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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Implants Module

Implants Module
Main language of instruction: English

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, Spanish

Teaching staff


The program of the Clinical Residency in Oral Implantology dedicates 50% of its time to the diagnosis and treatment plan for patients provided by the University Clinic of Dentistry (CUO). During this residency, the student will make the first visit, a complete diagnosis including the latest generation CBCT, clinical photography, articulator mounting and preparation of radiological and surgical guides for their own patients. After presenting the cases in the corresponding clinical session, the student will be authorized to place the prosthetically guided implants in the university operating rooms. The follow-up, from the first visit to the patient's medical discharge, is carried out entirely during the program. In this way, the student acquires a global vision of modern implantology and strengthens their theoretical knowledge.

Pre-course requirements

In the Elective of implants for MREA we have only 4 places for all MREA students. Places will be awarded to students with the best academic record in the first year of MREA who request to take Implants as an elective The requirements to be able to carry out clinical practice at CUO include compulsory attendance at preclinical practices and seminars. The command of the spoken Spanish language to be able to communicate with patients is highly recommended. It will not be allowed to carry out practices on patients without adequate uniformity or the required instruments.


The objective of this course is to ensure that students acquire the practical knowledge that allows them to treat total and partial edentulous patients in a global way, from the first visit to discharge. Applying the theoretical knowledge acquired, the students will put into practice their ability to diagnose using tools such as the semi-adjustable articulator, the digital camera or the cone beam tomograph (CBCT), develop a treatment plan and finally, operate on their patients.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

At the end of their Clinical Residency, the student will be able to safely diagnose and develop a treatment plan, as well as surgically treat partial and total edentulous patients in simple cases.

Learning outcomes of the subject

Know the surgical anatomy Know the different radiological techniques Know the steps that must be taken into account in a rehabilitation on teeth and implants Diagnose and know complementary examinations Establish a treatment plan Know the aesthetic parameters of the oral cavity Know how to evaluate aesthetic parameters Know the means to achieve aesthetics Know the steps of a rehabilitation with a unitary, partial and complete prosthesis on implants in different clinical cases. Know the basic surgical treatment Know advanced surgical treatment (application of bone substitutes and membranes in simple cases) Identify different implant systems and their particularities.


Application of the theoretical knowledge acquired to be able to carry out adequate healthcare work. Dental clinic photography Semi-adjustable articulator mount Preparation of radiological guides Cone beam tomography (CBCT) operation Preparation of surgical guides Instrumental knowledge and surgical field setup Basic techniques of oral surgery: incisions, sutures ... Implant surgery with different systems Application of bone substitutes and resorbable membranes Pharmacology Postoperative care Second surgery

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Methodology and training activities Fully face-to-face mode in the classroom Care activity, which consists of visiting patients to develop a diagnosis and a treatment plan that allows the placement of dental implants in a safe and predictable way. Evaluation systems and criteria Fully face-to-face mode in the classroom Each of the practices will be evaluated taking into account the acquisition and application of the student's theoretical knowledge, as well as their attitude and treatment with the patient. Punctuality will also be evaluated. Attendance at practices is compulsory.

Bibliography and resources

Bibliografía y recursos

  • Prótesis tejido-integradas. Brånemark/Zarb/Albrektsson. Quintessence Books, 1987.
  • Implantología Contemporánea. Carl E Misch. Elsevier Mosby, 2009.
  • Medimecum. Guía de terapia Farmacológica. Luis F. Villa. Adis, 2012.
  • Maxillary Sinus Surgery and alternatives in treatment. Testori T et al. Quintessence Books, 2009.
  • 20 Years of guided bone regeneration in implant dentistry. Daniel Buser. Quintessence books, 2009.
  • Contemporary Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. James R Hupp et al. Mosby Elsevier, 2008.
  • Bone Augmentation in Oral Implantology. Fuad Khoury, Hadi Antoun, Patrick Missika. Quintessence Publishing Co, 2007
  • Implant Overdentures. The Standard of care for edentulous patients. JS Feine, GE Carlsson. Quintessence, 2003.
  • Cirugía Oral e Implantología. Guillermo Raspall. Editorial Médica Panamericana, 2006.
  • Cirugía Bucal. Cosme Gay Escoda. Ergon, 1999.
  • Clinical Manual of Implant Dentistry. Davarpanah. Quintessence Books, 2003.
  • ITI Treatment Guide. Implant Therapy in the Esthetic Zone. Buser et al. Quintessence Books, 2007.
  • ITI Treatment Guide. Loading protocols in Implant Dentistry.                     Quintessence Books, 2008.
  • ITI Treatment Guide. Implant Placement in post-extraction sites. Chen S, Buser D et al. Quintessence Books, 2008.
  • ITI Treatment Guide. Sinus Floor Elevation Procedures. Chen, Buser et al. Quintessence Books, 2011.
  • The SAC Classification in Implant Dentistry. Dawson A. et al. Quintessence Books, 2008.
  • Dental Implant Complications. Stuart J. Froum. Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
  • Oseointegración. Diagnóstico Clínico y Alternativas Restauradoras. Engelman. Quintessence Books, 1996.
  • Surgical Manual of Implant Dentistry. Buser et al. Quintessence Books, 2007.
  • Periodontología Clínica. Carranza. McGraw Hill, 2004.
  • Técnica de Injerto del Seno Maxilar y su aplicación en Implantología. Luis Martín Villa. Elsevier Masson, 2006.
  • Rehabilitación implantosoportada en casos complejos. Chiapasco/Romeo. Amolca, 2006.
  • Injertos Óseos en Implantología. Técnicas y aplicaciones clínicas. Federico Hernández-Alfaro. Quintessence Books, 2006.
  • Cirugía Avanzada en Implantes. Baladrón. Ergon, 2000.
  • Factores de Riesgo en Implantología Oral. Renouard y Rangert. Quintessence Books, 2000.
  • Soft Tissue and Esthetic Considerations in implant Therapy. Sclar. Quintessence Books, 2005.
  • Carga Inmediata en implantología. Vicente Jiménez. Quintessence Books, 2005.
  • Dental and Craneofacial Applications of Platelet-Rich Plasma. Marx. Quintessence Books, 2000.
  • Un nuevo enfoque en la regeneración ósea. Plasma Rico en factores de crecimiento. Anítua. Puesta al día Publicaciones, 2000.
  • Glossary of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants. WR Laney, Quintessence, 2007.
  • Cawson’s Essentials of oral Pathology and Oral Medicine. RA Cawson/EW Odell. Churchill Livingstone, 2008.