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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Multidisciplinary Restorative Treatment. Clinic II

Multidisciplinary Restorative Treatment. Clinic II
Main language of instruction: English

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, Spanish

Teaching staff

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In the event that the health authorities announce a new period of confinement due to the evolution of the health crisis caused by COVID-19, the teaching staff will promptly communicate how this may effect the teaching methodologies and activities as well as the assessment.

This course deals with the habitual clinical care work that an oral rehabilitation professional will perform in the field of aesthetics and oral functionality. The training will enable professionals to achieve the technical and surgical skills required by a specialist in aesthetic restorative dentistry. An advanced and multidisciplinary level of anamnesis, oral examination and complementary examinations will be required; and it will be recommended to carry out a certain number of treatments throughout the four semesters of the Master's Degree in Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry.

In the case of oral restorations, these treatments will be of an advanced nature, which are characterised by being multidisciplinary (from removable prostheses to implant-supported prostheses, tooth-supported adhesive restorations and maxillofacial prostheses, among other procedures). In this subject the student will also learn, through theoretical classes, about the diagnosis and management of oral parafunctions and temporomandibular joint and masticatory muscles disorders; and, through practical classes, the procedures for making occlusal splints and for carrying out a joint hypermobility test.

Pre-course requirements

Advanced knowledge of oral anatomy. Knowledge of the pathophysiology of oral diseases. Surgical technique for dental therapy and dental prosthetics.


The aim of this subject is to enable students to acquire advanced multidisciplinary knowledge through clinical practice and scientific and surgical training as an expert in aesthetic restorative dentistry. the pathological processes of patients will, in many cases, require modifications of the different occlusal and/ or aesthetic standards (for instance, vertical dimension, occlusal plane, interdental positions, modifications, lip support, etc.).

This subject will be given over the two academic years of the Master’s Degree programme.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CE1 - Students should be able to undertake a proper analysis and an extraoral diagnosis, and underline the aesthetic and functional aspects of the teeth and the soft areas of the lower part of the face as well as a analysis and clinical and lab-based diagnosis, using diagnostic and therapeutic wax models, in order to rehabilitate dental occlusion with good functional and aesthetic balance, while taking into account multidisciplinary factors related to the masticating apparatus.
  • CE2 - Students should be able to work as a clinical professional and/or researcher in the field of aesthetic restorative dentistry, and act as a real specialist or expert in the material; as well as know how to diagnose, treat, prevent and research oral disorders and have updated knowledge of the diagnostic and treatment-related advances which continue to arise throughout their professional life.
  • CE3 - To undertake the selective drilling of teeth to balance the jaw and dental occlusion, as well as make splints for articular and occlusal protection in cases where there is a pathology that requires this.
  • CE4 - To acquire the ability to make oral preparations on mucosa, teeth, and dental implants, to build dental prostheses in patients with advanced oral and multidisciplinary disorders; as well as identify and undertake the procedures and various checks for the prosthetic components during construction.
  • CG1 - To have the ability to communicate with patients with the aim of explaining, based on scientific criteria but in accessible language, their diagnosis, treatment plan and prognosis, in the case of pathologies that tend to be either advanced or multidisciplinary in nature.
  • CG2 - To be autonomous in terms of obtaining a patient's anamnesis and oral explorations in patients with pathologies that might be either advanced or multidisciplinary in nature; and fill in their medical record and other clinical paperwork using scientific language and terminology that is suited to an aesthetic restorative dentistry professional.
  • CG3 - To know how to apply the protocols established in the University Dental Clinic in relation to diagnosis, complementary explorations and treatment for patients, as well as treatment plans, taking into account the fact that the patients being addressed have pathologies that are either advanced or multidisciplinary in nature.

Learning outcomes of the subject

- The student is able to properly use the scientific terminology regarding temporomandibular dysfunction and restorative aesthetic dentistry, making a correct analysis and extra-oral diagnosis of the lower third of a patient’s face, highlighting the aesthetic and functional aspects of the teeth and soft tissues of the mouth in this analysis. They can also correctly carry out an intra-oral examination and diagnosis of the patient’s masticatory apparatus.

-          The student is able to identify and reproduce the criteria of macro- and micro-dental aesthetics, both in the hard and soft tissues of the mouth.

-         The student communicates with patients to explain to them, using scientific criteria and accessible language, the diagnosis, treatment plan and prognosis regarding/ based on scientific evidence. As part of this rehabilitator-patient relationship, they will give the patient the choice of different types of stomatological prosthesis options.

