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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Great Works of Art

Great Works of Art
First semester
Main language of instruction: Catalan

Other languages of instruction: English

Teaching staff

By appointment with the professors.


Great Works of Art History is a 6-credit course taught during the first semester of the 3rd year in the Degree of Humanities and Cultural Studies. It belongs to the field of knowledge of Art History.

Through this course we will make a chronological trip around great works of Art History from the ancient civilisations to the contemporary world. From a selection of master works of different historical periods, we will analyse the works from different points of view: style, iconography, technique, building process, and other related aspects such as the artist and the clients, as well as the most important associated bibliography and documents. The study of each work will be placed in the artistical and historical context of its time, helping to understand it in time and place and having a global and coherent knowledge of it.

Pre-course requirements

It is recommended to have already attended Antique Culture, Medieval Culture, Modern Culture and Contemporary Culture.


-To know about Art History and its artistic trends through the analysis of some of its masterpieces.

-To know how to analyse works of art, from architecture, painting, sculpture, and other singular pieces of art.

-To introduce students to the world of research through the use of specialised sources and bibliography.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CN01 - Students will be able to analyse and interpret imaginary and iconic, symbolic and representational language in the context of humanistic disciplines.
  • CN03 - Students will be able to establish relationships between the concepts of heritage, territory and cultural identity.
  • CP02 - Students will be able to manage cultural projects focused on preserving and conserving heritage, through correct prior planning.
  • CP03 - Students will be able to design educational resources that encourage the understanding and appreciation of heritage and cultural identity, through the application of innovative and effective methodologies.
  • CP04 - Students will be able to encourage cultural visibility as a resource in institutions, markets, industries and companies.
  • CP05 - Students will be able to analyse socio-cultural, historical and artistic structures, from a respect for the fundamental rights of equality between men and women, using language that avoids androcentricity and stereotypes.
  • HB11 - Students will be able to critically analyse cultural and artistic representations, based on an understanding of their historical context, in order to develop an intercultural perspective and a deeper understanding of the contemporary world.
  • HB14 - Students will be able to critically evaluate cultural and humanistic production.
  • HB15 - Students will be able to analyse the elements that make up cultural heritage.
  • HB18 - Students will be able to present the results of their research in a narrative way, following the critical standards of each discipline.

Learning outcomes of the subject

The student

8. Know and select specific documentation about cultural experiences



- Egipto: De la mastaba a les piràmides. La Revolució Amarniense.

- Mesopotàmia (Estela de Naram-Sim, Porta d’Ishtar, Gudea, Codi d’Hammurabi, Relleu de la lleona ferida).

- Foros Romans 1      

- Foros Romans 2      

- Pompeia i Herculà

- Santa Sofia de Constantinoble i l’arquitectura bizantina

- La renovatio carolingia: Aquisgrà i els grans escriptoris carolingis      

- Santiago de Compostela i les esglésies de peregrinació

- Pintura romànica catalana - MNAC

- Els púlpits italians de Duecento i Trecento: Nicola i Giovanni Pisano

- La pintura del Trecento italià: la Capella Scrovegni, Giotto (Pàdua)

- Gòtic internacional: Grans Hores Duc de Berry i el sepulcre comte de Borgonya

- Jan van Eyck: El matrimoni Arnolfini i el retaule de l’Anyell Místic

- El Bosco: El jardí de les delícies

- Capella Sixtina

- Sant Pere del Vaticà


- Miquel Àngel

- Carracci & Caravaggio

- Borromini vs Bernini

- Dones Artistes I

- Jacques-Louis David

- Dones Artistes II

- Historicisme i eclecticisme. John Ruskin, Augustus Pugin i William Morris. 

- Rodin i Camille Claudel

- Toulouse-Lautrec

- Picasso: Guernica

Teaching and learning activities

In person

The classes will combine theory with the analysis of texts. The theorical part will be always accompanied with images and visual content. The practical part will consist of readings of adequate texts from art history sources, research articles and museum visits. The students must do two research papers in the clasroom.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

The assessment will be:

1. Two research papers in class (15% i 20%)

2. A Midterm and a Final exam (30% each)

3. Attendance and participation (5%)


In order to pass the course, the students must pass the paper and the two exams (more that a 5 is needed in every case in order to calculate the average)

The research papers will be assessed following these criteria:

1. Formal presentation

2. Documentation and bibliography used

3. Critical analysis and personal opinion

4. Orthography and grammar


Students must take in account:

1. The use of the language is very important in this course, in the exams and in the research paper. Be careful with grammar and orthography mistakes. The use of the specific terminology is recommended. Each of these mistakes will mean 0.10 points less.

2. Plagiarism is absolutely forbidden and will mean a 0. The ideas taken from another author must be referenced in a footnote and in the bibliography, and if it is an exact quote it must be quoted between inverted comas.

If teachers detect a plagiarized work or a student cheating during an exam, they will notify the Faculty Board, which will take the pertinent measures, including automatically obtaining a grade of 0.0 in the subject, going directly to the next call.

Bibliography and resources

Each topic has an specific bibliography which will be given at the beginning of the class.





Manniche, Lise (1997). El arte egipcio. Madrid: Alianza editorial.

Manley, B. (2018). Egyptian Art, Nova York, Thames&Hudson.

Stevenson Smith, W. (2000). Arte y arquitectura del Antiguo Egipto. Madrid: Cátedra. Manuales Arte Cátedra.

Wilkinson, Richard J. (2002). Los templos del Antiguo Egipto. Madrid: Destino.

Padró, Josep. (1996). Historia del Egipto faraónico. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.



BAHRANI, Z (2016). Art of Mesopotamia, Nova York: Thames&Hudson

FRANCKFORT, Henry (1992). Arte y Arquitectura del Oriente Antiguo. Madrid: Cátedra   LÓPEZ GRANDE, María (1996). Arte egipcio y del Próximo Oriente. Madrid: Conocer el arte. Historia 16   OLAGUER, Fernando (1994). Historia del Arte del Próximo Oriente. Barcelona: Planeta   PARROT, André (1960). Sumer. Madrid: Aguilar     Pompei and Herculano  

BARRY, Joanne (2017). The Complete Pompei, London, Thames& Hudson


Santa Sofia de Constantinoble

Beckwith, J. (1997). Arte paleocristiano y bizantino. Madrid : Cátedra.

Egea, J. M. (2003). Relato de cómo se construyó Santa Sofía : Según la descripción de varios códices y autores. Granada : Centro de Estudios Bizantinos, Neogriegos y Chipriotas.

Krautheimer, R. (2009). Arquitectura paleocristiana y bizantina. Madrid : Cátedra. Mainstone, R. J. (Rowland J. . (1988). Hagia Sophia : architecture, structure, and liturgy of Justinian’s great church. London : Thames and Hudson.

Mango, C. (1975). Arquitectura bizantina. Madrid : Aguilar.


La capella palatina d’Aquisgran i l’art carolingi

Bango Torviso, I. (1989). El Prerrománico en Europa : de Carlomagno a los Otones. Madrid : Historia 16.

Braunfels, W., Arquitectura monacal en Occidente, Barcelona, 1975.

Caillet, J.-P. (2005). L’art carolingien. Paris : Flammarion.

Conant, K. J. (1987). Arquitectura carolingia y románica, 800-1200. Madrid : Cátedra.

Dodwell, C.R (1995). Artes pictóricas en Occidente, 800-1200. Madrid: Cátedra


Catedral d’Aquisgrà


Santiago de Compostel·la

Bango Torviso, Isidro (1994). "Las llamadas' iglesias de peregrinación o el arquetipo de un estilo". En:  El camino de Santiago: Camino de las Estrellas, Madrid, pág. 233-284.

Castiñeiras González, M. A. (2010). Compostela y Europa : la historia de Diego Gelmírez. Milano: Skira.

Yzquierdo Peiró, R., Castiñeiras, M. A., Valle Pérez, J. C., & Museo del Prado. (2016). Maestro Mateo en el Museo del Prado. [Madrid] : Museo Nacional del Prado.

