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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

School Internships 2

School Internships 2
Second semester
School internships
Main language of instruction: Catalan

Other languages of instruction: English, Spanish

Teaching staff

The seminars have been officially established and approved by the Faculty of Education at UIC. Supervisors will set the specific time in which seminars will be held. 


School placement II as a fundamental part of teacher education aims to offer a wide range of experiences to our students in order to enhance their knowledge and their teaching practices in actual school contexts. For this reason, students will be provided with the opportunity to come into contact with different educational institutions, which will enrich their own personal and professional background.

School placement II is held in the second term of the third year. 

The subject is worth 15 ECTS credits, which include the actual placement, attendance to seminars and tutorial sessions, whcih are compulsory, and individual work.

'School placements' involves guided intervention and the opportunity to relate theory and practice. In addition to observations in the areas of mathematics, language, and science, student teachers are expected to design and implement a teaching unit in accordance with curricular standards and school needs, and to reflect on and assess the experince.

School placements for 2017-2018 will be held from 16th of April to 25th of  May 2017 during school opening hours. Exceptionally, the students who are eligible for schedule adjustment (Otpion 1 - Option 2) and who applied for it during the application period will need to make a timetable proposal to their university supervisor following the Practicum guidelines, once their request has been aproved by the Practicum Committee.

(1) Whenever required for some justifiable special reason, school placement II can take place from the 2nd of October till the 17th of November, 2018.



Pre-course requirements

Students need to have passed 'School Placements I' and the third-year subjects which are linked to the three areas of observation (language, maths and science).


School Placements II include an element of guided intervention and aims to offer student teachers the opportunity to carry out observations and occasional interventions in the classroom under the supervision of their school mentor. University supervisors will offer students further guidance and support regarding the design of the students' unit plan , which is to be implemented in the classroom.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CEM-59 - To acquire a practical knowledge of the classroom and its management.
  • CEM-60 - To be aware of and employ interactive and communicative processes in the classroom, as well as to master the social skills and abilities required to promote an environment favouring learning and classroom harmony.
  • CEM-61 - To monitor the educational process, especially the teaching and learning processes, through mastery of the necessary techniques and strategies.
  • CEM-62 - To relate theory and practice to the classroom and school context.
  • CEM-63 - To participate in teaching activity and learn how to do, act and reflect based on practice.
  • CET-2 - Pedagogical responsibility: to have the knowledge and teaching skills required to create a safe learning environment for both classes and groups, but also for individual students, in order that children can become responsible, independent adults.
  • CET-3 - Expertise in the subject taught and teaching methodologies: to have the required knowledge in the subject taught and to know which teaching methods should be applied to create a good learning environment where students can acquire the cultural baggage they need to live in society. and to do so in an up-to-date, professional and systematic manner.
  • CET-4 - Expertise in the subject taught and teaching methodologies: to have the required knowledge in the subject taught and to know which teaching methods should be applied to create a good learning environment where students can acquire the cultural baggage they need to live in society. and to do so in an up-to-date, professional and systematic manner.
  • CG-01 - To integrate information and communication technologies in teaching and learning activities, teaching management and professional development.
  • CG-02 - To communicate clearly and correctly in the language of instruction (Catalan and Spanish), orally and in writing, in accordance with level C1 in the Common European Framework of Reference for languages (CEFR).
  • CG-03 - To be able to communicate in English at level B1, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for languages (CEFR).
  • CG-09 - To be familiar with the elements that make up creativity, the different levels of proficiency and how to develop this skill as much as possible.

