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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Final Master's Degree Project II

Final Master's Degree Project II
Main language of instruction: English

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, Spanish

Teaching staff

Contact with the director of the programme 


In the WORK OF FINAL OF MASTER the students will put in practical the knowledges purchased over the course of the program of formation, with regard to the clinical research and of materials. The porfessor will be a manager of the area in question, that will do the follow-up of this work. This work will be able to have a clinical profile or researcher and will have to follow in detail, during the execution of the same, the protocol that design and authorise during the first semester of the activity of the master, where will have marked a hypothesis of work and some concrete aims. Once achieved the results of the study, the student will have to make a memory written of his clinical work or of research following the criteria of  scientific learnt during the program of formation of the *màster.

The TFM of clinical profile will have as a aim the review of a pathology or technical concrete therapeutics on patient, where the student have taken part of direct shape in the prisoner of decisions or have realised he same the treatments. The bibliographic review, the knowledge of the theoretical principles of the pathologies and the level of surgical skill will have to be taken into account by can opt to this type of TFM.

The TFM of profile researcher will have character of research of laboratory on subjects or material related with the field of the dental aesthetics and of the . Basing in previous studies (interns of the Or external to the same) and following the criteria of the scientific method will be able to design works of research that allow to contribute more information in delimit the multiple variable that in the clinical on patient appear.

Pre-course requirements

No nedeed


1. Ask current issues to help fill gaps in the scientific literature.

2. Know write a research protocol.

3. Conducts clinical or laboratory research

4. Write a scientific paper.

5. Know drafting work to master.

6. Expose and defend the work before a court

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CE10 - Students should acquire the ability to apply scientific methods, and apply the knowledge acquired to resolving problems in a scientific field. They should learn how to develop research projects both in vitro and in vivo, within the fields of mechanics, biology and microbiology applied to prosthetic and restorative dentistry and dental implants.
  • CE11 - Students should be autonomous in terms of developing and applying new technologies to aesthetic restorative dentistry and searching for new scientific information, as well as acquiring the ability to evaluate and undertake the research and development projects the industry offers in an ethical way, and manage the financial and human resources, as well as be aware of the strategic basis for the transfer of new knowledge to the industry.
  • CE12 - Students should update their knowledge of molecular biology, biochemistry and microbiology so they can apply it.
  • CE7 - To be able to search for, organise and analyse, from a critical point of view, and using biomedical sources of information, scientific literature on issues related to temporomandibular dysfunction and aesthetic restorative dentistry, in order to pursue continuing education in a self-directed and autonomous way.
  • CE8 - To know how to apply epistemological, ethical, legislational and humanitarian factors to research and the disclosure of scientific data in the field of aesthetic restorative dentistry.
  • CG1 - To have the ability to communicate with patients with the aim of explaining, based on scientific criteria but in accessible language, their diagnosis, treatment plan and prognosis, in the case of pathologies that tend to be either advanced or multidisciplinary in nature.
  • CG2 - To be autonomous in terms of obtaining a patient's anamnesis and oral explorations in patients with pathologies that might be either advanced or multidisciplinary in nature; and fill in their medical record and other clinical paperwork using scientific language and terminology that is suited to an aesthetic restorative dentistry professional.
  • CG3 - To know how to apply the protocols established in the University Dental Clinic in relation to diagnosis, complementary explorations and treatment for patients, as well as treatment plans, taking into account the fact that the patients being addressed have pathologies that are either advanced or multidisciplinary in nature.
  • CG4 - To know how to apply protocols for the use of the equipment in the dental laboratory-workshop to the point of undertaking the necessary procedures that help in oral rehabilitation or the treatments common to a restorative dentist.

Learning outcomes of the subject

- It designs a protocol of research based in the scientific method

- It learns to initiate in the clinical research or of laboratory, to develop a project of research applying new technicians learnt and *administer the time and the resources.

- It drafts properly the introduction, justification, objective, hypotheses, state of the question, material and methods, results, discussion and conclusions of his work of ending of master.

- Defence in front of a competent court in Odontology the “Work of ending of master” realised.  


Work of final of Master (TFM) is the end result of the work of student tutored by the teacher which implements all the knowledge acquired during the course, including clinical and research materials.

The tutor monitors research work during the development of research, analysis of the results and findings thereof to ensure the acquisition of skills.

Teaching and learning activities

In person


Learning in small groups

Resolution of problems in the dental workshop

Study of clinical cases

Resolution of clinical cases

Learning oriented to pathologies

Learning directed in laboratory research

Communicative methodology of the research

Formative activities:

5 LAB  

5 TUT 

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

Following the criterion that the WORK OF ENDING OF *MASTERis is the result of all he formation received during the two years of the program of *màster, the Scientific Commission of the faculty of Odontology of the International University of Catalonia, composed by representatives of each area of the dentistry specialities  and of the managers of the Together of Centre of the Faculty, to contribute to the fact that this Work possess a scientific quality in accordance with the competitions that this module  demands, will value and will have to authorise the protocol of this work of research or clinical before carrying out it. Once concluded the study and made the memory of the “Work of ending of master” this will be reviewed by the same Scientific Commission. The system of review for the “Work of ending of master” will centre to evaluate the scientific and methodological rigour of the work realised, taking into account the capacity of communication that the student show.

Bibliography and resources

  1. Mangani F., Ceruti A., Putignano A. Guidelines for adhesive dentistry: The key to success. Quintessence, 2009
  2. Magne P., Belser U. “Restauraciones de porcelana adherida en los dientes aneriores” Quintessence Books
  3. . Fradeani M. “Rehabilitación estética en prótesis fija- Anàlisis estético- Volumen 1. Quintessence Books
  4.  Alonso, AA; Albertini, JS; Bechelli, AH. Oclusión y diagnóstico en rehabilitación oral. Buenos Aires.1999. Editorial Médica Panamericana.
  5. Principles of Esthetic Integration. Claude Rufenach. Editorial Quintessence