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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Endocrinology and Nutrition

Endocrinology and Nutrition
First semester
Main language of instruction: Catalan

Teaching staff

Through e-mail to the professor involved or, failing that,to the course coordinator (


Endocrinology and Nutrition is that medical specialty that deals with the study and treatment of diseases of the endocrine glands, metabolism and all aspects related to nutritional status. It includes basic knowledge of diagnostic techniques, dietary and therapeutic measures and all aspects of preventive medicine related to these fields.

Pre-course requirements

The student must have passed the subject of "Structure and function of the endocrine system". As well as, the basic subjects of "Biochemistry", "Cell Biology", "Molecular Biology", "Biophysics", "Histology", "Pathological Anatomy" and "Pharmacology".


General objective

During the training period, the student must acquire the ability to recognize the main problems of endocrine pathology, guide their diagnosis (in particular in the most frequent pathologies), use current methods for diagnosis following a logical and rational reasoning and, finally, guide the therapeutic approach. It will also be important that you can recognize the warning signs that indicate the need for urgent hospital care.

Specific objectives

- Recognize, diagnose and guide the management of the main pathologies of the endocrine system

  • Diabetes Mellitus: Epidemiology, type, treatment and complications.
  • Thyroid Pathology: Functional and structural pathology of the thyroid.
  • Disorders of phosphorus and calcium metabolism.
  • Hypothalamic-pituitary pathology.
  • Diseases of the cortex and adrenal metal.
  • Sexual development. Hirsutism and virilization. Gynecomastia. Hypogonadism
  • Obesity and malnutrition.
  • Disorders of lipoprotein metabolism.

Learning outcomes of the subject

At the end of the subject the student will be able to:

  • Identify endocrine-metabolic diseases and know their therapeutic management.
  • Know the indications of the determination of hormonal parameters and know how to interpret them.
  • Argue the request for complementary examinations in frequent pathologies and know how to interpret them.
  • Know how to make a differential diagnosis.
  • Know the management of the main emergencies in endocrinology.
  • Describe in a way understandable by the patient and / or family member and the basis, treatment and prognosis of an endocrine disorder.



CM1a Introduction to the endocrine system. Nature of hormones. Hormone receptor families and places of action. Feedback regulation system. Excess, deficit or resistance disorders.

CM1b Thyroid pathology introduction. Basic physiology. Iodine deficiency disorders.

CM2 Functional thyroid pathology. Thyroiditis. Hypothyroidism. Hyperthyroidism. Thyroid pathology and gestation.

CM3 Thyroid nodular pathology. Nodule and thyroid cancer.

CM4Calcium and phosphorus metabolism and pathology of the parathyroid gland. Basic physiology. Hypercalcemia and hyperparathyroidism. Hypocalcemia and hypoparathyroidism. Pseudohypoparathyroidism. Phosphorus and magnesium disorders.

CM5Pituitary pathology II. Hypothalamic and adenohypophysis insufficiency. Non-tumor pathology of the sellar region.

CM6 Diabetes mellitus. Introducción, definición y clasificación. Objetivos y bases del tratamiento.

CM7 Lipid metabolism disorders. Epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment.

CM8 Adrenal Pathology I. Physiology of adrenal hormones. Adrenal insufficiency. Primary hyperaldosteronism.

CM9 Hyperandrogenism. Etiology and treatment.

CM10 Chronic complications of diabetes mellitus. Retinopathy nephropathy neuropathy. Diabetic foot. Macrovascular complications.

CM11 Acute complications of diabetes mellitus. Diabetic ketoacidosis. Non-ketotic hyperosmolar coma. Hypoglycemia.

CM12 Obesity

CM13 Adrenal Pathology II. Cushing's syndrome. Pheochromocytoma/paraganglioma.

CM14 Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia. Gastroenteropancreatic endocrine tumors. Carcinoid syndrome


 Split classes

CP1 Pathological anatomy of the endocrine system.

CP2 Clinical nutrition.

CP3 Clinical cases of thyroid and parathyroid pathology.

CP4 Pituitary Pathology I. Pituitary tumors and pituitary hyperfunction

CP5 Pituitary pathology III. Neurohypophysis.