Learning outcomes of the subject

  • Manage a group class effectively taking into account the diversity of the students.
  • Plan the teaching and learning across the board, disciplinary and interdisciplinary.
  • Plan and adapt the techniques and strategies to the needs arising in the classroom context and the educational needs of students.
  • Identifies learning difficulties and appropriate assistance activities designed to solve them, tailoring interventions to the needs of students and the context.
  • Generate alternatives innovative and original approach to the situation.
  • It uses forms of organization, educational media and materials in accordance with the objectives and learning activities.
  • Has a working knowledge of behavioral psychology to analyze and understand their own behavior and that of others.
  • Work to develop their competence in a systematic way based on a thorough analysis of skills.
  • Integrate information technology and communication in the teaching-learning in management education and professional development.
  • Communicates and expressed correctly in the language of instruction in oral and written form.
  • Is able to express the information using charts and graphs that clearly highlights relevant information.
  • Coherently integrates different perspectives, sources, theoretical dimensions to analyze reality.
  • Generalized with caution and critical from the observations.
  • Recognizes the responsibility of actors in multiple problems, evaluating and judging the implications of considering one or the other as a reference to analyze problems and roles.
  • It asks questions inquiring into reality, makes their own judgments and evaluations from systematic reflection, showing a process of personal growth.
  • Judgments based on internal criteria (consistency, consistency, consistency, reliability, etc..) And used as a basis for the arguments.
  • Show a process of identifying and overcoming their own previous experience from the reflection that we can face situations characteristic of mental block.
  • His reasoning represents a complete and with an organization that reflects the structure of his thought.
  • It argues that there are several ways to solve problems and propose innovative solutions.
  • Transmitted to other new ideas generated and is understandable.
  • Keep progression in deepening and developing their work, reflected in a deep and personal involvement.
  • Systematically reviewed the use of resources, according to research at what point is, and makes decisions by adjusting its action plan to improve efficiency.


  • Planning programs, projects as well as shared innovative educational processes
  • Managing unexpected situations and decision making: integrating knowledge to solve problems
  • Classroom management by means of educational activities
  • Strategies applied to the school and its relationship to the theoretical framework
  • Intervention strategies in learning difficulties and learning disabilities
  • Actual interventions in the classroom to foster reflection on own practices and those of others
  • Implicit theories and changing thinking based on analysis and reflection on practice
  • Functionality of knowledge: effecttive application of strategies in various situations
  • Workin in real settings: planning and participation in the classroom
  • Models of educational practice and classroom management and assessment depending on the context
  • Teaching resources applied to education
  • Knowledge and general description of the school and its relationship with the environment
  • Observation as a recording instrument
  • Responsibility as a key element in the teacher education and in the development of professional identity
  • The skills needed to make a professional contribution to the educational climate of the school
  • Techonologies as a tool for improving teaching and learning processes

Teaching and learning activities

In person

The knowledge received in manstream subjects, including language, math and science will enable students to carry out and interpret observations in the classroom.

To create the practicum portfolio students will need to use materials from the subjects.

Training activities will include:

 - Seminars

- Placements

- Individual Tutorials

- Study and individual work


Before school placements:

Before the first seminar is held, the coordination secretary will hand out the documents that student teachers will need to submit to the training centre prior to the commencement of the placement period. For this reason, once the students have received said documents, they will need to contact their training centre by phone (see Excel sheet sent out as an attachment) in order to make an appointment. Students need to submit the documents mentioned above to the school coordinator they day they meet. Once the coordinator has signed the three copies of the annex to the agreement, the students will keep two of the three copies. One of those two copies will need to be submitted to their university supervisor in the first seminar, whereas the other one is for the student. 


The documents enclosed in the envelope include

  • 3 copies of the annexes to the agreement, including the training centre, the university supervisor's name,  the student teacher's name, and the placement period. 
  • A letter to the headmaster and the school coordinator
  • The programme's guidelines

During the placement period:

Student teachers will need to:

  • Keep to the schedule set according to the dates and time set in the documents.
  • Inform their mentor and their university supervisor of their absences, which will need to be justified. 
  • Abide by the school rules and regulations.
  • Make sure that their mentor has the documents that were submitted to the coordinator (guidelines, university supervisor's details, evaluation sheet).
  • Discuss with their mentor the type of unit plan (UP) that they will create and implement (for at least one week)
  • Send an email message to their supervisor with their mentor's contact details, including name, email address, work phone number, office hours.
  • Be in touch with their university supervisor regularly and ask them any necessary questions.

Programme breakdown

Weeks 1 & 2

  1. Classroom observation based on the prompt. Identifying the group's main characteristics in order to design the UP effectively.
  2. Designing the UP under the mentor's guidance following the programme guidelines.
  3. Participation in the classroom activities.
  4. Getting in touch with their supervisor when necessary.

