Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
Qualitative Health Research Methods
Other languages of instruction: English, Spanish
Teaching staff
Prior contact by e-mail:
- Dr. Cristina Monforte: cmonforte@uic.es
With this subject pretends to initiate the student into the methods and technics of qualitative research in health care sciences, specially in clinical areas, that allow you to develop with quality and to analyse in a critical and constructive way, the works of research with qualitative designs.
The development of the health care sciences profesessions has traditionally been realised by a biomedical prospect. This has supposed a determinate trend in the lines of thought and of action.
On the other hand we find with own elements of the personal interactions -between health care professionals, patients and relatives-, of the contextual situations, of the experiences in relation to their body and illness, that motivate specific and suitable lines of research to this phenomena.
The research with qualitative methodology allows approaching these phenomena to understand its importance in the social surroundings.
Pre-course requirements
- Scientific method knowledge.
- To be able to read english scientific articles
General objectives
- Endow of the theoretical, methodological and instrumental bases of the qualitative research applied in the clinical context.
- Increase the capacity of analysis and critical reading of the researches with qualitative design in health care science.
Specific objectives
The student,
- Will initiate a reflection of epistemological and methodological order on the qualitative research.
- Will identify the specific characteristics of the different designs of qualitative research.
- Will describe the diverse technical obtaining and of analysis of the data.
- Will state the criteria of rigour in the qualitative research.
- Will identify the indispensable ethical aspects in qualitative research.
- Will analyse with a critical way the researches of qualitative design in health care sciences field.
Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme
- CN01M - Identify health problems in the field of emergencies and health emergencies that can be investigated.
- CN04M - Identify the quantitative and qualitative tools and methods necessary for the design and development of a research study in the clinical field of emergencies.
- CP02M - Communicate clinical findings, health outcomes and/or research project in new, specialized and non-specialized settings clearly and unambiguously.
- CP03M - Design advanced research projects on clinical aspects capable of generating new and specific knowledge for disciplinary, professional and institutional development, considering the differences in the expression of diseases in men and women and the consequent health care and treatment needs.
- HB03M - Demostrar iniciativa y proactividad por parte del alumnado de manera autònoma y autodirigida en el proceso de aprendizaje mediante la capacidad de investigar, analizar información, sintetizar conocimientos y resolver problemas
- HB05M - Demonstrate the use of tools related to information and communication technologies and their application to specific fields of knowledge
Learning outcomes of the subject
The alumnus will be capable of:
- Apply the scientific method, research design, advanced biostatistics and quantitative and qualitative data analysis tools to solve a question or test a hypothesis in the clinical field.
- Use tools to critically evaluate projects, protocols and research articles, both qualitative and quantitative, in the field of health sciences.
- Discuss judgments based on ethical and social responsibility in clinical research.
- Communicate the stages of a clinical research project to specialized and non-specialized audiences in a clear and unambiguous way.
- To design an advanced research project on clinical aspects following ethical standards and scientific rigor and respecting the fundamental rights of equality between men and women, and the promotion of human rights and the values of a culture of peace and democratic values, using a language that avoids androcentrism and stereotypes.
- Introduction to the qualitative research: general characteristics.
- The qualitative question: ways to ask.
- Theoretical framework.
- Scientific rigour and validity of the qualitative research.
- Theoretical bases of the methodological approaches: Phenomenology; Grounded-Theory; Ethnography; living History; Study of Cases; Research Action.
- Mixed-Methods.
- Sample and sampling thecniques.
- Data collection thecniques: Observation; participant observation; Interview in depth; Focus groups or Focal Groups; living History.
- Analysis of qualitative data: transcriptions, videos, documentary sources and use of softwares of qualitative analysis.
- Project of qualitative research.
