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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Indirect Operative Techniques and Adhesive Prostheses

Indirect Operative Techniques and Adhesive Prostheses
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English

If the student is enrolled for the English track then classes for that subject will be taught in the same language.

Teaching staff



Indirect operative and adhesive prosthesis is the area of dentistry that deals with the treatment of defects and loss of hard dental tissues. Its aim is to achieve the biological, functional and aesthetic restoration of the tooth, in isolation, and as an integral part of the stomatognathic system.


Pre-course requirements

Knowledge of the bases of adhesive dentistry.

Knowledge of the properties of restorative dental materials.




  1. Determine the causes of poor dental health.
  2. Reconstruct the initial morphology of the tooth, respecting their threefold function (mastication, phonation and aesthetics).
  3. Protect exposed dental hard tissues, preventing bacterial influences on mechanical pulp, thermal, osmotic, and chemotoxic.
  4. Perform the techniques that lead to the restoration of dental health
  5. Restore the anatomy and aesthetic losses.


These objectives are divided into three groups:

  1. Know and define the concepts of dental pathology, dental therapy, dental surgery
  2. Know the sequence of operative technique in restorative dentistry
  3. Present Blacks’ classification of cavities
  4. Describe the characteristics of each of the classes of cavities
  5. Present the general concepts governing the indications of the different materials used in these restorations
  6. Describe the models that explain adherence to hard tissue dental restoration materials
  7. Know the clinical technique for using different adhesive systems
  8. Know the isolation technique in the operative field for dental surgery
  9. Know the pre-provisionalisation techniques
  10. Know the usefulness of silicone guides for tooth preparations
  11. Understand adhesive cementation technique.

Sensory and motor:

  1. Perform the carving of the different types of inlays and veneers on resin models
  2. Perform proper insulation of operating field on resin models
  3. Know the adhesive cementation technique
  4. Properly seal the different cavities of Black’s classification

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CB10 - Students should acquire the learning skills that allow them to continue to study.
  • CB6 - Students should have and understand knowledge that provides the basis for or opportunity to be original in terms of the development and application of ideas, often within a research context.
  • CB7 - Students should know how to apply the knowledge they have acquired and be able to resolve problems in new or little known environments within a broader (or multidiciplinary) context, related to their area of study.
  • CE4 - To acquire the ability to make oral preparations on mucosa, teeth, and dental implants, to build dental prostheses in patients with advanced oral and multidisciplinary disorders; as well as identify and undertake the procedures and various checks for the prosthetic components during construction.
  • CE5 - To be able to give public presentations on your own clinical cases based on the scientific literature, and correctly use the scientific terminology related to temporomandibular dysfunction and aesthetic restorative dentistry.
  • CE7 - To be able to search for, organise and analyse, from a critical point of view, and using biomedical sources of information, scientific literature on issues related to temporomandibular dysfunction and aesthetic restorative dentistry, in order to pursue continuing education in a self-directed and autonomous way.
  • CG4 - To know how to apply protocols for the use of the equipment in the dental laboratory-workshop to the point of undertaking the necessary procedures that help in oral rehabilitation or the treatments common to a restorative dentist.

Learning outcomes of the subject

The student will acquire the ability to prepare inlays, starting from a basic level and will acquire the ability to perform more complex cases of complete rehabilitation. The student will also learn how to prepare cases for rehabilitation with ceramic veneers.


Posterior indirect restorations

Anterior indirect restorations

Pre-provisionalisation restorative dentistry

Adhesive bonding technique

Topic 1: Isolation of the operating field

Topic 2 Direct operative techniques (Class I to V)

Topic 3 Indirect reconstructions of the posterior sector

Topic 4 Anterior veneers

Topic 5 Provisionalisation

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Theoretical seminars

In vitro practices  

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

Continuous assessment

Bibliography and resources

  1. Dietschi D, Spreafico R. Restauraciones adhesivas no metálicas. Barcelona: Masson, 1998
  2. García Barbero J. Patología y terapéutica dental. Madrid: Síntesis, 2000
  3. Howard W, Moller RC. Atlas de operatoria dental. 3ª de. México: El manual moderno, 1986
  4. Ketterl W. Odontología conservadora. Barcelona: Masson, 1994
  5. Roberson T. Sturdevant. Arte y ciencia de la odontología conservadora. Madrid :Elservier  España, 2007.
  6. Mangani F., Ceruti A., Putignano A. Guidelines for adhesive dentistry: The key to success. Quintessence, 2009.