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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Classical Culture

Classical Culture
First semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan

Teaching staff


Classical Culture is one of the most essential elements upon which Western culture and civilisation has been built, serving as a precedent and a model for most of current cultural expressions. The past is thus an element that is still alive and that must be revisited and understood in the context of our present.

The course focuses its attention on some topics in Literature, Philosophy, Art and History. The main objective is to achieve an overall vision of the classical word, mainly focussing on the Greek and Latin culture and their legacy.

The course has a global approach and transverse structure, by connecting contents from different disciplines within the Degree in Cultural Sciences.

Pre-course requirements

No requirements needed


To bring the student closer to the Greco-Roman legacy in different fields like literature, philosophy and art.

To reflect on the survival of classical culture in the West and the mechanisms of transmission and interpretation of classical culture in western cultural manifestations: literature, art and philosophy. In this regard, a fundamental objective is to improve the knowledge of the Greco-Roman legacy in the cultural context of the student.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CN02 - Students will be able to identify models and policies specific to different cultures and migratory groups, as well as their historical context.
  • CP05 - Students will be able to analyse socio-cultural, historical and artistic structures, from a respect for the fundamental rights of equality between men and women, using language that avoids androcentricity and stereotypes.
  • HB03 - Students will be able to develop a coherent understanding and expression of ideas and arguments, both orally and in writing.
  • HB04 - Students will be able to develop the capacity for analysis, synthesis and critical thinking.
  • HB05 - Students will be able to problem solve based on reasoned judgements.
  • HB08 - Students will be able to research different humanistic disciplines based on an analysis and comparison of relevant information.
  • HB11 - Students will be able to critically analyse cultural and artistic representations, based on an understanding of their historical context, in order to develop an intercultural perspective and a deeper understanding of the contemporary world.
  • HB12 - Students will be able to adequately and effectively apply methods and techniques specific to different humanities disciplines when problem solving and when elaborating critical and well-founded arguments.
  • HB13 - Students will be able to draw connections between data derived from observations and relevant theories, following data interpretation.
  • HB17 - Students will be able to use data collection tools with a high degree of independence, such as library catalogues, archival inventories, documentary sources, electronic references and other resources.

Learning outcomes of the subject

1. Acquire key concepts about culture and cultural experiences

2. Applies theoretical knowledge in analysis and debates of face-to-face activities and in autonomous work

3. Know and select specific documentation about cultural experiences

5. Learn to contextualize cultural phenomena and relate them to their social and political dimension

6. Relate concepts of the different subjects worked across

7. Learn to diagnose problems in the cultural intellectual field

11. Analyze and diagnose cases of cultural complexity

Identifies and values the main historical, socio-political, scientific, literary and cultural achievements of the Greco-Roman world.

It identifies the main classical motifs in the cultural manifestations of later times.

Interpret and analyze primary (ancient) sources: texts and material culture.

It collects and interprets data and makes judgments about the social, scientific or ethical aspects of the ancient world and which have been present in later times.

Get to know and / or value the ancient heritage that is close to him/her.


History Specialized seminars: Greece. The creation of the polis. Sparta Athens Medical Wars and Peloponnesian War. Specialized seminars: Rome. The Roman Republic I. The Roman Republic II. Augustus, father of the Empire. The High Empire (1st-3rd century AD). Literature Man and Cosmos Myth and the Homeric world The Iliad The Odyssey Polis and politics The Greek polis Theater as a political and social genre Greek tragedy and the tragic Sophocles: Antigone and Oedipus the King Literature and writing in the Ancient World Genres and clichés of classical literature Written culture in Rome. Philosophy 1. The origins of thought 2. Sophistics and Socrates 3. Plato 4. Aristotle 5. Hellenism Art History Introduction Sources for the study of Ancient Art (Natural History of Pliny the Elder, Pompeii...). Greece 1. Pre-Hellenic art 1.1. Mycenaean art. 1.2. Minoan art 2. Greek architecture 2.1. Fundamental concepts: Materials and techniques. the orders Urban planning and architectural buildings. The genesis of the Greek temple. 2.2. Development of plants and the Doric and Ionic orders in archaic and classical temples. Basic concepts of Hellenistic temples. 2.3. The Acropolis and its buildings. 3. Greek sculpture 3.1. Fundamental concepts: Statuary and relief. Materials and techniques. 3.2. Archaic sculpture: kouros and korai. 3.3. Classical sculpture: Miró, Polycletus (the Canon), Praxiteles. 3.4. Hellenistic sculpture: Lysippus, the Laocoon, the Altar of Pergamum. 4. Greek ceramics and painting Rome 1. Urban planning and architecture. 1.1. The Roman city and its elements. 1.2. The Domus and the Island. 1.3. the forum 1.4. Religious architecture, the Pantheon. 1.5. Leisure architecture: theatres, amphitheatres, circuses. 2. Exempt sculpture and relief. 2.1. portrait 2.2. Monuments: Arc de Triomphe. Commemorative columns, the Ara Pacis of August. 3. Painting. The three styles of Pompeian painting.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

Each teacher will evaluate their part by means of an exam and/or a paper.