Teaching and learning activities
Masterclasses: online adaptation (CT) (CP): 25% |
One to one tutoring: 10% |
Group tutoring: 10% |
Autonomous learning - online adaptation (ML) 55% |
Evaluation systems and criteria
1 |
Continuous assessment: online adaptation (GP) |
Weighting |
60% |
2 |
Trabajos escritos: online adaptation (PT) |
Weighting |
20% |
3 |
Synchronus and foro participation: online adaptation (GP) |
Weighting |
20% |
Bibliography and resources
0) Berenguera A, Fernández de Sanmamed MJ, Pons M, Pujol E, Rodríguez D, Saura S. Escuchar, observar y comprender. Recuperando la narrativa en las Ciencias de la Salud. Aportaciones de la investigación cualitativa. Barcelona: Institut Universitari d’Investigació en Atenció Primària Jordi Gol (IDIAP J. Gol), 2014
1) Charmaz K. Constructing Grounded Theory: A Practical Guide through Qualitative Analysis (Introducing Qualitative Methods series). London: SAGE Publications, 2006
2) Creswell JW. (1998). Qualitative inquiry and research design: choosing among five traditions. London: Thousand Oaks: SAGE.
3) Denzin NK, Lincoln YS. (1998). Strategies of Qualitative Inquiry. London: SAGE.
4) Denzin NK., Lincoln YS. (1998). The Landscape of Qualitative Research. London: SAGE.
5) Glasser BG, Strauss AL. (1967) The discovery of grounded theory: strategies for qualitative research. Hawthorne, New York: Paperback.
6) Guba EG, & Lincoln YS. (1989) Fourth Generation Evaluation. London : SAGE
7) Hammersley M, Atkinson P. (1994) Etnografía. Métodos de investigación. Barcelona: Paidós.
8) Ibañez J. (1997). Más allá de la sociología. El grupo de discusión: técnica y crítica. Madrid: Siglo XXI.
9) Lincoln YS, & Guba EG. (1985). Naturalistic Inquiry. Newbury Park: SAGE.
10) Mercado FJ, Gastaldo D, Calderón C. (2002). Paradigmas y diseños de la investigación cualitativa en salud. Una antología iberoamericana. Guadalajara, México: Universidad de Guadalajara
11) Mercado FJ, Gastaldo D, Calderón C. (2002). Investigación cualitativa en Ibero América. Métodos, análisis y ética. Guadalajara, México: Universidad de Guadalajara
12) Morse JM. (2005) Asuntos críticos en los métodos de investigación cualitativa. Alicante: Universidad de Alicante.
13) Morse JM, & Field PA. (1995) Qualitative Research Methods for Health Professionals (2th ed.) London: SAGE
14) Patton, M.Q. (1987) How to use qualitative methods in evaluation. Beverly Hills: CA: Sage.
15) Ruiz Olabuénaga, JI. (1999) Metodología de la investigación cualitativa. Bilbao: Universidad de Deusto.
16) Silverman D. (2005) Doing qualitative research: A practical Handbook. (2th ed). London: SAGE Publications.
17) Strauss A, & Corbin, J. (1998). Grounded Theory Methodology: An Overview. In N.K. Denzin & Y.S. Lincoln (Eds.), Strategies of Qualitative Inquiry (pp. 158-183). London: SAGE.
18) Strauss A, Corbin J. (2005) Bases de la investigación cualitativa. Alicante: Universidad de Alicante.
19) Strauss A, Corbin J. (2002) Bases de la investigación cualitativa. Técnicas y procedimientos para desarrollar la teoría fundamentada. Medellín: Facultad de enfermería de la Universidad de Antioquia.
20) Taylor y Bogdan (1992) Introducción a los métodos cualitativos de investigación. Barcelona: Paydós.
21) Valles MS. (2000) Técnicas cualitativas de investigación social. Reflexión metodológica y práctica profesional. Madrid: Síntesis.
22) Vazquez ML. Introducción a las técnicas cualitativas de investigación en salud. Cursos GRAAL 5. Barcelona: Servei de Publicacions de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2006.
Webs de interés:
- Forum Qualitative Research. www.qualitative-research.net/fqs/fqs.htm
- International Journal of Qualitative Methods. www.cucs.udg.mx/progics/ www.ualberta.ca/iiqm
Revistas especializadas:
- Qualitative Health Research
- Qualitative Inquiry
- Qualitative Research