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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Theory and Practice in the Restoration of Architectural Heritage

Theory and Practice in the Restoration of Architectural Heritage
Second semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English,

Teaching staff

Communication will be done through the dedicated space on the intranet.

The documentation of the course will always be delivered through the network.

Personal attention outside class hours will be provided by appointment by e-mail.


OPTATIVE subject

4th Year Degree in Fundamentals of ARCHITECTURE

2nd Semester

3 ECTS credits

PROFESSOR RESPONSIBLE: Dr. Josep Lluis i Ginovart

PROFESSORS: Dr. Cinta Lluis-Teruel


The course introduces knowledge of the theories of restoration in the international sphere, from the Renaissance to reconstruction during the Second World War, as well as in the context of Spanish built heritage.


As a complement to the competences of the Memory of the Degree in Architecture by the International University of Catalonia, ANECA, 239/2008, File M.o 2500577, some Specific Competences are proposed:


Aptitude to intervene in the built heritage, in its conservation, restoration and rehabilitation.

Pre-course requirements

It is recommended to be taking Construction VI.

It is necessary to have taken and passed the theory and critique course.


The aim is to provide the learner with the ability to set different project objectives that are coherent with the needs detected in the context and identify possible risks inherent to the project.

Locate and access information effectively and efficiently.

Critically evaluate information and its sources and incorporate it into one's knowledge base and value system.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 34-T - Ability to design, practice and develop basic and execution projects, sketches and blueprints.
  • 35-T - Ability to conceive, put into practice and develop urban projects
  • 40 - Ability to express architectural criticism.
  • 48 - To acquire adequate knowledge of the general theories of form, composition and architectural typologies
  • 49 - To acquire adequate knowledge of the history of architecture.
  • 51 - To acquire adequate knowledge of the study methods of social needs, quality of life, habitability and basic housing programmes
  • 53 - To acquire adequate knowledge of architectural, urban development and landscaping traditions of Western culture, as well as their technical, climate, economic, social and ideological foundations
  • 54 - To acquire adequate knowledge of the aesthetics, theory and history of Fine Arts and Applied Arts.
  • 55 - To acquire adequate knowledge of the relationship between cultural patterns and the social responsibilities of the architect
  • 56 - To acquire adequate knowledge of the principles of vernacular architecture
  • 57 - To acquire adequate knowledge of urban sociology, theory, economy and history.

Learning outcomes of the subject

At the end of this subject the student should be able to:

Apply critical, logical and creative thinking, demonstrating a capacity for innovation.

Manage information and knowledge.


1. Theory of architectural heritage
1.1 Definition of Heritage
1.2 Definition of Restoration Intervention

2. The protection of the heritage built in Spain and Catalonia
2.1 Protection and Legislation of the Heritage in Spain
2.2 Protection and Legislation of the Heritage in Catalonia

3. The execution of the restoration in Spain and Catalonia
3.1 Restoration in Spain (1300-1900)
3.2 Restoration in Spain (1900-1975)
3.3 Restoration in Spain (1975-2010)
3.4 Restoration in Catalonia (1300-1900)
3.5 Restoration in Catalonia (1900-1975)
3.6 Restoration in Catalonia (1975-2010)

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Introductory activities: Activities aimed at making contact with and gathering information from students and presenting the subject.

Lecture: Presentation of the contents of the subject.

Work: Work carried out by the student.

Architectural workshop: The practical projects are monitored in the classroom in face-to-face sessions and require additional dedication from the students for the development of the projects without tutoring. It is progressive in nature and allows for the cumulative acquisition of skills.

Presentations and exhibitions: Oral presentation by students of a specific topic or work, prior written presentation.

training activities


competences to be acquired


Lecture class




Participative class

Presentation of exercises, analysis,

discussion and correction



Practical class

Exercises, workshop work




Research, exercises and case studies



Individual or group study

Teamwork, autonomous learning, information research, exercise completion






Class exhibition
Class participation
Individual or group study
Clase practice
34-T 35-T 40 48 49 50 51 53 54 55 56 57 3

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person


1 Project report (15%)

2 Survey on the current state of the building (25%)

3 Proposal of intervention and information of the building in .pdf format (35%)

4 Final work proposal. Proposal for an action video 5' (25%)

5 Attendance (10%)



PROJECT REPORT (15%) (you must follow the template that is on the intranet)

1. 1. Introduction:

   - Brief description of the project.

   - Aims and purpose of the project.

   - Relevant background and context.

2. Site analysis and historical analysis:

   - Study of the physical and social environment,

            Climatic and geographical considerations

   - Historical analysis

3. Project description:

   - Detailed description of the site or location of the project.