To obtain the final grade, the evaluation of each part or block must be passed.

The note of each block will be weighted based on the number of class credits completed.

In the event that a part of the subject is failed, it will be made up on the second call with an exam and/or work, depending on the part or parts failed.

In no case will the grades be kept on the third or fifth call. If a student fails in the second or fourth call, in no case will the approved grades of parts of the subject be saved.

The self-study tasks guided by the teacher and the presentations will also be evaluable elements, as well as the interest and regular attendance at the face-to-face sessions.



In this subject, making correct use of the language in written tests, papers and oral presentations is very important, both from the point of view of grammar and spelling as well as punctuation and writing.

By regulations of the Faculty, a minimum of 0.10 points will be deducted for each misspelling in exams and homework.


Plagiarism consists of taking the ideas written by another person and presenting them as if they were one's own ideas, without citing the author.

Examples of plagiarism are: copying, paraphrasing or summarizing someone's words without properly citing the source or without the quotation marks that are necessary when making a verbatim quote.
To avoid plagiarism, the source must be cited whenever ideas written by another person are used and even if the citation is not literal and is a paraphrase or a summary of another's ideas. In literal or direct quotes, use quotation marks and cite the source. In an academic work, it is not enough to state generically the bibliography used, but the source must be explicitly mentioned where ideas written by another person are collected.
Plagiarism in written assignments in this course is unacceptable and therefore any assignment in which plagiarism is committed will be graded zero.

 In the event that the teaching staff detects plagiarized work or a student copying during an exam, this will notify the Faculty Board which will take the relevant measures, including the automatic obtaining of a grade of 0.0 for that subject going directly to the next call.


The second call will take place on the indicated day, but it will be done online.

Bibliography and resources

Bloc de Filosofia

Manuals sobre temes:

Annas, Julia. Introducció a la filosofia antiga. Barcelona: Enoanda. 2020.

Burnet, John. La Filosofia grega: de Tales a Plató. Barcelona: Institut d'Estudis Catalans. Societat Catalana de Filosofia, 2013.

Burnet, John. L'aurora de la filosofia grega. Barcelona: Barcelonesa d'Edicions, 2010.

Copleston, Frederick. Historia de la Filosofía, vol. I. Ariel: Barcelona, 2011.

Guthrie, William Keith Chambers, Historia de la Filosofía Griega. Madrid: Gredos:

Volumen I: Los primeros presocráticos y los pitagóricos. 1999.

Volumen II: La tradición presocrática desde Parménides a Demócrito. 1994.

Volumen III: Siglo V. Ilustración. 1994.

Volumen IV: Platón, el hombre y sus diálogos, primera época. 1998.

Volumen V: Platón, segunda época y la Academia. 1992.

Volumen VI: Introducción a Aristóteles. 1993.

Gilson, Étienne, La filosofía en la Edad Media. Madrid: Gredos 1965.

Hadot, Pierre. ¿Qué es la filosofía antigua? México: FCE 1995.

Hadot, Pierre. Eloge de la philosophie antique. Paris: Allia 1999.

Jaeger, Werner. Paideia: Los ideales de la cultura griega. México: FCE, 1990.

Long, Anthony. La filosofia helenística: Estoicos, Epicureos, Escepticos. Madrid: Alianza, 2007

Reale, Giovanni; Introducción a Aristóteles, Barcelona: Herder, 1985.

Reale, Giovanni; Antiseri, Dario. Historia del pensamiento filosófico y científico I. Antigüedad y Edad Media, Barcelona: Herder, 1995.

Zubiri, Xavier. Cinco lecciones de filosofía, Madrid: Alianza, 1994.

Zubiri, Xavier. Introducción a la filosofia de los griegos. Madrid: Alianza, 2018.


 Fonts originals

Kirk, G. S. & Raven J. E. & Schofield, M. (eds. trads.) Los Filosofos Presocraticos. Madrid: Gredos. 1994.

Pòrtules, J. & Grau, S. Saviesa grega arcaica. Barcelona: Adesiara. 2011.

Ferrer, Joan. De Tales a Demòcrit. El pensament presocràtic. Girona: Ela Geminada. 

Hesíodo, Teogonía (trad. Pérez Jiménez, Aurelio). Madrid: Gredos, 2010.

Sofistas, Testimonios y fragmentos, trad. A. Piqué, Barcelona: Bruguera, 1985

De Tales a Demòcrit. El pensament presocràtic. Girona: Edicions de l'Ela Geminada. Introducció i traducció de Joan Ferrer Gràcia. 2011.

Laercio, Diógenes. Vida de los filósofos más ilustres. Traducido por José Manuel Pabón, Ediciones Gredos, 1997.

Plató; Diàlegs. Barcelona: Fundació Bernat Metge.

Platón; Diálogos. Gredos.

Aristóteles, [tots els seus textos], Barcelona: Fundació Bernat Metge.

Aristóteles, [todos sus textos], Madrid: Gredos.



Al llarg del curs la bibliografia i els recursos s’aniran ampliant. S’indicaran també les edicions recomanades per als textos antics, encara que les lectures de cada contingut s’ofereixen a través del Campus Moodle.  


