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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Language Teaching and Literature 3

Language Teaching and Literature 3
First semester
Main language of instruction: Catalan

Other languages of instruction: Spanish

Teaching staff

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This subject encourages students to be aware of children's and young people's literature at school, and it offers teaching strategies to bring students closer to the correct selection of texts. 



- To be aware of the importance of language in society and it's treatment in schools.

- To know how to establish specific work plans in multilingual contexts, using an entrepreneurial spirit.

- To make known relevant children's and young adult works of different literary genres and trends.

- To carry out interpretative readings of literary texts and provide necessary strategies.

- To promote students' critical and aesthetic ability.

- To learn to value the purpose of children's literature in the school, in children from six to twelve years of age.

- To reach analitical and assessment standards of media for children's and young adult literature.

- To use tools and resources to promote children's literature and reading encouragement.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CEM-45 - To acquire literary knowledge and be familiar with childrenÂ’s literature.
  • CEM-49 - To foment reading and the critical commentary of texts and to encourage writing.
  • CEM-53 - To develop and evaluate curriculum content through appropriate teaching resources, and to promote the corresponding basic skills in pupils.
  • CET-1 - Interpersonal responsibility: to be aware of professional performance and influence on students. To have the skills and knowledge to manage group processes and communication for good collaboration with and between students.
  • CET-3 - Expertise in the subject taught and teaching methodologies: to have the required knowledge in the subject taught and to know which teaching methods should be applied to create a good learning environment where students can acquire the cultural baggage they need to live in society. and to do so in an up-to-date, professional and systematic manner.
  • CET-5 - Collaboration with colleagues in the profession: to have the knowledge and skills required to make a professional contribution to the teaching environment in the school, in professional relationships, and to achieve a good school organization.
  • CG-02 - To communicate clearly and correctly in the language of instruction (Catalan and Spanish), orally and in writing, in accordance with level C1 in the Common European Framework of Reference for languages (CEFR).
  • CG-03 - To be able to communicate in English at level B1, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for languages (CEFR).
  • CG-04 - To promote and facilitate attention to the unique educational needs of students, gender equality, fairness and respect for human rights, in the contexts of learning and social harmony, both in the school and in relation to the surroundings.
  • CG-09 - To be familiar with the elements that make up creativity, the different levels of proficiency and how to develop this skill as much as possible.
  • CG-10 - To be familiar with the elements that make up entrepreneurial spirit, the different levels of proficiency and how to develop this skill as much as possible.
  • CG-11 - To be familiar with the elements that make up the quality-based approach, the different levels of proficiency and how to develop this skill as much as possible.

Learning outcomes of the subject

3. Understands the importance of language in society and it's treatment in the school.

6. Programmes the area of language and literature on the basis of the competencies established in the primary level curriculum, oriented towards quality. (*PLC)

10. Establishes specific work plans designed for multilingual contexts with an entrepreneurial spirit.

11. Understands the importance of literature and sets it in the context of study.

12. Knows and understands what literary competence entails and it's role in the primary level curriculum.

13. Uses methodological techniques to promote literary strategies, and does so with an entrepreneurial spirit.

14. Is acquainted with the different literary options adequate for the different primary cycles.

15. Controls the different literary genres which can be worked at primary level.


13. Epistemological framework of Language and Literature Didactics: psychological, sociological y pedagogical foundations.

14. Language and school.

22. Language learning situations in multilingual contexts: plans, resources and strategies.

24. The literary competence in primary level education.

25. Methodological strategies to promote literary competence.

26. Children's and young adult literature in primary level education.

27. The literary genres in children's and young adult literature.

Bibliography and resources

Colomer, T. (1999). “Las funciones de la literatura infantil y juvenil”. T. Colomer, Introducción a la literatura infantil y juvenil, Madrid: Editorial Síntesis, 15-62.

Colomer, T. (2002). Siete llaves para valorar las historias infantiles. Madrid: Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez. (Disponible a

Janer Manila, G. (2002). La literatura infantil en l’univers de l’antropologia de l’educació. T. Colomer (ed.), La literatura infantil i juvenil catalana: un segle de canvis, Bellaterra: ICE de la UAB, 23-29.

“La lectura: camí d’èxit personal, educatiu i social”, Guix, 382, 2012, 5.

Lluch, G. (2003). Análisis de narrativas infantiles y juveniles. Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha.

Molist, P. (2012). Dins del mirall, Barcelona: Graó.

Portell, J. (2004). “Els llibres imprescindibles. 10. Què llegir?”. J. Portell (ed.) M’agrada llegir, Badalona: Ara Llibres, 146-152.

Valriu, C. (1998). “Concepte”. C. Valriu, Història de la literatura infantil i juvenil catalana, Barcelona: La Galera, 13-24.

Fenollera, M. S. (2022). De libros, padres e hijos. Ediciones Rialp, SA.

Austen, J., & Preses, E. (1985). Orgull i prejudici. La Butxaca.



Rodari, G. (1996). The Grammar of Fantasy. New York, NY: Philmark

Short, K. G., Lynch-Brown, C. M. & Tomlinson, C. M. (2014). Essentials of
Children’s Literature. Carmel, Indiana: Pearson