   - Typology and use of the building (residential, commercial, institutional, etc.).

   - Size of the project (floor area, number of floors, etc.).

   - Special features of the architectural design.

Justification and needs:

   - Reasons justifying the proposed architectural design.

   - Functional, aesthetic and technical considerations.

   - Client and end-user requirements.

5. Design concept:

   - Central idea or concept guiding the architectural design.

   - Key architectural features and elements.

6. Programme of requirements:

   - Detailed list of required spaces and their functions.

   - Functional relationships between the different spaces.

   - Approximate dimensioning of each space.

7. Design development:

   - Explanation of the phases of design development.

   - Plans, sketches and models illustrating the evolution of the design.

   - Relevant technical details of the architectural design.

8. Technical and constructional aspects:

   - Details of materials and construction methods used.

   - Structural considerations.

9. Conclusions and recommendations:

    - Summary of the most important aspects of the project.

    - Recommendations for future phases or improvements to the project.

    - Final reflections on the design process and its results.


10. References and appendices:

    - Sources of information used.

    - Complementary documentation (plans, technical studies, photographs, etc.).

Bibliography and resources


* Bonelli, Roberto. (1995). Scritti sul restauro e sulla critica architettonica, Scuola di specializzazione per lo studio ed il restauro dei monumenti, Università degli studi di Roma

“La Sapienza”. Roma: Bonsignori

* Brandi, Cesare. (1963). Teoria del restauro Roma: Edizioni di storia e letteratura. Teoría de la restauración. Madrid: Alianza (1988).

* Carbonara, G. (1997). Avvicinamento al restauro. Teoria, storia, monumenti. Napoli: Liguori.

* Carbonara, G. (1996). Trattato di restauro architettonico. (4vol.) Torino: UTET.
* Dezzi Bardeschi, M. (1991). Restauro: punto e da capo. Frammenti per una (impossibile) teoria, a cura di V. Locatelli. Milano: Angeli.

* Giovannoni, G. (1913). Restauri di monumenti. La tutela delle opere d’arte in Italia, Atti del I Convegno degli Ispettori Onorari dei Monumenti e Scavi, Roma 22-25 ottobre 1912. Bollettino d’Arte del Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione, n. 1, 1913, pp. 1-42.

* Marconi, P. (1984). Arte e cultura della manutenzione dei monumenti. Roma-Bari: Laterza.

* Philippot, P. (1998). Saggi sul restauro e dintorni. Antologia, Fancelli, P. (ed). Scuola di specializzazione per lo studio ed il restauro dei monumenti, Università degli studi di Roma “La Sapienza”. Roma: Bonsignori.

Complementary Bibliography:

* Casiello, S. (1996). La cultura del restauro. Teorie e fondatori. Venezia: Marsilio. (3ª ed. 2005, Venezia: Marsilio)

* Casiello, S. (2000). Restauro dalla teoria alla prassi. Napoli: Electa Napoli 2000.

* Ceschi, Carlo. (1970). Teoria e storia del restauro. Roma: Mario Bulzoni Editore.

* González-Varas, Ignacio (1999). Conservación de bienes culturales. Teoría, historia, principios y normas. Madrid: Cátedra.

* González, A., Lacuesta, R. (1984). 1380-1980. Sis segles de protecció del patrimoni arquitectònic a Catalunya. Barcelona: Diputació de Barcelona. 

* González, Antonio (1999). La restauració objectiva. Mètode SCCM de restauració monumental. Memòria SPAL 1993-1998. Barcelona: Diputació de Barcelona.

* Jokiletho, Jukka (1999). A History of Architectural Conservation. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann, ICCROM

* Macarrón, A. M. (1995). Historia de la Conservación y la Restauración. Madrid: Tecnos.

* Martinez Justicia, María José (et al). (2009). Historia y teoría de la conservación y la restauración artística. Madrid: Tecnos

* Miarelli Mariani, G. (1979) Monumenti nel tempo. Per una storia del restauro in Abruzzo e nel Molise. Roma: Carucci.

* Rivera Blanco, J. J. (1997). Restauración arquitectónica desde los orígenes hasta nuestros días. Conceptos, teoría e historia. En Teoría e Historia de la restauración, Máster de Restauración y Rehabilitación del Patrimonio, pp. 101-170. Madrid: Universidad de Alcalá.

* Rivera Blanco, J. J. (2008). De varia restauratione: teoría e historia de la restauración arquitectónica. Madrid: Abada. 

* Navascués Palacio, P. (1987). La restauración monumental como proceso histórico: el caso español, 1800-1950. Curso de Mecánica y Tecnología en los edificios antiguos. Madrid: Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid.


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