Adrados, F. Fiesta, comedia y tragedia: sobrelos origenes griegos del teatro. Barcelona, Planeta (var. ed.) 

Adrados, F., La democracia ateniense, Madrid, Alianza, 1998.

Bengston, H., Historia de Grecia, Madrid, 1965.

Bowra, C. M. Introducción a la literatura griega. Traducción a cargo de Luis Gil Fernández. Madrid: Editorial Gredos (var. ed.)

Lesky, Albin. Historia de la literatura griega. Madrid: Editorial Gredos (varies edd.)

Fernández Nieto, F. J.. (coord.), Historia antigua de Grecia y Roma. València, Tirant lo Blanch, 2005.

Finley, M.I, El legado de Grecia, Barcelona, Crítica, 1975.

Mossé, C., Pericles : el inventor de la democracia. Barcelona, Espasa-Calpe, 2007.


Barceló, P. Ferrer, J. J., Historia de la Hispania romana, Madrid, Alianza, 2016.

Carcopino, J., La vida cotidiana en Roma en el apogeo del Imperio, Madrid, Temas de hoy, 1993.

Cornell, T.J., Los orígenes de Roma (trad. T. de LOZOYA). Barcelona, Crítica, 1998.

Grimal, P., La civilización romana. Vida, costumbres, leyes, artes, Barcelona, Juventud, 1999.

Grimal, P. Diccionario de mitologia griega y romana. Madrid, Gredos (var. ed.)

Guillén, J., Urbs Roma. Vida y costumbres de los romanos, Madrid, 2000 (1ª 1985).

Fernández Nieto, F. J.. (coord.), Historia antigua de Grecia y Roma. València, Tirant lo Blanch, 2005.


Bloc d'Història de l'Art

ALCOCK, S. E., OSBORNE, R., (eds.), Classical Archaeology, Malden-Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 2012 (2ª ed.).

ARIÑO, E., GURT, J.M., PALET, J.M., El pasado presente. Arqueología de los paisajes en la Hispania romana, Salamanca-Barcelona, Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca-Publicacions i Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona, 2004.

BIANCHI BANDINELLI, R., El arte en la antiguedad clásica. Etruria y Roma, Akal, 2000

BOARDMAN, J., El arte griego, Destino, Barcelona, 1997

BORG, B. E., A companion to Roman Art, Malden-Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 2015.

HÖLSCHER, T., Visual Power in Ancient Greece and Rome. Between Art and Social Reality, Oakland, University of California Press, 2018.

HÖLSCHER, T., The Language of Images in Roman Art, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2004.

KEAY, S.J., Hispania romana, Ausa, 1992

OSBORNE, R., CUNLIFFE, B. (eds.), Mediterranean Urbanization, 800-600 BC, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2007.

SEAMAN, K., SCHULTZ, P.,  Artists and Artistic Production in Ancient Greece, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2017.

SMITH, T.J., PLANTZOS, D. (eds.),  A Companion to Greek Art, 2 vols., Malden-Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 2012.

STEWART, P., The Social History of Roman Art, New York, Cambridge University Press, 2008.

ZANKER, P., Roman Art, Los Angeles, Getty Publications, 2012.

ZANKER, P., Augusto y el poder de las imágenes, Madrid, Alianza, 1992 


Altra bibliografia

FRANKFORT, H.: El pensamiento prefilosófico, F.C.E., México 1954

GIGON, O.: Los orígenes de la filosofía griega, Gredos, Madrid 1971

HOFFMAN, E.: Die Sprache und die archaische Logik. Tubingen 1925

JAEGER, W.: La teología de los primeros filósofos griegos, FCE, México1977.

REALE, G.: Storia della filosofia antica, Vita e Pensiero, Milan 1979

ROBIN, L.: La pensée grecque. Paris, 1928

VERNANT, J.P.: Mito y pensamiento en la Grecia antigua, Ariel, Barcelona 1973


Webgrafia Un dels projectes web més importants per a la cultura clàssica. Disposa de textos, imatges i enllaços d’arreu. Portal del món grecollatí amb notícies d’interès (estrenes de cinema, obres de teatre, llibres, etc.) i més recursos. Portal especialitzat en Cultura Clàssica amb llibreria on-line d’accés gratuït i notícies sobre el món clàssic d’arreu. La pàgina web finlandesa demostra l’activitat de la llengua llatina encara avui. Els Nuntii Latini és un informatiu que recull l’actualitat en llatí. Amb seccions tan curioses com ara “jazz en llatí”. Un diari digital íntegrament en llatí,

Lacus Curtius: 


INTERCLASSICA: Investigacion y difusión del mundo clásico Article amè amb una sintètica introducció a l'arquitectura grega. Vídeo amb imatges de l'Acròpolis mentre s'estableix un diàleg entre dos especialistes sobre el Partenó (amb possibilitat de subtítols). Article amè amb una breu introducció a l'art romà. Visita a través d'una reconstrucció amb realitat virtual de l'antiga Roma. Diccionari en línia de termes d'arquitectura, escultura i pintura en anglès, castellà i català.


Teaching and learning material