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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Educational Psychology Interventions in Pre-Primary and Primary Education

Educational Psychology Interventions in Pre-Primary and Primary Education
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English,

Teaching staff

As this is an on-line Master's, students have various on-line resources at their disposition to guarantee continuous contact with the teaching staff. Through these resources, the teaching staff supervises the activities, monitors the work of the course and maintains contact with the students.


In the event that the health authorities announce a new period of confinement due to the evolution of the health crisis caused by COVID-19, the teaching staff will promptly communicate how this may effect the teaching methodologies and activities as well as the assessment.



The subject of Psychopedagogical Intervention in the school environment, an optional speciality, is offered to those students who choose the field of school psycho-pedagogical intervention. It consists of two subjects:


Psychopedagogical intervention in Infant and Primary Education, and Educational guidance and psycho-pedagogical advice in Secondary Education, Bachelors and Professional Training


The subject of Psychopedagogical Intervention in Pre-primary  and Primary Education presents the main characteristics of these two stages of the educational system, as well as the type of demands made on the psychopedagogue. This subject, for those students who choose the field of school psycho-pedagogical intervention, has a teaching load of 7 ECTS.

In this subject it is very important the didactic role of the case study, with presentation and explanation of professional situations on which to make a diagnosis and propose a psycho-pedagogical intervention.





-Know how to justify diagnostic evaluation decisions when interacting with kidergarten and primary school students

-Once the psycho-pedagogical assessment has been carried out, know how to prioritise the areas in which you will intervene.

- Knowing how to argue the most appropriate type of psychoeducational intervention in each case.

-Decide and justify what aspect to prioritize in the intervention.

 -Relate the cases with the topics worked on in the module.

- Knowing the criteria for follow-up in the three areas of intervention: individual, school and family.


Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme



2.1-Basic and general


CB6 Possess and understand knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity to be original in the development and/or application of ideas, often in a research context.

 CB7 Be able to apply the knowledge acquired and be able to solve problems in new or unfamiliar environments within wider (or multi-disciplinary) contexts related to their area of study.

CB8 Be able to integrate knowledge and deal with the complexity of making judgements based on incomplete or limited information, including reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities associated with applying their knowledge and judgements. 

CB9 Be able to communicate conclusions, knowledge and reasons, to specialist and non-specialist audiences in a clear and unambiguous way.

CB10 Possess the learning skills to continue to study in a largely self-directed or autonomous manner.

CG4 Know how to apply the knowledge acquired and be able to solve problems in complex environments in which the educational psychopedagogue acts.

 CG5 To be able to communicate in a reasoned way the decision-making process in the psycho-pedagogical field.

2. 2-Transversal 

TC1 To generate innovative and competitive proposals in the professional or research activity.

 TC4 To be able to present the ideas developed orally and in a written form, adapting them to the style and models of the professional or research activity.

 TC5 Work in teams and with teams (in the same field or interdisciplinary) and develop attitudes of participation and collaboration as an active member of the community.

TC6 Behaving ethically and socially responsible as a citizen and as a professional.



SC4 To determine the psycho-pedagogical needs of students, groups and organizations based on the application of different evaluation systems. 

SC6 To analyse the data obtained in the psycho-pedagogical evaluation and to elaborate the relevant reports.

 SC10 To analyze the organization and functioning of educational centres to coordinate the personal, academic and professional guidance of students.

 SC11 To identify the educational needs in the different stages in order to develop the tutorial function and the psycho-pedagogical guidance.

 SC13 To evaluate processes, programmes, services and methodologies designed and/or developed by educational psychologists.


Learning outcomes of the subject



Know and positively assess the differential characteristics of Early Childhood Education and Primary Education (PE).

Know the contexts of psycho-pedagogical intervention in Early Childhood Education and PE: children and their families, schools, the different educational spaces of the center, work with teaching teams, the relationship with the closest social environment. Influencing factors of the social environment in the school context: childhood at risk of social exclusion.

Identify strategies to promote coexistence and mediation in Early Childhood Education and PE.

Know how to correctly apply different assessment instruments in Early Childhood Education and PE.



  ⦁ Know and positively assess the differential characteristics between Early Childhood Education (EI) and Primary Education (PE). Know the contexts of psychopedagogical intervention in Early Childhood Education and PE: children and their families, schools, the different educational spaces of the center, work with teaching teams, the relationship with the closest social environment. Influence factors of the social environment in the school context: childhood at risk of social exclusion. Identify strategies to promote coexistence and mediation in Early Childhood Education and PE. Know how to correctly apply different assessment instruments in Early Childhood Education and PE. Adapt educational intervention resources and strategies to the educational stages of Early Childhood Education and PE. Assess critically and constructively, through observation and documentation, the application and results of the interventions carried out at this stage. Prepare or update psychopedagogical reports that include guidelines for educational intervention at this stage.  

Teaching and learning activities

In person



Bibliography and resources

The subject is developed from contents that have received special didactic treatment for the modality of non-attendance training in virtual learning environments. 

The content of the different topics is distributed in a Didactic Module.

The Module is made up of different elements that facilitate the understanding and assimilation of the theoretical concepts and cases through the design of the page that the student views. 

The design of each module includes the following elements:

⦁ Presentation

⦁ Summary

⦁ Content

⦁ Figures - Diagrams - Decision trees

⦁ Links of theme interrelations

⦁ Forums

⦁ Discussions

⦁ Webconference (Adobe Connect)

⦁ Bibliography

⦁ Self-evaluation and evaluations

⦁ External links to the Virtual Campus

⦁ Virtual library

On the other hand, and taking advantage of all the possibilities offered by the Internet, different types of activities, group work, reading comments and talks are developed to encourage communication between students and teachers and, in conclusion, to promote the use of the Master's and the professional relations of all participants. 





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IX Congreso Regional de Educación 18/05/2016
Ponencia Inaugural: Competencias para convivir. Àngels Grado Pérez Vídeo Disponible en: