Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
Personal Brand
Teaching staff
The classes are face-to-face and the teacher accompanies them in each of the phases in order for them to be able to build their own personal brand.
El alumno deberá identificar cuáles son sus puntos fuertes y aquellos en los que tiene que mejorar con el único objetivo de ayudarles a posicionarse en el mercado laboral a la hora de iniciar sus práctica curriculares o en futuros trabajos profesionales. Los alumnos serán capaces de crear, promocionar y transmitir su marca personal como un activo inmaterial de enorme valor.
Pre-course requirements
No prerequisites are required to take this course
1- To be known, to become visible. So the student must know himself to be able to project himself to others. He must be aware that he is unique and possesses qualities that others are not. That is why we must emphasize these qualities.
2- The second objective is to become recognized. Many times, even if they know us, we may not be needed right now. It is essential that they remember us for when the occasion requires it. When it is necessary to fill a job, the employer must remind us before others.
3- The third goal is to be memorable. It is of no use to be remembered if in the end they continue to choose another. The ultimate goal of our personal brand is to choose us, so it is important to work failure as a means of learning and growth in the case of not being elected.
4- Manage the personal brand in a methodical way and with the help of a professional to be the chosen candidate.
Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme
- 04 - To understand and know how to use financial terms within a business framework.
- 07 - To be familiar with the basic features of the Spanish economy, both in terms of structure and economic policies.
- 08 - To understand how leading world economies work, their institutions and interconnections.
- 11 - To be familiar with the main concepts and theories related to humanity and society.
- 12 - To be familiar with the main concepts and theories of economic and business philosophy.
- 13 - To be familiar with and understand the terms and processes of company management.
- 22 - To be able to identify the nature and behaviour of producers, consumers and investors.
- 26 - To comprehend and use the basic concepts of marketing and the main sectorial policies and understand the commercial environment in which these companies operate.
- 27 - To be able to read and understand literature on economic and business issues.
- 28 - To be able to work in another language and use terminology and structures related to the economic-business world.
- 32 - To acquire problem solving skills based on quantitative and qualitative information.
- 33 - To be able to search for, interpret and convey information.
- 34 - To develop the ability to predict situations and anticipate events, as well as be able to recognise and interpret an economic situation within a specific context.
- 35 - To analyse time series.
- 36 - To interpret quantitative and qualitative data and apply mathematical and statistical tools to business processes.
- 37 - To be able to apply managerial methods, tools and techniques.
- 38 - To be able to connect the main variables (both formal and informal) which influence human behaviour in an organisation.
- 39 - To acquire the ability to solve problems and make decisions based on relevant information, applying the appropriate methods and situating the problem within the organisation as a whole.
- 41 - To be able to descriptively summarise information.
- 45 - To be able to work with academic papers.
- 46 - To acquire the ability to understand and participate in conferences and lectures in an academic context.
- 48 - To be able to identify the information needs in order to manage the main departments within organisations.
- 49 - To determine the main functions associated with information systems and their specific underlying functional needs, and vice versa.
- 50 - To acquire the ability to relate concepts, analyse and synthesise.
- 51 - To develop decision making skills.
- 52 - To develop interpersonal skills and the ability to work as part of a team.
- 53 - To acquire the skills necessary to learn autonomously.
- 54 - To be able to express one’s ideas and formulate arguments in a logical and coherent way, both verbally and in writing.
- 55 - To adopt good time management skills.
- 56 - To be able to create arguments which are conducive to critical and self-critical thinking.
- 57 - To acquire skills which favour reading comprehension.
- 58 - To be able to develop self-assessment exercises.
- 60 - To acquire knowledge that promotes respect for other cultures and habits.
- 61 - To develop skills for adapting to new situations.
- 62 - To acquire mechanisms that facilitate the adoption of ethical commitments.
- 63 - To be able to analyse business related behaviour and decisions and evaluate them from an economic, social and ethical point of view.
- 64 - To be able to plan and organise one's work.
- 65 - To acquire the ability to put knowledge into practice.
- 66 - To be able to retrieve and manage information.
- 67 - To be able to express oneself in other languages.
- 68 - To develop mechanisms that encourage sensitivity towards social welfare issues.
Learning outcomes of the subject
Personal reflection, areas for improvement, weak and strong points.
Possible mechanisms for personal improvement, in order to position themselves in the workplace.
How to build your personal brand and make yourself known in the workplace.
Networks as a means of selling the personal brand.
Teaching and learning activities
In person
The subject consists of 3 parts:
1- Self-knowledge.
- The target disc activity is used, the results are analyzed and goals of personal improvement are proposed.
- At first, the student does an introspection and then in pairs to compare the results. How I see myself and how others see me.
- Self-portrait dove company activity.
2- Networks as a means to position themselves in the labor market.
The students know the different digital tools and make their profile to be sold.
3- Professional career.
It shows the competencies that they must acquire through their professional career so that they are able to manage it in the most effective way both emotionally and professionally.
It has two sessions by a professional, junior and another senior who explain through their own experience how they should evaluate their career.
Finally the students make a presentation in which they must build their own brand taking care of each of the phases that is explained throughout the course.
Evaluation systems and criteria
In person
El sujeto es el face-to-face, pero el 50% de la gradería se mediante el face-to-face attitude en la clase. El resto de notas es la presentación de los puntos 50% de las notas, en el que se muestran las tres áreas Para ordenar que se evalúe el estudiante en las sesiones de sesión, el estudiante debe estar attended el 80% de las clases.