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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Clinical Data Management

Clinical Data Management
Second semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English

Teaching staff

For any question, please contact the teacher


The subject features of 3 credits ECTS and teached in the first semester of the academic course. It is designed to offer strategies and general resources for the research. It constitutes one of the subjects of the module 1 of Fundamentals of Clinical Research and, more precisely, ascribed to the subject denominated Applied Scientific Methodology in the clinical field.

Pre-course requirements

They are not required.

The students have to compromise to take part actively in the activities proposed.


This subject pretends to contribute the knowledge and skills to initiate in the research, look for bibliographic information to the national and international bases, critically analyze the information, prepare a manuscript for its publication and look for the scientific evidence more relieving for its application in Health Sciences.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CB10 - To have the learning competences that allow them to continue to study in a way that will have to be mainly independent.
  • CB6 - To have and understand knowledge that provide a basis or opportunity to be original in terms of the applkication of ideas, often within a research context.
  • CE5 - To know how to apply the language of scientific writing when communicating health outcomes
  • CE7 - To know how to identify health problems on which research may be undertaken and to apply specific techniques to analyse and assess such problems,
  • CE9 - To know how to apply specific theoretical and practical knowledge to health science research.
  • CG1 - The ability to incorporate new knowledge acquired through research and study and cope with complexity.
  • CG2 - The ability to critically analyse and discuss research results and transmit the relevant outcomes.
  • CG3 - The ability to draw up research questions and put them into operation as research projects and formulate evidence-based research hypotheses.
  • CG4 - The ability to articulate and defend one's own scientific ideas in an ethical way with regard to the research process

Learning outcomes of the subject

By ending the subject the students will be able to:

1. Apply the technologies of the communication and the information to obtain and interpret the necessary knowledge in which to base their research.
2. Employ evaluation systems of articles to ensure the quality of them.
3. Schedule a publication as the norms of each magazine.
4. Critically evaluate an article of research.
5. Explain the basic elements and the steps of the process of research.



  1. Concept of sources of information. Source types.
  2. Procedure to realise the searches. Interrogation language.
  3. Databases in health sciences.


  1. Critical thought and take of informed decisions. 
  2. Critical reading of the scientific information.
  3. Preparation of questions.
  4. Systematic searches of information.         


  1. Bibliographic manager.
  2. The management of the scientific documentation.


  1. Importance of the bibliographic mention.
  2. Appointments and bibliographic references.
  3. Norms of citation more used in sciences of the health.
  4. Vancouver’s style. 
  5. APA’s style.


  1. Type of articles.
  2. Main parts of a scientific article.
  3. Scientific quality evaluation. The factor of impact.
  4. Ethical of the scientific publication. Concerning the scientific creation.
  5. Critical reading of research works. 


  1. Norms of publication of biomedical magazines.
  2. A manuscript’s preparation.
  3. Electronic process of sending manuscripts.
  4. Letter to the director.
  5. Process of review for pairs. Procedure and answer to the publisher.

Teaching and learning activities

In blended


  • Classes theoretical-practical: exhibition of theoretical content, exercises in the classroom and informatics laboratory, analysis of scientific articles, debates.
  • Autonomous work: search of information, realisation of exercises and review of the exposed contents and of the online contents.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In blended

The evaluation of the subject will consists of two parts: 

  • Assistance and active Participation in the classroom (10%)
  • Realisation of the proposed exercises (90%)

Bibliography and resources

Burns,  N. (2012). Investigación en enfermería. Desarrollo de la pràctica infermera basada en la evidencia, 5a ed. Barcelona: Elsevier España.

Faus, F. & Santainés, E. (2013). Búsquedas bibliográficas en bases de datos. Primeros passos en investigación en bases de datos. Barcelona: Elsevier España.

Jiménez, J., Argimon, J. M., Martín A. & Vilardell, M. (2015). Publicación científica en biomedicina. Cómo escribir y publicar un articulo de investigación., 2ª ed. Barcelona: Elsevier.

Mabrouki, K. & Bosch F. (Coord.) (2007). Redacción científica en biomedicina: Lo que hay que saber. Cuadernos de la Fundación Dr. Antonio Esteve Nº 9. Barcelona. Recuperado de:

Polit, D. F. & Hungler, B. P. (2000). Investigación científica en ciències de la salud, 6a ed. México: Mc Graw-Hill Interamericana.

Öchsner, A. (2013). Introduction tp Scientific Publishing, Backgrounds, Concepts, Strategies. NY: Springer.

Salkind,  N. J. (1999). Métodos de investigación, 3a ed. México: Prentice Hall.

Strauss, S. E., Richardson, W. S. (2006). Medicina basada en la evidencia, 3a ed. Barcelona: Elsevier.