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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Theory of Literature

Theory of Literature
Second semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan

Teaching staff


This course focuses on analyzing basic concepts of literary studies with special attention to the history of the theory of literature and literary criticism. Through theoretical and practical arguments, we will discuss the place that has occupied the literary reflection in the configuration of the canon and its present importance.


This subject aims to set the theoretical bases and create a specific language that serves to define scientifically the various concepts related to literary reflection over the centuries. The participation of students in the debates of literary aesthetics will be encouraged that have been especially concerned by writers and intellectuals in general in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • E13 - To acquire knowlege of the general diachronic framework of the past.
  • E22 - To acquire knowledge of and the ability to use data collection instruments (biliographic catalogues, inventory archives, documentary sources, electronic sources, etc).
  • E27 - Ability to work in multicultural contexts.
  • G03 - To search for and/or administer economic resources within the framework of an institution or company, or a cultural programmes, project or service.
  • G08 - Ability to carry out research.
  • G09 - Creativity, inititiative and entrepreneurial spirit.

Learning outcomes of the subject

• Acquisition in the field of literary studies from a historical, critical, rhetorical, theoretical and comparative perspective based on the study of different theories and schools, with their fundamental characteristics (textual and critical).
• Comprehension of concepts related to literary theory and criticism from a comparative point of view, reviewing historiographic questions.
• Analytical reading of the literary works of the program, taking into account the current literary models and styles in a certain historical and cultural context.
• Acquisition of a rigorous method of literary criticism and text commentary to define and raise problems, formulate hypotheses, apply appropriate methodologies to solve these problems and develop them arguably with the support of a technical bibliography.
• Reflection on the axes of literary debates that most preoccupied thinkers in universal literature, within the framework of tradition and the current literary horizon.
• Detection of constants by means of the comparative study of the different currents of thought and cultural traditions.
• Stimulation and aesthetic, emotional and intellectual enjoyment of literary works.
• Knowledge of the fundamental role of tradition in literary and cultural transfers.


1.What is literature?

2. The disciplines of literary studies

3. Theory of Literature: schools and theories

Classical antiquity in the Modern Age
Russian formalism
New Criticism
Esthetics of the Reception

Teaching and learning activities

In person

In this subject, theoretical sessions will be combined with seminar sessions with training activities. Based on the contents given and the readings that will be given in class, in the practical sessions, texts will be analyzed and discussions will be discussed.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

• Final exam (60%)
• Papers and active participation in the debates (40%)

The exam will be carried out on the official date assigned. Written assignments will be done at the end of the course, before the end of the classes and on a topic previously discussed with the professor.



Bibliography and resources

  • Adorno, T. W., Notes de literatura, Barcelona: Columna, 2001

  • Culler, Jonathan, Breve introducción a la teoría literaria, Crítica: Barcelona, 1997 [2004]. 

  • Eagleton, Terry, Una introducción a la teoría literaria, México: Fondo de Cultura Económico, 1998

  • Eagleton, Terry, Cómo leer literatura, Barcelona: Austral, 2016

  • Eco, Umbert, Sobre literatura, Barcelona, RqueR, 2002. 

  • Fokkema, D. W; Ibsch, Elrud, Teorías de la literatura del siglo XX, Madrid: Cátedra, 1984

  • Guillén, Claudio, Entre lo uno y lo diverso, Barcelona, Austral, 2005. 

  • Lodge, David, L’art de la ficció, Barcelona: Empúries (La Butxaca), 1998.

  • Llovet, Jordi (coord.), Teoría literaria y literatura comparada, Barcelona: Ariel, 2005.

  • Todorov, Tzvetan, La literatura en perill, Barcelona: Galaxia Gutenberg, 2007

  • Todorov, Tzvetan, Los géneros del discurso, Caracas: Monte Avila Editores, 1991 

  • Villanueva, D. (comp.), Curso de teoría de la literatura, Madrid: Taurus, 1994. 

  • Viñas, David, Historia de la crítica literaria, Barcelona: Ariel, 2002.

  • Wellek, R.; Warren, A., Teoría literaria, Madrid: Gredos, 2004.

  • Woolf, Virginia, Una cambra pròpia, Terrassa: La Temerària, 2014