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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Psychological Interventions in Adults

Psychological Interventions in Adults
Second semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan

Teaching staff


Psychological intervention includes a set of psychological principles and techniques that a trained person applies with the aim of helping other people prevent disorders, solve or reduce problems, guide them to make decisions and improve their abilities or interpersonal relationships.
The aim of this subject is for students to know the different therapeutic models and orientations and learn to use the main psychological intervention techniques and the main treatments that have proven effective for the treatment of different mental disorders.

Pre-course requirements

Having completed the subject Psychopathology of Adulthood


Train the student in knowledge about the process of psychological intervention in clinical practice and the main therapeutic skills involved.

Specific objectives:

Know the different teoretical models and therapeutic orientations
Identify therapeutic objectives and know how to identify the most appropriate intervention techniques
Know the main psychological intervention and treatment techniques, their theoretical and experimental foundations and their procedure and areas of application.
Know the available data on the effectiveness of different psychological treatments.


1) Clinical practice based on evidence: Criteris that define effective treatments
2) Models of intervention in psychology
3) Intervention in psychotic disorders
4) Intervened in personality disorders
5) Intervened in addictive disorders
6) Intervention in somatic disorders and dissociatius
7) Intervened in affective disorders
8) Intervened in eating disorders
9) Intervened in obsessive-compulsius and relational disorders
10) Intervened in anxiety disorders

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

The evaluation of the subject will be carried out through a FINAL EXAM that will consist of two parts:

1) Test exam (20%): PIR content (test questions with 4 answer alternatives and errors remaining 0.33)

2) Written exam (80%): open questions on clinical cases

To pass the subject, the final grade must be equal to or higher than 5.

Bibliography and resources

1) Manual de tratamientos psicológicos: adultos. Fonseca, E. España: Ed. Pirámide. (2020)

2)  Principios comunes en psicoterapia. Chris L. Kleinke (2008) 

3)  Aproximaciones a la psicoterapia. Una introducción a los tratamientos psicológicos. Guillem Feixas i Mª Teresa Miró (1994). 

4) Manual de técnicas y terapias cognitivo-conductuales. Díaz, M.I., Ruiz, M.A. y Villalobos, A. Bilbao: Desclée de Brouwer. (2017)

5)  Terapias Psicológicas Basadas en la Evidencia: Limitaciones y Retos de Futuro. Echeburúa, E., Salaberría, K., Corral, P. y Polo-López, R. (2010). Revista Argentina de Clínica Psicológica, 19 (3), 247-256.

6)   La Psicología Basada en la Evidencia y el diseño y evaluación de tratamientos psicológicos eficaces. Moriana, J.A. y Martínez, V.A. (2011). Revista de Psicopatología y Psicología Clínica, 16 (2), 81-100.

7) Guía de Tratamientos psicológicos eficaces II. Psicologia de la salud; Marino  Pérez Álvarez, José Ramón Fernández Hermida, Concepción Fernàndez Rodríguez, Isaac Amigo Vázquez. Ed pirámide, 2018

Evaluation period

E: exam date | R: revision date | 1: first session | 2: second session:
  • E1 23/05/2025 I3 10:00h