Weeks 3 & 4

  1. Implementation of the UP and self-assessment.
  2. Participation in the classroom activities.
  3. Getting in touch with their supervisor when necessary.
Weeks 5 & 6
  1. Completing the remaining tasks stated in the guidelines.
  2. Participating in the classroom activities.
  3. Getting in touch with their supervisor when necessary.

After the placement period:

  • Attending and participating actively in the follow-up seminar.
  • Submitting the practicum portfolio on the date set. Student should attach their mentor's envelope with their assessment sheet enclosed. Student teachers need to collect it on the last day of their placement period.
  • Attending an individual tutorial with their supervisor at the supervisor's request once their portfolio has been marked.



CEM-59 CEM-60 CEM-61 CEM-62 CEM-63 CET-2 CET-3 CET-4 CG-01 CG-02 CG-03 CG-09 project-based learning
learning contract
case study method
practical classes
theory classes
individual / independent study and work.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person


School placements assessment will indicate the extent to which the course competences have been achieved. Mentors and supervisors are responsible for this.

Formative assessment (qualitative) enables evaluators to foresee student teachers' performing patterns in future teaching situations and to understand their present evolution. On the other hand, summative evaluation will offer the student teacher's final mark for the school placement, which will appear in the student's records.

The evaluation of the course consists of three distinct elements. Students must pass all three elements to pass the course. Interruption of the placement period will mean failing the subject (see course materials).

School placements will be evaluated on the basis of:

  • The mentor's assessment sheet (based on the students' attitudes and skills). Please, note taht the evaluation sheet used in hospital schools where learning  service projects are carried out is usually different. (35%)
  • Active participation in the seminars. (15%)
  • The quality of the portfolio. (50%)

Portfolio Extension: Between 30 and 35 pages. Annexes shall be included at the back. 

Language: Catalan

Initial Seminar: 12 April, 2018

Follow-up seminar: 30th 31 th  May,  2018

Submission of Memory to tutors: 4st June, 2018

Corrections and marks: 11th June, 2018

Closing of records: June, the 14th, 2018

Students will be evaluated according to the criteria used for all subjects:

Marks will follow the scale below:

Excel·lent (9-10)
Notable (7 to 8.9)
Aprovat (5-6.9)
Insuficient (3-4.9)
Deficient (0-2.9)
NC - no corregit. Students whose portfolios do not meet basic quality standards regarding formal aspects will be given the chance to amend and resubmit their work within one week. Portfolios that are re-submitted in these circumstances will be marked on a pass/fail basis.

The students' final grade will be numerical. In order to pass the subject, students need to pass all of its components, including seminars and workshops, the actual school placement period, and the portfolio. Students will only be able to take re-assessment in the event that they fail to submit the portfolio on time or at the supervisor's request via NC (see scale above). The actual school placement period cannot be extended under any circumstances, for which reason re-assessment will only apply in the cases mentioned above. This also means that the portfolio cannot be amended in terms of content.

Awarding MH (honours) involves a special mention for excellence regarding level of achievement, content, formal aspects and assessment practices as a whole (workshops submitted work, tutor evaluation sheet). MH can only be proposed by university supervisors.

MH cannot be entered directly on the students' record. Supervisors who wish to award an MH to a student will need to make a formal proposal to the Practicum Committee because the number of MH that can be awarded is limited.

Bibliography and resources


CELA, J. i PALOU, J.(2008). Va de mestres. Carta als mestres que comencen. Col·lecció testimonis. Barcelona: Associació de mestres Rosa Sensat.

CELA, J.(2001) Calaix de mestre. Barcelona: Associació de mestres Rosa Sensat. ISBN:84-891 149-95-X.

FUERTES, M.T. (2011). La observación de las prácticas educativas como elemento de evaluación y de mejora de la calidad en la formación inicial y continua del profesorado. Revista de Docenci Universitaria vol9, nº 3. A:

FUSTER, C. (2005). La volta a l'escola en vuitanta mons. Col·lecció testimonis. Barcelona: Associació de Mestres Rosa Sensat.

PUIG. JM. (1999). Feina d'educar. Barcelona: Edicions 62. Rosa Sensat.