CP6 Dietary treatment of diabetes mellitus. Exercise prescription to diabetes mellitus

CP7 Diabetes mellitus. Pharmacotherapy.

CP8 Histopathology of the endocrine system.

CP9 Disorders of sexual development.

CP10 Adrenal pathology. Clinical cases.

CP11 Endocrine surgery (thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal).


Skills Lab:

  • LH Diabetes mellitus. Glucose monitoring and insulin guidelines

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Attendance at training activities in all its formats is voluntary

The contents will be taught using 3 different methodologies or training activities:

  • Master classes: the teacher transmits knowledge in a classroom to the entire group of students.
  • Split class: Split classes allow learning based on clinical cases and problems and greater student participation. It is important that the student prepares the syllabus in advance to encourage their participation.
  • Skills laboratory is the area in which the student can develop skills in the treatment of diabetes and its different forms with insulin and other agents. They are carried out with small groups. Students can exchange groups with prior notice (one week before the activity).

A complimentary 5 minutes will be left to enter the master classes, the split class, or skills lab. You cannot change class groups without the teacher's approval.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

To pass the course it will be necessary, in any circumstance, a final score equal to or greater than 5.

The final evaluation of the student will be the sum of the evaluation of the different methodologies used. The percentage weight of each of them is detailed below:

Theoretical evaluation: 75%

Partial exam. It represents 10% of the grade.

Final exam. It represents 65% of the grade.

Written tests with 30 and 60 test questions, respectively, multiple answer (4 possible answers). In the partial exam will be discounted for each incorrect answer 0.25. In the final exam will be discounted for each incorrect answer 0.33. 

The exam time will be 1.2 minutes per question.

The partial exam does not release matter.

The subject evaluated in the multiple-answer exam includes the content of the split classes, skills laboratory, that of the teaching material on the intranet and the recommended main bibliography. It is not necessary for the questions to make literal reference to the teaching material provided by the teacher, as long as the topic has been discussed in any of the class modalities.

A score equal to or greater than 5 of the final exam will be required to pass the subject. (which may be adjusted downwards according to th overall results and at teh discretion of thecourse coordianator)

-Evaluation of the practical methodology will represent 25% of the final grade.

The split classes will be evaluated by means of tests with free development text, short questions or type test to be carried out during the class game or outside it as determined by the responsible teacher.

The degree of participation may modify the grade of the evaluation at the discretion of the teacher.

The planned evaluations are:

-       Clinical nutrition

-       Dietary treatment of diabetes mellitus

-       Clinical cases of thyroid and parathyroid pathology

-       Pituitary pathology

-       Clinical cases of adrenal pathology/hyperandrogenism

-       Diabetes Treatment

-Additional points in the final grade 

 At the discretion of the coordinator, based on participation in teaching activities, the final grade may be increased by 0-1 point, as long as the final exam has been passed.


- 2nd call exam

The second call exam will represent 65% of the grade, the partial exam 10% of the grade and the practical methodology will represent 25%.

A score equal to or greater than 5 of the exam will be required to pass the subject.

In the second call the final grade of the subject in no case will be able to access excellent or honors.

The qualification in the area of practical methodology will be valid for the calculation of the final grade in the case of theoretical evaluation in second and third call.

Bibliography and resources

-            Fauci, Braunwald, Kasper, Hauser, Longo, Jameson, and Loscalzo, Eds. HARRISON PRINCIPLES OF INTERNAL MEDICINE. 19th edition. McGraw Hill, 2015.

ISBN: 97800718002154.

-            Farreras-Rozman. INTERNAL MEDICINE. 19th edition. Elsevier 2020. ISBN: 9788491135456.

-            Henry M. Kronenberg, Shlomo Melmed, Kenneth S. Polonsky, and P. Reed Larsen. WILLIAMS TREATED ENDOCRINOLOGY. 14th Edition, 2021.

ISBN: 9788491138518

Recommended websites.


Thyroid diseases.

Fundación RedGDPS (diabetes in primary care).

Spanish endocrinology and nutrition society.
