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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Psychology of Health and Well-Being

Psychology of Health and Well-Being
First semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English

Teaching staff

In person: Monday to Friday, office on the third floor (better to be arranged by email)

Email: always (


Psychology has a very significant impact on both people's health and illness. Knowing what are the right lifestyle habits to maintain and enhance health, disease prevention and health promotion strategies, and the psychological interventions that are characterised by this multidisciplinary approach, will allow the psychologist to contribute, along with other professionals of health, in the care of people from different levels of action. This subject introduces the student to the reality of a general health psychologist

Pre-course requirements

To know the research bases.


1. To activate the awareness of the multidimensionality of the person and the need for a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach.

2. To provide the student with theoretical and practical knowledge that allows him or her to intervene to promote health at individual and community level.

3. To encourage critical thinking about lifestyles and the influence of our way of thinking, feeling and acting on health.

4. To acquire the knowledge needed to be able to design a prevention of illness and/or promotion of health plan.

Learning outcomes of the subject

After taking this course, the student is able to:

  • To identify theoretical models and processes involved in health and disease behaviours
  • To identify risk and health protection factors
  • To know different models that relate personality and health
  • To identify the biological, psychological and social factors involved in health and disease behaviours
  • To know the research designs of the discipline and design a research plan and interpret the results
  • To identify the needs of people in different contexts, and to know how to intervene in them
  • To know and to apply techniques and measurement instruments for the evaluation of an intervention program
  • To know how to deal with a case analytically, interpret it and know the basic techniques of return


Unit 1. Introduction to Psychology of Health

Unit 2. Beliefs about health and behaviour change

Unit 3. Public health

Unit 4. Behaviour and health

Unit 5. Behaviour and disease

Interdisciplinary sessions

Teaching and learning activities

In person

CM -Master Class

EC -Case study

LC -Critical Reading

IT - Individual work

AA - Autonomous learning

TA -Autonomous work of study and realization of exercises

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

Case method (10%)

Research project (10%)

Final exam (80%)

 * You must pass each activity with at least a 5 so that it can be included in the final grade

Bibliography and resources

  • Amigo Vázquez, I. (2017). Manual de psicología de la salud (3a ed.). Madrid: Pirámide.
  •  Amigo Vázquez, I. (2003). Manual de psicología de la salud (2a ed.). Madrid: Pirámide.
  •  Carrillo Notario, L., Fernández Pablos, MªN., Clariana Martín, S., De los Ríos Alfonso, P. (2017). Manual CEDE de preparación PIR. 04 Psicología de la salud (3a ed.). Madrid: CEDE
  •  Clariana Martín, S., De los Ríos Alfonso, P. (2012). Manual CEDE de preparación PIR. 04 Psicología de la salud (2a ed.). Madrid: CEDE
  •  Intervención en contextos de salud. Máster en Psicología General Sanitaria – Universidad Abat Oliba CEU (2017-18). Barcelona
  •  Guía docente Psicología de la Salud (2019-20)- Universidad Isabel I


Evaluation period

E: exam date | R: revision date | 1: first session | 2: second session:
  • E1 18/01/2024 I2 12:00h
  • E1 18/01/2024 I1 12:00h
  • E1 18/01/2024 I3 12:00h
  • E2 21/06/2024 A10 10:00h