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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Corporate Social Responsability

Corporate Social Responsability
Second semester
Main language of instruction: English

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, Spanish,

Teaching staff

We can find a time together after class or upon request by email to


Course introduction

CSR is a crucial strategy for organizations that impact the reputation and sales, but most importantly influence the sustainable development of society. Consumers identify meaningful brands among those that provide personal and collective wellbeing plus functional benefits. Factors such as reports of scandals from the media, citizens’ consciousness, empowerment and activism have contributed to the more and more commitment of organizations and the urgency of Governments’ policies. Real cases of companies have been reported in documentaries and movies to claim for better working conditions and good governance. Due to the relationship of bad practices with the periods of crisis, the main values for companies and non-profit organizations to grow in trust and loyalty are transparency and participation.

Pre-course requirements

There are no prerequirements to take this course


Course objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to understand CSR as a business management model and the relevance of communicating CSR for the management of organizations. In order to integrating CSR into organizations, communication-centered approach is needed as a duty that organizations have with society in order to build up values and commitments. The stakeholder management perspective personalizes relationships and facilitates analyzing and implementing strategies in an ethical or moral fashion.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 07 - The ability to work in a group
  • 10 - The ability to develop an ethical attitude
  • 11 - The ability to make judgments and well-argued critical assessments
  • 14 - Ability to analyse
  • 16 - The ability to detect newsworthy events
  • 17 - The ability to confront difficulties and resolve problems
  • 22 - The ability to generate debate and reflection
  • 53 - The ability to design and critique an audiovisual or media product
  • 64 - Knowledge and mastery of bibliographic repertories
  • 77 - The ability and capacity to take responsibility for the communication area of an organisation
  • 85 - The ability and skill to act as experts in the strategic management of corporate image
  • 86 - The ability and capacity to identify, value, manage and protect the intangible assets of a company
  • 87 - The ability and capacity to use technology and communicative techniques
  • 88 - The ability to relate to people and the environment without losing autonomy
  • 96 - The ability to objectively analysis reality and the extraction of valid considerations
  • 97 - To be able to read and understand literature in the field of communication in the English language
  • 99 - To be able to understand the principal ideas in a conference in the English language

Learning outcomes of the subject

Building on courses taken in their majors, students will learn that responsible companies are not only the ones that do social marketing, organize fundraising events and get better scores in reputation rankings. To the contrary, responsible organizations are mainly those whose core activity is responsible with human and natural resources. It is important to perform consistent with several responsibilities: maximizing earnings-operating in a competitive position and profitable (economic responsibilities), expectations of the government and law-federal, state and local regulations (legal responsibilities), societal and ethical norms- (ethical responsibilities) and expectations of society-voluntary and charitable activities, assistance to educational institutions and projects that enhance a community’s quality of life (philanthropic responsibilities). CSR implies action of a social role and higher performance of responsibilities. Philanthropy is expected and prized by society but less important than the other categories of CSR.

CSR is designed to make the student value the power of bidirectional communication. This course gives the student knowledge of typical forms of communication used by communication departments such as sustainable reports. Best practices have become business standards that sustainable leaders in the industry put into practice thorough tools and insights.

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able:

  1. To understand the main ideas related to corporate social responsibility.
  2. To identify the essential stakeholders’ responsibilities and content of the values they are responsible for.
  3. To work effectively in teams on projects.
  4. To analyze a specific audience for organizations.
  5. To identify sources to communicate the CSR.
  6. To apply ethical principles to the main activity of an organization.
  7. To discuss, analyze sustainability reports.

To prepare a written report in APA style on a company’s CSR.


    1. CSR Foundations 

-        What are business ethics?

-        CSR Key concepts

-        Triple bottom line

-        Stakeholder theory

-        CSR Program

    1. CSR Context
    2. CSR and Social Media
    3. CSR and Non financial reports
    4. CSR and Public Relations
    5. CSR and Communication
    6. CSR and Marketing

Teaching and learning activities

In person

  • Lectures- you will need to take notes to remember concepts, ask questions and prepare for in-class discussions-; mentoring; guest speakers. The participation is based on your participation class discussions, doing the class activities as well as listening and providing feedback to your peers and the teacher.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

  • 50% of the grade is based on exam. You must obtain a minimum grade of 3 out of 10.

  • 40% of the grade is based on individual and group assignments on a topic related to the lectures. Only the students who attend the lecture on that topic can turn the assignments in.
  • Participation completes the remaining 10%. Students are reminded that attendance and participation in class is needed to pass the course (80% of attendance is mandatory to pass the subject). Your contribution is also necessary for an effective learning environment. Please arrive on time, come back after the break and not leave early.
  • For the second sitting and further ones the final grade is based 100% in the results of the exam, that contains questions not only from the ppt and notes but also from the assignments and projects presented in class.
"se observará rigurosamente la normativa de la facultad en relación con las faltas de ortografía y el plagio".

Bibliography and resources

  • Coombs, T. and Holladay, S. J. (2012). Managing Corporate Social Responsibility: A Communication Approach. UK: Wiley Blackwell.
  • Henderson, E. V. and McIlwraith, M. (2012). Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility in the Meetings and Events Industry. UK: Wiley Blackwell.
  • Ihlen, Ø., Bartlett, J.L. AND May, S. (2011). The Handbook of Communication and Corporate Social Responsibility. UK: Wiley Blackwell.
  • Jones, D. (2017). Fixing Business: Making Profitable Business Work for The Good of All. UK: Wiley Blackwell.
  • Kotler, P., Hessekiel, L. and Lee, N. (2012). Good Works! Marketing and Corporate Initiatives that Build a Better World...and the Bottom Line. UK: Wiley Blackwell.
  • Weber , J. & Wasieleski, D. M. (2018). Corporate Social Responsibility (Business and Society 360). UK: Emerald Publishing Limited.


  • International Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management
  • Professional Ethics: A Multidisciplinary Journal
  • Journal of Business Ethics Journal of Business Ethics
  • Business and Society
  • Social Responsibility Journal
  • Journal of Global Responsibility
  • Social responsibility review
  • Corporate Reputation Review
Informative focused and trade Journals:
  • •Finance/Science Section at newspapers •Business News Daily •Adweek •Marketing Week •Advertising Age •Harvard Business Review •Fortune •Forbes •Euromonitor International •PR news •PR week •Holmes Report •Business Wire •Financial Times •