Yarza Luaces, J. (1979). Arte y arquitectura en España 500-1250. Madrid : Cátedra.



Santa Maria de Ripoll

Bango Torviso, I. G. (1990). El Monasterio medieval. Madrid : Anaya.

Braunfels, W., Arquitectura monacal en Occidente, Barcelona, 1975

Castiñeiras, M., & Camps i Sòria, J. (2008). El Romànic i la Mediterrània : Catalunya, Toulouse i Pisa, 1120-1180 : Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya, 29 febrer-18 maig 2008. Barcelona : Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya.

Junyent, Eduard (1975). El monestir de Ripoll. Barcelona

Ordeig, Ramon (2014). El monestir de Ripoll en temps dels seus primers abats (anys 879 - 1008). Vic

Yarza Luaces, J. (1979). Arte y arquitectura en España 500-1250. Madrid : Cátedra.

Yarza, J. (1987) “La portalada de Ripoll”. A: Catalunya romànica. Vol. X, Ripollès.




Chacon-Gómez Monedero, Francisco y Salamanca López, Manuel (2010). La catedral. Símbolo del renacer de Europa. Cuenca: Ed. Alderabán.

Erlander-Brandenburg, Alain. La catedral. Madrid: càtedra.

Kurmann-Schwarz, B., Kurmann, P., Kayser, T. de., & Sauvageot, C. (2001). Chartres : la cathédrale. [Saint-Léger-Vauban] : [Zodiaque].

Lévis-Godechot, N. (1987). Chartres : révélée par sa sculpture et ses vitraux. [Paris] : Zodiaque.

Mâle, Émile (1983). Notre Dame de Chartres. París: Flammarion

Prache, A., & Jouanneaux Françoise., F. (2000). Chartres, la cathédrale Notre-Dame. Paris : Centre des monuments nationaux.

Recht, Roland (1999). Le croire et le voir. L’art des cathédrales (XIIè – XV siècle). París: Gallimard.

Simson, O. G. von, & Villaverde, F. (1980). La Catedral gótica : los orígenes de la arquitectura gótica y el concepto medieval de orden. Madrid : Alianza.

Williamson, P. (1997). Escultura gótica [1140-1300]. Madrid : Cátedra.


Els púlpit del baptisteri de Pisa de Nicola Pisano i el púlpit de Pistoia d’Andrea Pisano

Carli, E., & Amendola, A. (1986). Giovanni Pisano : il pulpito di Pistoia. Milano : Mondadori.

Moskowitz, A. F. (2001). Italian Gothic sculpture : c. 1250-c. 1400. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.

Moskowitz, A. F. (2005). Nicola & Giovanni Pisano: the pulpits: pious devotion, pious diversion. London: Harvey Miller.

Pope-Hennessy, J. W. (1996). Italian gothic sculpture (4th ed.). London : Phaidon.

White, J. (1989). Arte y arquitectura en Italia: 1250-1400. Madrid : Cátedra.



Frugoni, C., Criscenti, L., Criscenti, N., & Mondadori, C. (2005). La Cappella degli Scrovegni di Giotto. Torino : Einaudi.

White, J. (1989). Arte y arquitectura en Italia : 1250-1400. Madrid : Cátedra.


Molt riques hores del duc de Berry

Husband, T., J. Paul Getty Museum., & Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N. Y.  (2008). The art of illumination : the Limbourg brothers and the Belles heures of Jean de France, Duc de Berry. New Haven: Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Harthan, J. P. (1988). Books of hours and their owners (Repr.). London : Thames and Hudson.

Longnon, J., Cazelles, R., & Meiss, M. (1969). The Très Riches Heures of Jean, Duke of Berry : musée Condé, Chantilly. New York : George Braziller.  

Musée du Louvre., É., & Avril, F. (2004). Paris, 1400 : les arts sous Charles VI. [Paris] : Fayard.


Jan van Eyck

Harbison, C. (1991). Jan van Eyck : the play of realism. London : Reaktion Books.

