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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

School Internships 2

School Internships 2
First semester
School internships
Main language of instruction: Catalan

Other languages of instruction: English, Spanish,

Teaching staff


Compulsory seminars and reflection sessions are established. The tutors specify the time slot and the classroom. Students can make specific enquiries by e-mail, and tutorials can be requested by students or the tutor.



Face to face. On Mondays and Wednesdays from 10 to 10:15 and from 12 to 12:15 previously confirmed by e-mail

E-mail address:


Internships, as a fundamental element and basic axis within the initial training of teachers at our university, offer a wide range of experiences to our students to enrich as much as possible their knowledge and training about the school environment. For this reason, students will have the opportunity, throughout their studies, to come into contact with different institutions that will enrich their personal and professional background.

The teaching load of the subject is 15 ECTS credits in total, and in the case of the PEII A EI *, apart from the seminars, the stay at the centers, the individual tutorials and the individual work (ETI) include 1 ECTS (5 Curricular Deployment Seminars 0-3 of 2 hours with teacher Elena Pereta, on the following days:

  • September 13 and 20 from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m
  • October 18 and 25 from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m
  • November 15 from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m.
*Attendance at these seminars is not mandatory for DT students who have already done internships in the other specialty.

The PEII have two modalities and you will find the calendars with the dates at the end of this teaching guide:

1. Modality of alternating practices (PEII A). Alternation training that combines external practices at training centers with classes at the university and attendance at seminars with the university tutor.

2. Double degree intensive practice modality (PEII DT). Training for six intensive weeks.

The specific details of the work plan and the evaluation rubrics are collected in the corresponding Moodles.



Pre-course requirements

  • It is necessary to have taken the subject of School Practices I and, in the case of work placements, to be taking the subjects taught during the first semester of the 3rd year.

  • The certificate of negative sexual offenses must be presented to the training centre, together with the other documentation provided by the secretariat.

  • In the cases where it is required, a medical certificate must be presented before the start of the internships certifying that the student is not prevented from doing them.


One of the aims of PE II is to promote critical-reflective thinking, which is fundamental to the teaching profession, through guided intervention. During their stay at the centres, students will have the opportunity to relate and enrich the theory learned during the course with the practice and experience in the classroom.

Apart from carrying out systematic observations, they will have to prepare a programme adjusted to the curricular regulations and the needs of the centre. Subsequently, they will have to implement it in the classroom, reflecting on and evaluating this intervention and the achievement of the personal and professional skills that arise from it. The monitoring and support of the practices is the responsibility of the tutor at the UIC and the mentor at the training centre.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CEM-01 - To understand the educational and learning processes in the 0-6 year age period, in the family, social and school contexts.
  • CEM-13 - To attend to the needs of the students and transmit confidence, calmness and affection to them.
  • CEM-14 - To understand that systematic observation is a basic tool for reflecting on practice and reality, as well as for contributing to innovation and improvements in childhood education.
  • CEM-17 - To know how to analyse data obtained, comprehend reality in a critical way and draw up a report with conclusions.
  • CEM-33 - To know the scientific, mathematical and technological basics of the curriculum of this stage, as well as the theories about acquisition and development of the corresponding knowledge.
  • CEM-59 - To acquire a practical knowledge of the classroom and its management.
  • CEM-62 - To relate theory and practice to the classroom and school context.
  • CEM-63 - To participate in teaching activity and learn how to do, act and reflect based on practice.
  • CET-2 - Pedagogical responsibility: to have the knowledge and teaching skills required to create a safe learning environment for both classes and groups, but also for individual students, in order that children can become responsible, independent adults.
  • CET-4 - Expertise in the subject taught and teaching methodologies: to have the required knowledge in the subject taught and to know which teaching methods should be applied to create a good learning environment where students can acquire the cultural baggage they need to live in society. and to do so in an up-to-date, professional and systematic manner.
  • CET-7 - To promote responsibility in terms of professional development: to analyse, reflect on and develop points of view about the profession and teaching skills, to know how to make these clear and how to bring them up to date.
  • CG-02 - To communicate clearly and correctly in the language of instruction (Catalan and Spanish), orally and in writing, in accordance with level C1 in the Common European Framework of Reference for languages (CEFR).
  • CG-05 - To be familiar with the elements that make up analytical thinking, the different levels of proficiency and how to develop this skill as much as possible.
  • CG-06 - To be familiar with the elements that make up systemic thinking, the different levels of proficiency and how to develop this skill as much as possible.
  • CG-08 - To be familiar with the elements that make up reflective thinking, the different levels of proficiency and how to develop this skill as much as possible.
  • CG-09 - To be familiar with the elements that make up creativity, the different levels of proficiency and how to develop this skill as much as possible.
  • CG-11 - To be familiar with the elements that make up the quality-based approach, the different levels of proficiency and how to develop this skill as much as possible.

