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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Debating Techniques

Debating Techniques
Second semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Teaching staff

 - Cal arribar puntualment a classe, els retards no justificats reduiran l'avaluació final. - L'assignatura és de pràctica oral, encara que a l'examen final s'ha de presentar un vídeo juntament amb un text escrit. És imperatiu el bon ús de l'ortografia, ja que cada falta ortogràfica reduirà 0,10 punts a l'examen final.


In oratory, everything communicates. To succeed in a debate or a public presentation, it is important to master the art of language, use the right words, know how to structure our speech, and understand the tricks of non-verbal communication.

Each student will discover their own dialectical abilities. We all have resources if we know how to use them. Dare to argue well, in a precise manner, and clearly present our ideas so that they resonate with the audience. Structure a successful speech so that our point of view is taken into account, gaining credibility and trust from our interlocutors. In this subject, we will practice the most effective techniques to win and convince. Learn to create impactful moments during a presentation; be credible, ensure that they pay attention to our words, and that our theses are acknowledged.

The management of communication codes, the art of being right and getting others to give you the attention you deserve; overcoming stage fright, all of which will make each student a trustworthy, credible person deserving of respect. Each student's own resources are their best communication weapon.

Overcome the fear of a powerful interlocutor, know the technique to face opposing arguments calmly and without losing control. Do we know how to recognize when we are being lied to? Fallacies, deceptions, and manipulations are part of everyday life in all areas of our society. We will learn to discover when someone is trying to deceive us and to avoid letting anyone realize when what we say is not entirely true.

The skills of oratory are already within each of us; let us know our best weapons and make the most of our potential in the art of expressing ourselves and debating.


Pre-course requirements

Be aware of the importance of knowing how to argue and being motivated to challenge oneself in each class to take on and overcome both the theoretical and practical aspects. The student must set aside their complexes, without fears. While they should not be afraid of feeling uncomfortable, no one will force them to do or say anything they do not wish to; they should come in calm and eager to improve in the art of expressing themselves correctly.


To know the oratory skills that each of us possesses and to learn new ways of expressing ourselves. To use the precise words and concepts for each situation. To overcome the fear of public speaking. To be convincing and brilliant when presenting ideas.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CP02 - Students will be able to manage cultural projects focused on preserving and conserving heritage, through correct prior planning.
  • CP03 - Students will be able to design educational resources that encourage the understanding and appreciation of heritage and cultural identity, through the application of innovative and effective methodologies.
  • CP04 - Students will be able to encourage cultural visibility as a resource in institutions, markets, industries and companies.
  • CP05 - Students will be able to analyse socio-cultural, historical and artistic structures, from a respect for the fundamental rights of equality between men and women, using language that avoids androcentricity and stereotypes.
  • HB02 - Students will be able to convey information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialised and non-specialised audiences.
  • HB03 - Students will be able to develop a coherent understanding and expression of ideas and arguments, both orally and in writing.
  • HB06 - Students will be able to plan tasks and projects in an organised and structured manner.
  • HB09 - Students will be able to present creative and viable proposals in the field of humanities, demonstrating initiative and an entrepreneurial spirit by applying the knowledge acquired in their academic training.
  • HB10 - Students will have the ability to manage economic resources and digital skills in cultural organisations and projects.
  • HB12 - Students will be able to adequately and effectively apply methods and techniques specific to different humanities disciplines when problem solving and when elaborating critical and well-founded arguments.


Seleccionar y sintetizar documentación y argumentaciones específicas.

Practicar estrategias de trabajo en grupo.

Aprender a diagnosticar problemas en los planteamientos y argumentaciones, y solucionarlos.

Utilizar técnicas de protocolo en simulación de casos diversos.

Cómo vencer y convencer en un debate.

Trucos y técnicas para crear momentos de impacto durante una exposición.

Recursos lingüísticos para una argumentación efectiva.

Improvisación positiva.

El arte de tener razón.

Gestión de códigos.

Factores clave para una exposición de impacto.

Lenguaje no verbal.

Comunicación creíble.

Cómo evitar los nervios.

Técnicas para debatir con éxito.

Argumentación y estructura de un discurso.

Teaching and learning activities

In person

The subject will combine practical sessions with sessions of presentation of the syllabus by the teacher. In the practical sessions there will be debates, speeches and analysis of different arguments from public speakers.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

- Attendance is worth 50% of the total score. If the absence is justified and communicated before the class begins, these five points will be maintained.

- Interest and participation in class during the course will also be taken into account and will have a value of 20%. If you have been absent from class, even if it is justified, you lose that part of the score. If due attention is not paid too.

- The final exam consists of a 60-90 second recorded speech and is worth 30% in the final grade.

Bibliography and resources

  1. Ericson, M. John; The debaters guide; 3rd Edition 2003 by Southern Illinois University Press
  2. Crowley, Sharon; Ancient rethoric for contemporany students; 2004; Pearson educationc Inc.
  3. Hogan, kevin; The psycology of persuation; 2004; Pelican publishing company, Grenta
  4. Weston, Anthony; Las claves de la argumentación; 2001; Ariel S.A.
  5. Schopenhauer, Arthur; El Arte de tener Razón
  6. Blackburn, S; tink, a compelling introduction to philosophy; 1999 Oxford University Press