught and to know which teaching methods should be applied to create a good learning environment where students can acquire the cultural baggage they need to live in society. and to do so in an up-to-date, professional and systematic manner.
  • CG-02 - To communicate clearly and correctly in the language of instruction (Catalan and Spanish), orally and in writing, in accordance with level C1 in the Common European Framework of Reference for languages (CEFR).

Learning outcomes of the subject

5.1. Understands the basic principles and fundamental laws of the experimental sciences (physics, chemistry, biology and Earth sciences).
5.2. Knows de curriculum of these sciences. 
5.3. Raises and solves problems associated with sciences in daily life. 
5.4. Recognizes the influence between science and society and technological development, as well as the behaviour of citizens, to ensure a sustainable future.
5.5. Carries out research work. Looking for sources, quotes authors.
5.6. Learns experimental sciences from real situations.


Afternoon Group - Ariadna Bonet


Main environmental problems. Ethical solutions to the environmental crisis: International Summits on Sustainable Development. Concept of Sustainable Development. The ecological footprint, an indicator of the degree of sustainability.



Distribution of water in the earth. Water cycle. Currents and waves. Rivers and aquifers. Main environmental problems related to water (pollution of the sea, rivers, aquifers and drought) and its link with social and economic aspects. Consequences and possible solutions to mitigate them.



Layers of the atmosphere. Atmospheric weather and climate. Climatic factors. Meteorology. Main atmospheric environmental problems and their link with social and economic aspects (climate change and air pollution); possible solutions to mitigate them



Basic concepts of physics: mass, volume, density, etc. States of matter. Levels of organization of matter. Mixtures and solutions. Chemical reactions in our environment. Experimentation with changes in the state of water and its reversibility. Materials. Classification of materials. Reduction, reuse and recycling of waste.



Mornings Group - Ainhoa Fernández 

Methods of experimental sciences. Limitations and contributions of science. 

Natural systems. The Earth as a system. Living beings and the ecosystems. Homeostasis.

Charateristics of life. Functions of the living beings. Adaptation and evolution of life. 

Levels of organization of matter: from the Univers to the atoms. 

Teaching and learning activities

In person

The learning activities are aimed at students to acquire the basic knowledge that will serve as a support for future subjects, so that, you can get the maximum performance (table 1).

As a whole, the teaching and learning of subjects in experimental sciences (I, II, and III), are designed in such a way that the contents that have been working in the classroom of elementary school [in the context of the area of the Sciences of nature (Royal Decree 157/2022; BOE or knowledge of the Natural Environment (Decree 175/2022; DOGC)] were dealing with a level of complexity and depth each time.

At the same time, these contents, which begin in the subject and being fundamentally conceptual, were gradually accompanied by procedures and resources (in the II and III) that develop the skills and attitudes expected of a competent teacher for the exercise of their profession.


Training Activity


Theoretical clases

Practical classes

Group study and work

Individual study and work

Master Lesson (LM)

 Projects-oriented Learning (AOP) 


Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

Afternoon Group - Ariadna Bonet

The weighting of the various parts will be shown in the table 2. You will need a 4.5 at least on each side to make the weighted average.



% nota

Type of Activity


1. Attendance and participation in the classroom


Individual and collective work in the classroom. Punctuality and attention.

Contributions and degree of involvement.

Read and comment on scientific articles and presentations


2.Experimental Lab practices


Cooperative and experimental work in heterogeneous groups.

15 and 22 October   (19:30-21:00)

3 and 10 December   (19:30-21:00)

3. Individual work





Individual work: article HOME, Cooking recipe

1 october: article HOME

17 december: Cooking recipe

4. Individual written test


Midterm exam

Final exam

5 november 2024 : Topics 1-2

7 January 2025: Topics 1-2-3-4 


 You should attend 80% of the classes to calculate the weighted average. Otherwise, the subject will be marked as failed. It is necessary to present stamped documents in physical form to justify absences. 

Spelling mistakes will be penalized as follows:

- On written assignments of a maximum of 7 pages, 0.1 will be deducted for failure if it is a handwritten assignment, and 0.3 if it was written with a computer.

- For written work of more than 7 pages, 0.1 will be deducted per failure, whether it is handwritten or written on a computer.

The maximum deduction limit is 2 points.

Repeated mistakes will be deducted individually.

If plagiarism is detected in a work, it will receive a grade of 0 and cannot be recovered.


Mornings Group - Ainhoa Fernández

The weighting of the various parts will be shown in the table 2. You will need a 4.5 at least on each side to make the weighted average.



% nota

Type of Activity


1. Attendance and participation in the classroom


Individual and collective work in the classroom. Punctuality and attention.

Contributions and degree of involvement.

Read and comment on scientific articles and presentations


2.Transversal Sostainability Workshop 


Cooperative and experimental work in heterogeneous groups.

21st of Novembre

3. Individual written test





You should attend 80% of the classes to calculate the weighted average. Otherwise, the subject will be marked as failed. It is necessary to present stamped documents in physical form to justify absences. 

Spelling mistakes will be penalized as follows:

- On written assignments of a maximum of 7 pages, 0.1 will be deducted for failure if it is a handwritten assignment, and 0.3 if it was written with a computer.

- For written work of more than 7 pages, 0.1 will be deducted per failure, whether it is handwritten or written on a computer.

The maximum deduction limit is 2 points.

Repeated mistakes will be deducted individually.

If plagiarism is detected in a work, it will receive a grade of 0 and cannot be recovered.

Bibliography and resources

9.1. Basic bibliography

CAÑAL P. (Coord);Mellado;  Gutiérrez; Jaén;  Luna;  Hernández;  Perales;  Ojeda;  De Pro; Cano. (2011). Biología y Geología. Investigación, innovación y buenas prácticas. Ministerio de Educación. Graó. Vol III. Primera edició.

CURTIS, H.Barnes, Scnek, Massarini. (2008). Biologia. Editorial Médica Panamericana (7ª edición en español). Buenos Aires.

GENERALITAT DE CATALUNYA. Departament d’Ensenyament (2015): Curriculum Educació Primària.

NIEVES, JM. (2006). Hablemos de ciencia. EDAF.


9.2. Bibliography of extension

AYLLÓN, J.R. i RICO, O (2012). La pel·lícula de la vida. Casals. Barcelona,

CODINA, E. (2008). Fem contes de ciència. Barcelona. Fundació la Caixa

FISHER, L. (2004). Cómo mejorar una galleta. La ciencia en la vida cotidiana. Mondadori.

FOLCH, R., FRANQUESA, T. & CAMARASA, J.M. (1984). Vegetació. Història Natural dels Països Catalans. vol 7. Ed. Enciclopèdia Catalana. Barcelona.

MARCO, B. (1992) Historia de la ciencia. Los científicos y sus descubrimientos. Madrid. Narcea-MEC.

MARGULIS, Lynn; SAGAN, D. (1996). ¿Qué es la vida? Tusquets Editores

Teaching and learning material