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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Bioethics in Human and Animal Experimentation

Bioethics in Human and Animal Experimentation
Main language of instruction: English

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, Spanish

Teaching staff

Students are requested to email to arrange a meeting.

Dr. Ignacio MACPHERSON -



The classes for the course comprise two parts:
1. Human experimentation. Study of different cases and situations which enable the analysis of the most important aspects when evaluating claims that research using people is ethically correct.
2. Experimental animal. Approach to the basic concepts related to the animal science lab, a multidisciplinary branch of science that contributes to the humanitarian use of animals in the context of biomedical research and obtaining reproducible results, unbiased and informative.

Pre-course requirements



Provide appropriate training so that students are able to investigate human beings in accordance with the principles of ethics and apply scientific and technical knowledge to Science Laboratory Animals in experimental Biomedical Research.

Learning outcomes of the subject

The student:

  1. Knows the proceedings of the Ethics Committees in human and animal studies. 
  2. Prepares a report/ publication in accordance with the guidelines for scientific publication.
  3. Understands the fundamental concepts related to intellectual property. 
  4. Reflects on the ethical implications and the effects of the clinical and research practices.
  5. Knows how to prepare presentations taking into account the ethical principles of data confidentiality and intellectual property. 
  6. Knows the main ethical perspectives and the implications for contemporary research and practice.
  7. Has a historical and critical perspective on the philosophy of science.


1. History of human experimentation

2. The ethics of research with human beings

3. Genetic experimentation and embryo experimentation

4. Informed Consent and Research Committees

5. Introduction to animal experimentation

6. Animal research as an ethical dilemma

7. Ethical guidelines for the use of animals in biomedical research

8. Legal framework and Animal Ethics Committees

Teaching and learning activities


Teaching methodology: CM, TRB
Educational activities: CT, SEM 

Evaluation systems and criteria


Continuous evaluation - EC (60%)

Case study work - RC (40%)


Bibliography and resources

Provided by the teacher