Learning outcomes of the subject

4- Plan the teaching and learning process in a transversal, disciplinary and interdisciplinary way.
6- Plan and adapt the techniques and strategies according to the contextual needs generated in the classroom and the educational needs of the students.
7- Identifies learning difficulties and designs appropriate activities and aids to solve them, adapting the interventions to the needs of the students and the context.
8- Generate innovative and original alternatives in the way of defocusing the situations.
11- Uses/recognizes forms of organization, didactic supports and educational materials in accordance with learning objectives and activities.
15- He has sufficient knowledge of the psychology of behavior to analyze and understand his own behavior and that of others.
16- Work for the development of your competence systematically on the basis of a good analysis of the competences.
18- Communicates and expresses himself correctly in the language of instruction orally and in writing.
21- Integrates with coherence the various perspectives, sources, theoretical dimensions to analyze reality.
22- Generalize with caution and a critical sense based on observations.
25- He asks questions by investigating reality, formulates his own judgments and evaluations based on systematic reflection, thus showing a process of personal growth.
30- Considers that there are several ways to solve problems and proposes innovative solutions.
36- Systematically reviews the use of resources, depending on the objectives, at what point it is, and makes decisions by adjusting the action plan to improve its effectiveness.


    • Planning of programs, projects, and innovative and shared educational processes
    • Uncertainty management and decision-making: knowledge integration for problem-solving
    • Classroom management based on the application of didactic proposals
    • Strategies applied at school and their relationship with the theoretical framework
    • Strategies for intervention with regard to learning difficulties and disorders
    • One's own practicum and that of others: occasional interventions in the classroom
    • Implicit theories and a shift in thinking based on analysis of and reflection on the practicum
    • Functionality of knowledge: effective implementation in different situations
    • Work in real situations: planning and participation in the classroom
    • Models of educational practice, classroom management, and assessment depending on the context
    • Didactic resources applied to training
    • Knowledge and global description of the center and its relationship with the environment
    • Observation as a recording instrument
    • Responsibility as a key element in one's own training and in the teaching profession
    • Competencies necessary to professionally contribute to the pedagogical climate of the school
    • IT as a tool for improving the teaching and learning process

Teaching and learning activities

In person

The theoretical knowledge of the subjects of general education, language, mathematics and science will help students to make and interpret systematic observations and to make deep reflections in the corresponding records. At the same time, the experiences lived in the classroom will be the subject of analysis and will contribute to the linking of knowledge (academic and practical).

It is necessary to use the materials of the subjects to prepare the practical work.

The methodology of the practices includes:

S: Seminars at the university

PE: External practices at the center

ETI: Individual study and work

ETG: Group study and work

T: Individual tutorials

Before the practices:

Before the previous seminar, the documents will be managed from the practice secretary and will be delivered to the students so that they can take them to the centers. For the delivery, the regulations of each center will be followed.

This documentation includes:

  • 3 copies of the annexes of the internship agreement with the name of the internship center, the details of the university tutor, the details of the student and the internship period. There must be a copy signed by three parties for each of the parties (student, university and training center) that must be obtained before the start of the internship.
  • 1 cover letter for the director of the center, head of studies, coordinator or the person designated by the center.
  • 1 sheet with the work plan
  • The student must include the certificate of no sexual offenses

During the internship:

Students will have to:

  • Comply with their internship period and schedule that is included in the annexes of the documentation.
  • Notify the center and the university tutor in case of illness or absence, which they will have to justify.
  • Respect the regulations in force at the center.
  • Make sure that the documentation handed in on the day of the interview (SCRIPT and UIC tutor details) has reached the tutor at the centre.
  • Agree with the tutor at the centre to discuss the type of programming unit/project that you will have to implement according to the work plan.
  • Collect the following details from the tutor at the centre and send them by email to your university tutor: full name and course, email, contact telephone number and availability to be able to locate him/her. Send this information on the first day of the internship to the university tutor via email.
  • Contact the university tutor via email to communicate any doubts or possible problems.
  • Active and obligatory attendance and participation in both the reflection sessions planned by the subjects and the follow-up seminars planned with the university tutors.
  • Indicative schedule for the distribution of tasks during the practical period

1st and 2nd WEEK:

  • Observation in the classroom based on the instructions in the script and identifying the distinctive characteristics of the classroom and the students that will allow for collecting clues to plan the UP.
  • Planning the UP/project by mutual agreement with the tutors and in accordance with the practical script.
  • Participation in classroom activities
  • Contact with the UIC tutor for possible questions or comments regarding the practicals.