Pächt, O., & Schmidt-Dengler, M. (1999). Van Eyck and the founders of early Netherlandish painting. London : Harvey Miller.

Yarza Luaces, J. (1993). Jan van Eyck. Madrid : Historia 16.



Murray, Peter; Murray, Linda, El arte del Renacimiento, Ediciones Destino: Barcelona, 1991 (1963)

Argan, Giulio Carlo, Renacimiento y Barroco, Ediciones Akal: Madrid, 1996 (1987)


Coughlan, Robert, El mundo de Miguel Ángel, Time-Life Books: Amsterdam, 1981 (1966)

Rudolf Wittkower, La Escultura: procesos y principios, Madrid: Alianza, 1980



Pérez Sánchez, Alfonso, Pintura barroca en España (1600-1750), Manuales de Arte Cátedra: Madrid, 1996

AAVV, Velázquez, Catálogo de exposición, Museo del Prado-Ministerio de Cultura: Madrid, 1990


Bernini and Borromini

Wittkower, Rudolf, La arquitectura en la edad del Humanismo, Alianza: Madrid, 1995 (1949)

Blunt, Anthony, Borromini, Alianza Forma: Madrid, 2005 (1979)

Borsi, Franco, Bernini, Akal Arquitectura: Madrid, 1998 (1984)

Wittkower, Rudolf, Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Alianza Forma: Madrid, 1990 (1955)

Wittkower, Rudolf, Arte y arquitectura en Italia (1600-1750), Manuales de Arte Cátedra: Madrid, 2007 (1958)

Rudolf Wittkower, La Escultura: procesos y principios, Madrid: Alianza, 1980


Women Artists

Auricchio, Laura, Adélaïde Labille-Guiard: artist in the age of revolution, Getty Publications – (Yale), 2009

Caamaño Fernández, Rosa Elvira, Educación y dedicación: aportaciones de las grandes pintoras al arte: desde la antigüedad hasta 1800, Servizo de Publicacións da Universidade de Vigo, 2012

Diego Otero, Estrella de, La mujer y la pintura del siglo XIX español (cuatrocientas olvidadas y algunas más), Madrid, Cátedra, 1987

Francesc FONTBONA: Art i dona a l’època romàntica, a La dona i el Romanticisme, Quaderns del Museu Frederic Marès (Barcelona), Estudis 1 (1996 [III-1997]), pàgs. 37-54.

Gil Salinas, R., Lomba, C. Olvidadas y silenciadas,  Universitat de València, 2021

Hall-Van den Elsen, C. Fuerza e intimismo: Luisa Roldán, escultora (1652-1706). Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2018

Historia del arte y mujeres, Málaga, Universidad de Málaga, 1996

Mujeres impresionistas. La otra mirada, Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao, Bilbao, 2002

PORQUERES, Bea, Quaderns per a la co-educació: Deu segles de creativitat femenina. Una altra història de l’art, Barcelona, Institut de Ciències de l’Educació, 1995

LORENZO ARRIBAS, Josemi, Hildegarda de Bingen, Biblioteca de Mujeres. Ediciones del Orto, 1996

Adler, Kathleen, Garb, Tamar, Berthe Morisot,London, Phaidon, 1995

Ayral-Clause, Odile, Camille Claudel, a life,New York, Harry N. Abrams, 2002

Caffin Madaule, Liliane, Catalogue raisonné des oeuvres de Maria Blanchard, London, Liliane Caffin Madaule, 1992-94. (2 v.)

Liubov Popova, 1889-1924,Munich, Prestel, 1991

Néret, Gilles, Tamara de Lempicka, 1898-1980, Cologne, Taschen, 1992

Pérez Carreño, Francisca, Artemisia Gentileschi, Madrid, Historia 16, 1993

PORQUERES, Bea, Sofonisba Anguissola, Biblioteca de Mujeres. Ediciones del Orto, 2003

Robert y Sonia Delaunay, 1905-1941, Madrid, Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, 2002

VIGÉE-LEBRUN, Marie Louise Elisabeth, Memoirs of Madame Vigée Lebrun, New York, George Braziller, 1989