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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Introduction to Psychology Research

Introduction to Psychology Research
First semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan

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The goal of this course is to introduce students to the world of research in Psychology. Students will learn how research is conducted in the field of health sciences and become familiar with the different types of studies that can be carried out. They will also be provided with information on where to find scientific data and how to conduct advanced information searches. Lastly, the course offers training in descriptive statistics and a brief introduction to inferential statistics.

Professor: Dra. Diego Lozano Soldevilla

Pre-course requirements

There are no pre-course requirements


  • Know the difference between scientific knowledge and general knowledge.
  • Know how to search information in scientific websites as well as the structure of a research article.
  • Know, apply and calculate the different descriptive statistics in function of the type of variable.
  • Have an approximation to probability and normal distribution. 

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

Lectures will be the setting in which students will learn and use the terminology and linguistic structures related to the sphere of study, for the purpose of practising and developing oral and written communication skills and becoming familiar with the literature and instruction materials provided to better integrate the curricular content. Session in which the lecturer presents and explains the course content. This learning methodology allows for the use of audiovisual methodologies that support the content description. Students may interact and actively participate in this session. One-on-one relationship between the tutor and student, in which the former answers the latter’s questions and facilitates and provides guidance with regards to the educational process. This model of tutoring or guidance promotes self-reflection and helps the students to improve and develop as people and professionals. This is where the students consolidate what they have learned through study, the looking up of information, the processing of data and the process of integration.
A non-classroom activity that helps students consolidate their knowledge, something that is always necessary before starting a new task. This is where the students consolidate what they have learned through study, the looking up of information, the processing of data and the process of integration.
A non-classroom activity in which students undertake exercises autonomously, without the presence of the lecturer/professor. This is the stage in which most questions arise, but, as the option to immediately ask the question does not exist, students are forced to make an additional effort. This is where the students consolidate what they have learned through study, the looking up of information, the processing of data and the process of integration.

Learning outcomes of the subject

At the end of the course the student body must be able to:

  • Know the data bases more used in the psychology field and know how to search information using the criteria needed.
  • Know the scientific method, its components and the designs 
  • Know the different techniques to collect information and know how to apply them adequately depending on the objective
  • Have a critical attitude and to know how to distinguish scientific articles from non-scientific studies. Identify the different parts that compose the article and know how to identify the type of the study.
  • Calculate basic descriptive statistics.
  • Understand the basic concepts of statistics and to know how to apply them adequately depending on the type of variable.


Block I: Research Designs

  • The Scientific Method
  • Types of Variables and Classification
  • Population, Sample, and Sampling
  • Scales of Measurement
  • Research Designs
  • The Nature of Control
  • Structure of a Scientific Study

Block II: University Tools

  • APA Guidelines and Work Presentation
  • Scientific Databases

Block III: Descriptive Statistics

  • Categorical Variables:
    • Frequency Table
    • Graphs for Categorical Variables
  • Quantitative Variables:
    • Position Measures
    • Measures of Central Tendency
    • Measures of Dispersion
    • Measures of Shape
  • Standard Scores and Normal Curve
  • Probability

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Lectures will be the setting in which students will learn and use the terminology and linguistic structures related to the sphere of study, for the purpose of practising and developing oral and written communication skills and becoming familiar with the literature and instruction materials provided to better integrate the curricular content. Session in which the lecturer presents and explains the course content. This learning methodology allows for the use of audiovisual methodologies that support the content description. Students may interact and actively participate in this session. One-on-one relationship between the tutor and student, in which the former answers the latter’s questions and facilitates and provides guidance with regards to the educational process. This model of tutoring or guidance promotes self-reflection and helps the students to improve and develop as people and professionals. This is where the students consolidate what they have learned through study, the looking up of information, the processing of data and the process of integration.
A non-classroom activity that helps students consolidate their knowledge, something that is always necessary before starting a new task. This is where the students consolidate what they have learned through study, the looking up of information, the processing of data and the process of integration.
A non-classroom activity in which students undertake exercises autonomously, without the presence of the lecturer/professor. This is the stage in which most questions arise, but, as the option to immediately ask the question does not exist, students are forced to make an additional effort. This is where the students consolidate what they have learned through study, the looking up of information, the processing of data and the process of integration.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person


The weighted average has to be 5 or higher and the Practical Examen has to be approved. 

Second sitting: The student will have the opportunity to recover only the exams that were suspended. In case of failing again, the student must repeat the course.



The evaluation will be based on:

Theoretical exam (PIR questions) 40%: An exam covering the contents of Block I: Research Designs, which includes multiple-choice questions with 4 answer options. Each correct answer adds one point, and each incorrect answer deducts 0.33 points. Unanswered questions neither add nor subtract points.

Practical exam 60%: An exam consisting of practical exercises on descriptive statistics.

To pass the course, the practical exam must be passed, and the weighted average must be equal to or greater than 5. If the student fails, they may retake the part they did not pass.

Second sitting:

Failed exams will be retaken, and it will be necessary to pass the practical exam and obtain a sufficient score so that the weighted average is 5 or higher. If the student’s average is still failing, they will have to repeat the course in the following year.

*Throughout the course, all the rules specified in the general regulations of the degree will be taken into account.

Bibliography and resources

  • Fontes de Gracia et al. (2015). Fundamentos de investigación en psicología. Madrid: UNED.
  • Pardo Merino, A., Ruiz, M. A., & San Martín, R. (2008). Análisis de datos en ciencias sociales y de la salud I. Editorial Síntesis: Madrid, Spain. 

Evaluation period

E: exam date | R: revision date | 1: first session | 2: second session:
  • E1 08/01/2025 A12 08:00h