-         The student works on the mucous membranes, teeth and implants (carvings, prints, evidence of the structures, occlusal examinations, etc.) to fit stomatological prostheses in patients suffering from complex oral disorders and within a multidisciplinary professional environment.

-          The student has a clear and advanced knowledge of concepts such as osseo integration, passive adaptation, implant connection, implant surface, type of prosthetic abutment, types of prints to be made, transfer of the occlusal, functional and aesthetic parameters of the mouth to the laboratory. They can also carry out an individual selection for each patient of, different implantology attachments and carry out various tests and checks of prosthetic components during the process of manufacture of the oral prosthesis, controlling the process at all times so that the finished stomatological prostheses achieve the functional and aesthetic goals set at the start of treatment.

-         The student will place stomatological prostheses (removable, fixed on teeth or implants, mixed and maxillofacial) in patients, instructing and motivating the patient for their proper use and maintenance. The student will also monitor and control the adaptation/installation of new prostheses, making the necessary modifications if required.      

 -         The student has the scientific knowledge to choose the type of material for the prostheses.

 -         The student will be able to carry out the analysis and clinical and laboratory diagnosis of the dental occlusion and mandibular dynamics, creating diagnostic wax and plaster models of patients’ mouths, to rehabilitate the dental function and thus achieve a balance between aesthetics and articular and occlusal functions, taking into account all the complex aspects of the masticatory system.

         - The student will carry out selective carving of the teeth in order to attain a mandibular dynamics and dental occlusion.

 -         The student will make occlusal splints for joint protection.


The subject consists of the treatment by the student of multidisciplinary clinical cases. These cases are a continuation of the treatments done in the first year with new cases of high complexity. The cases are performed in combination with the different Master’s Degree programmes, principally implants, orthodontics, and endodontics.

Teaching and learning activities

In person


Tutored hands-on learning

Small group learning

Solving problems in the dental clinic


Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

The evaluation of this subject will be carried out through different procedures. The continuous evaluation will be the basic principle to achieve. For this, different qualifications will be obtained, throughout the two academic years, of their training activities.
  • In the CM training activity (lectures), written tests (exams) will be carried out in order to evaluate the theoretical
knowledge learned during the CM, related to the field of the temporomandibular joint and the alterations of its muscles, and it will also be assessed direct and personal participation in class development.
  • In the CUO training activity (external clinical practices), the direct and personal participation of the student in the development of this activity will be valued (updated maintenance of the clinical history and the clinical course, monitoring of the existing clinical work protocols in the University Clinic of Dentistry, realization of the corresponding timing of the treatment plan determined for each patient, etc.). Student evaluations in this area will emphasize the level of acquisition of knowledge and clinical, technological and surgical skills that a rehabilitating dentist must possess (for example, it will be taken into account whether or not there is a photographic sequence of the preparation of oral rehabilitation, the repetition or not of different phases of the treatments, the appearance or not of operative complications, the search for simplicity or complexity in the techniques used, the level of subjective assessment during diagnosis and treatment…), as well as theoretical knowledge related to the specific pathology of each patient. All this without losing sight of the fact that it is a training activity carried out clinically and the relationship established between the dentist and the patient must also be evaluated, assessing the student's communication skills.
  • In the LAB (Laboratory) training activity, the direct and personal participation of the student in the development of this activity will be valued. Student evaluations in this subject will emphasize the level of acquisition of knowledge and technological and surgical skills that a rehabilitation dentist must possess in the field of dental laboratory and related to aesthetic restorative dentistry (casting of models; assemblies in articulator; preparation of diagnostic wax-ups, silicone keys, duplicates, plates-bases, splints of different types, temporary prostheses; prosthetic repairs…), as well as the level of scientific knowledge related to the pathology of each patient.
  • Personal and direct participation 20%
  • Written test evaluation 10%
  • Clinical, technical and surgical habilities acquiered 30%
  • Knowledge of the patients pathologies 30%
  • Patient-Doctor comunication 10%

This evaluation shall be supervised by the teachers responsible of the subject and communicate continuously in every one of the teachers-students and tutors at the assessment Coordinator.

Bibliography and resources

Scientific journals:

-          Jornal of Dental Research

-          Clinical Oral Implants Research

-          Dental Materials

-          Clinical Oral Investigations

-          International Journal of oral Andl maxillofacial Implants

-          Journal of prosthetic dentistry

-          Journal of oral rehabilitation