3rd and 4th WEEK:

  • Intervention in the classroom and evaluation of the intervention.
  • Participation in classroom activities.
  • Contact with the UIC tutor for possible questions or comments regarding the practicals.

5th and 6th WEEK:

  • Closing the learning dossier taking into account the reflective component.
  • Participation in classroom activities.
  • Contact with the UIC tutor for any questions or comments regarding the internship.

After the internship

  • Attendance and active participation in the subsequent seminar to transfer information with the university tutor.
  • Submission of the learning dossier on the scheduled date.
  • Attendance at individual tutoring once the dossier has been corrected.

CEM-59 CEM-60 CEM-61 CEM-62 CEM-63 CET-2 CET-3 CET-4 CG-01 CG-02 CG-03 CG-09 project-based learning
learning contract
case study method
practical classes
theory classes
individual / independent study and work.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

The evaluation of the practices will be aimed at verifying to what extent the selected skills have been achieved. The task of evaluating is the responsibility of the University teacher and the teacher/mentor of the practice training center.

The formative and formative (qualitative) assessment makes it possible to establish a performance profile of the future teacher and shows us what his evolution is. The summative evaluation will be the final result and serves as a global value of the practice activity and determine the qualification that will be recorded in the minutes.

The assessment of the internship subject consists of different parts, and you must pass all of them (mentoring report, participation in seminars, reflection sessions on the subjects and learning dossier) to pass the subject.

The detection of students' lack of competence detected in the center (Moodle document) will result in the suspension of the subject if they are not retaken within the indicated time, and the student will have to re-register to be able to repeat their internships on next year In these cases neither the oral defense nor the presentation of the dossier will be considered and the practices that are repeated will be intensive.


The PE II A alternating practices will be evaluated based on:

The report of the tutor of the educational institution and the personal interview between tutors (based on the attitudes and aptitudes of the student). 30%
Active participation in the various mandatory seminars with the tutors. 25%*
Active participation in reflection sessions in classes. 15% (only in the morning shift)
The quality of the learning dossier. 30%

Extension: You must follow the instructions in the work plan document uploaded on Moodle
Language: Catalan / English (depending on Degree).


Intensive PEII DT internships will be evaluated based on:

The report of the tutor of the educational institution and the personal interview between tutors (based on the attitudes and aptitudes of the student). 40%
Active participation in the various mandatory seminars with the tutors. 20%*
The quality of the learning dossier. 40%
*The calendar with the PEII seminars can be found at the end of the teaching guide.

The overall mark for the subject will be numerical and the student must approve the different elements that are included in the assessment in order to pass the subject (seminars, report from the center tutor, reflective sessions in the classroom and learning file). The activity notes will have an assessment based on the following scale:

Excellent (9-10)
Remarkable (7-8.9)
Passed (5-6.9)
Insufficient (3-4.9)
Poor (0-2.9)
NC - Not corrected. The dossier must be repeated for serious defects in form. Students have one week to make the formal correction of the work and can only obtain an APPROVED (5).
The second call for internships can only be considered when there is NP (presentation of the dossier outside the deadline or approved schedule adaptation plan), defects in the form of dossier work, failure to present reflections on the subjects) and the grade this part will be approved if it overcomes the defects of form and content.

MH (Honors Matriculation) assignments are a special mention that implies excellence in form and content of the internship assessment as a whole. They are proposed by the university tutor based on these criteria and never at the request of the students.

The MH (from 9.5 according to the Practice Regulations) cannot be assigned directly to the application. The tutors who propose them will have to agree on granting the MH given that the number of assignments is limited.

Bibliography and resources


SCHIAVONI, G. (2023). Materia etnográfica: de la observación de las técnicas a la técnica de la observación. Etnográfica (Oeiras, Portugal)27(2), 473–491.

FUERTES, M.T. (2011). La observación de las prácticas educativas como elemento de evaluación y de mejora de la calidad en la formación inicial y continua del profesorado. Revista de Docenci Universitaria vol9, nº 3. A:

CELA, J. i PALOU, J.(2008). Va de mestres. Carta als mestres que comencen. Col·lecció testimonis. Barcelona: Associació de mestres Rosa Sensat.

GAVARI, E. (2005) Estrategias para la observación de la práctica educativa. Editorial Universitaria Ramón Areces.

GUASCH, Ó. (2002). Observación participante. Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas.



Teaching and learning material