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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Multidisciplinar Surgery

Multidisciplinar Surgery
Second semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English

Teaching staff


Advances in the field of dentistry have encouraged the development of different areas of expertise. Disciplines such as Orthodontics, Oral Surgery, Pediatric Dentistry, Periodontics, Endodontics have allowed the achievement of therapeutic results unthinkable in the past. In the field of Oral Surgery and Implantology, purely functional rehabilitation has given way to a full biological, functional and esthetic rehabilitation of patients. New materials, tools and techniques available today make dentistry a tremendously interesting discipline.

However, the wide extent of this science makes dentists need a clear concept of treatment to deal with complex surgical cases. This will avoid losing the global case perspective and repeatedly encountering undesirable surprises during treatment.

After a thorough diagnosis a treatment goal should be defined which will be pursued through a clear therapeutic concept. However, the therapeutic goal cannot be immovably established at the beginning because teeth prognosis varies during treatment. The key to solve the equation’s dynamism lies in the concept of reassessment during the different treatment phases.

The course aims to integrate the knowledge acquired by the students during 3rd, 4th and 5th year studies in order to be able to execute surgical complex case treatments in a systematic and predictable way. Once students have familiarized with the treatment concept explained during the first master classes, active student participation will be encouraged by means of clinical case discussions that will exemplify the working model.

Pre-course requirements

There are no prerequisites.


To share with the future dentists a treatment concept that will allow them to sort the various treatment phases and to simplify and solve complex surgical cases in a predictable manner.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 03 - Knowing how to identify the concerns and expectations of patients, as well as how to communicate effectively and clearly, both orally and in writing, with patients, family members, the media and other professionals.
  • 07 - Promoting new knowledge and techniques being acquired through autonomous learning, as well as the motivation to achieve quality.
  • 08 - Knowing how to share information with other healthcare professionals and how to work as part of a team.
  • 18 - Being aware of, critically evaluating and knowing how to use sources of clinical and biomedical infomation in order to obtain, organise, interpret and communicate scientific and healthcare-related information.
  • 20 - Obtaining and creating a medical record containing all the relevant information.
  • 22 - Having the ability to make an initial diagnostic judgement and establish a reasonable diagnostic strategy, as well as being competent in recognising situations that require urgent dental treatment.
  • 23 - Establishing a diagnosis, prognosis and suitable treatment planning for all the different clinical areas of Dentistry, being competent in terms of the diagnosis, prognosis and writing up the dental care plan for patients who require special care, including medically compromised patients (such as diabetics, those with hypertension, a depressed immune system or are anticoagulated, etc) and patients with disabilities.
  • 26 - Knowing how to plan and undertake multidisciplinary, sequential and comprehensive dental treatment of limited complexity for patients of all ages and conditions and for patients who require special care.

Learning outcomes of the subject

Obtain a clinical history that allows for periodontal, endodontic, cariologic, functional, prosthetic and esthetic diagnosis.

Establish an individual dental prognosis.

Define different treatment plans for the same case, categorizing them in terms of biological or economic costs.

Understanding the dynamics of complex surgical treatment of cases and the importance of the reassessment concept.

Know the therapeutic possibilities that different disciplines in dentistry (orthodontics, oral surgery, pediatric dentistry, periodontics, endodontics) offer to optimize the final therapeutic outcome.

Learn how to sequentially order the different therapeutic steps to solve a complex surgical case.

Protocolize augmentation techniques, soft tissue management, implantation time points and prosthetic loading.

Understand the importance of the maintenance phase in the long-term treatment success.


Topic 1:

Introduction to the multdisciplinar surgical treatment concept.

Master class


Topic 2 :

Anamnesis and clinical history.

Master class


Topic 3 :

Specific diagnosis.

Master class


Topic 4 :

Individual dental prognosis.

Master class


Topic 5:

Therapeutic treatment plan and sequence.

Master method


Topic 6:

Systemic phase.

Master class


Topic 7:

Hygienic phase.

Case method


Topic 8:


Case method


Topic 9:

Surgical phase.

Case method


Topic 10:

Prosthetic phase.

Case method


Topic 11:

Maintenance phase.

Master class


Topic 12:

Orthodontic possibilities in handling complex cases.

Case method


Topic 13:

Periodontal possibilities in handling complex cases.

Case method


Topic 14:

Endodontic possibilities in handling complex cases.

Case method


Topic 15:

Surgical possibilities in the management of complex cases.

Case method

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Totally face-to-face modality in the classroom CM: The master class is the scenario in which a teacher transmits the knowledge in a classroom to the entire group of students. The format, however, allows the introduction of activities in small groups in the classroom and the deployment of strategies that encourage the active participation of students. MC: The case method consists of the process of solving clinical cases. They are group activities that are resolved with the active participation of the teacher after the deliberation of the students. THEORETICAL CLASSES/PRESENTIAL SEMINARS : Tuesdays from 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. All the students will attend the theory classes in person at the UIC The seminars will not be recorded as it is a record of clinical cases with photographs of patients. Attendance is mandatory in person with a minimum of 80% to be able to sit the exam

Bibliography and resources

1. Hälg G, Ramel C. Klinischer studentenkurs . 4th ed . Zürich : UZH , 2013.

2. Dental- { homepage in the Internet } . Zürich : Campus Dental Association; } 2014 { cited 20.2.2014 . Available from:

3. F. Hernández- Alfaro Controversial issues in implant dentistry . 1st ed . Barcelona : Quintessence , 2013.

4. Fradeani M. Esthetic rehabilitation in fixed prosthodontics : Esthetic analysis Volume 1 : A systematic approach to prosthetic treatment . 1st ed . Barcelona : Quintessence Pub , 2004.

5. Fradeani M , Barducci G. Esthetic rehabilitation in fixed prosthodontics : Prosthetic treatment to sustematic approach to esthetic , biologic , and functional intergration . 1st ed . Barcelona : Quintessence Pub , 2008.

6. Cohen , M. Interdisciplinary treatment planning : principles , design, implamentation . 1st ed . Quintessence Pub , 2008.

7. Strub JR , Turp JC , Witkowski S , Hürzeler B, Kern M. Curriculum Prothetik 1-3 . 3rd ed . Berlin : Quintessence , 2004.

Evaluation period

E: exam date | R: revision date | 1: first session | 2: second session:
  • E1 23/05/2023 A22 08:00h
  • R1 06/06/2023 A09 09:00h
  • E2 27/06/2023 A03 08:00h
  • R2 04/07/2023 A03 09:00h