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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Biomaterials and Biocompatibility

Biomaterials and Biocompatibility
Second semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English

Teaching staff

You can arrange a face-to-face meeting with the teacher by writing them via email.


Currently, biomaterials play a fundamental role in reparative medicine. A biomaterial is any material that interacts with biological systems and whose purpose is to replace or restore some function of the human body. They can be bioinert, bioactive, permanent or reabsorbable. Ideally, the design or selection of a biomaterial should be guided by objective knowledge of the mechanisms of interaction between the implanted material and the biophysical system of the receptor. These mechanisms involve multiphysical, chemical and biological phenomena, whose scope requires multiple disciplinary qualties and teamwork. Subject theory will focus on multiphysical and biological aspects. Current examples of biomaterials applied to research or industry will be covered through seminars (8 hours) taught by specialists in each field. A practical project will serve to integrate knowledge acquired throughout the course for resolving specific cases.

Pre-course requirements

Subject: Materials.


The general objective of the subject is to have the basic knowledge of the types of biomaterials that exist and their applications, in addition to how a biomaterial should be designed to be biocompatible with the human body, understanding the interactions between the material and the living tissues surrounding it once implanted.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CB2 - Students must know how to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional way and have the competences that are demonstrated through the creation and defence of arguments and the resolution of problems within their field of study.
  • CB4 - Students can transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to specialist and non-specialist audiences.
  • CE6 - To incorporate the foundations of science and materials technology, while taking into account the relationship between microstructure, synthesis or process and the properties of materials.
  • CE9 - To apply the basic foundations of elasticity and the resistance of materials to the behaviour of actual volumes.
  • CG1 - To undertake projects in the field of Bioengineering that aim to achieve a concept and a design, as well as manufacture prosthetics and orthotics that are specific to a certain pathology or need.
  • CG7 - To analyse and evaluate the social and environmental impact of technical solutions
  • CT2 - The ability to link welfare with globalisation and sustainability; to acquire the ability to use skills, technology, the economy and sustainability in a balanced and compatible manner.
  • CT7 - To be fluent in a third language, usually English, with a suitable verbal and written level that is in line with graduate requirements.

Learning outcomes of the subject

At the end of this course, students should be able to:

  • Know all the types of materials suitable for the implementation of biomaterials and be able to classify them.
  • Understand the concepts of biocompatibility and bioactivity.
  • Understand the interaction of materials with body tissues.
  • Envision how materials can be functionalised and treated to improve their properties.
  • Understand which basic properties of materials that promote tissue regeneration and cause no adverse reactions to the body, as well as the necessary tests to typifiy them.
  • Be aware of all the innovations in biomaterials and develop an interest in this field.
  • Understand the principles and fundamental concepts of the application of biomaterials to projects within biomedical engineering.


  1. Definition of Biomaterial
  2. Classification of Biomaterials
  3. Definition of Biocompatibility
  4. Social and economic impact

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Besides the theory necessary to acquire the basic concepts of biomaterials, the students will also do small group jobs focused on the working concepts given in class as read scientidic articles or dissemination or scientic debates. 

Students will also do a project in this subject. Each student will be assigned a biomaterial and must use it for their project, showing its most important aspects, new designs and future applications.  

The Biomaterials chosen for the project will include: 

- Metals (titanium, Cr-Co, stainless steel, magnesium among others)

- Bioinert ceramics (alumina, zirconia)

- Bioactive ceramics (hidroxiapatite, calcium phosphate, etc.)

- Non-biodegradable polimers: (poliethylene, tetrafluoroethylene, PDMS, etc.)

- Biodegradable Polimers: caprolactone, polilactic acid, poliglicolic acid, among others.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

The student's markwill be:

First call

Final mark = 0.4 Final exam + 0.25 partial exam + 0.3 Final course project and seminar summaries + 0.05 Class participation

Second call

Final mark = 0.7 second call exam + 0.3 final course project + 0,05% continuous evaluation. 


- The minimum mark of the partial exam will be 4 to average it with the rest of the continuous evaluation.

- The minimum mark of the final exam will be 4.5 (both the first and second calls) to average it with the rest of the continuous assessment.

- The minimum mark of the course project will be 4 in order to be considered for the fnal evaluation of the subject.

- El course project may not be repeated in a second exam call. The course project mark will be the mark obtained in the first exam call (always a minimum of 4).  

- Repeating students will have to do all the activities again.

- Foreign and exchange students (Erasmus and others) will be subject to the same conditions as the rest of the students. This is especially important with regard to the calendar, exam dates and the evaluation system.

Bibliography and resources

[1]         Ratner, Buddy D. [et al.]. Biomaterials Science – An Introduction to Materials in Medicine. Academic Press, 2004.

[2]         Carter, C. B.; Norton, M. G. Ceramic Materials: Science and Engineering. Springer Science & Business Media, 2007.

[3]         Bandyopadhyay, A.; Narayan, R.; Bose, S. Biomaterials Science: Processing, Properties and Applications V. John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2015.

[4]         Mas-Moruno, C. [et al.]. “Bioactive Ceramic and Metallic Surfaces for Bone Engineering”. A: Taubert, A.; Mano, J. F.; Rodríguez-Cabello, J. C. Biomaterials Surface Science. Alemanya: Wiley-VCH, p. 1-37, 2013.

[5]         Mahyudin, F.; Hermawan, H. Biomaterials and Medical Devices – A Perspective from an Emerging Country, vol. 58, 2016.

[6]         Martínez Cruz, O.; Mora Iter, X. Biomaterials: ciments ossis, ceràmiques i el seu ús en cirurgia protètica. Agència de Qualitat i Avaluació Sanitàries Catalunya, 2017.

Evaluation period

E: exam date | R: revision date | 1: first session | 2: second session:
  • E1 18/05/2023 A02 10:00h
  • E2 22/06/2023 P2A02 10:00h