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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Endodontic Decision-Making

Endodontic Decision-Making
Second semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English

Teaching staff


The aim of the subject is to present the different therapeutic alternatives (reendodontics, apical surgery, intentional reimplantation or exodontia) in a case where healing has not occurred after endodontics. The preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative factors that influence the prognosis of reendodontia, apical surgery and intentional reimplantation will be analyzed to decide in which situations one or the other option is better. Clinical cases from different clinical situations will be presented to show the process of decision making in the event of non-cure of a root canal.

Pre-course requirements

No prerequisite is necessary


Know the concepts of survival, functionality and healing To know the survival rate of the endodontiated tooth Know the factors related to the survival of the endodontized tooth Know the most frequent causes that lead to the extraction of the endodontized tooth Know the percentage of healing of apical periodontitis after root canal treatment, re-endodontics, apical surgery and intentional reimplantation Know the factors related to the healing of apical orthodontics of endodontics Know the factors related to the healing of apical orthodontics of reendodontics Know the factors related to the healing of apical orthodontics of apical surgery Know the factors related to the healing of apical orthodontics of intentional reimplantation. Present the different therapeutic alternatives (reendodontics, apical surgery, intentional reimplantation or exodontia) in a case where healing has not occurred after endodontics To present the preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative factors that influence the prognosis of re-endodontics, apical surgery and intentional reimplantation to decide in which situations one option or another is better Explain the decision-making process in the event of non-cure of a root canal. Know how to act in different situations with an endodontically treated tooth according to the treatment plan



 Tema 1: Plan de tratamiento en endodoncia

Tema 2: Concepto de éxito en endodoncia- Diferencias entre curación ,supervivencia y funcionalidad

Tema 3: Pronóstico en endodoncia (supervivencia, funcionalidad, curación)

Tema 3: Causas de fracaso endodóntico (a nivel periapical y de supervivencia)

Tema 4: Pronóstico en Reendodoncia

Tema 6: Pronóstico en cirugía apical

Tema 7: Pronóstico en reimplante intencional

Tema 8: Toma de decisiones ante el fracaso endodóntico I

Tema 9: Toma de decisiones ante el fracaso endodóntico II

Tema 10- Endodoncia e implantes



Tema 1- Prevalencia de la periodontitis apical


Tema 2- Supervivencia del diente endodonciado


Tema 3- Factores relacionados con la supervivencia del diente endodonciado


Tema 4- Casusas de extracción del diente endodonciado


Tema 5- Factores relacionados a la curación de la periodontitis apical de la endodoncia


Tema 6- Factores relacionados a la curación de la periodontitis apical de la reendodoncia


Tema 7- Factores relacionados a la curación de la periodontitis apical de la cirugía apical


Tema 8- Factores relacionados a la curación de la periodontitis apical del reimplante intencional


Tema 9- Factores relacionados a la curación de la periodontitis apical de los casos con perforación


Tema 10- Relación de la enfermedad periodontal y la supervivencia/presencia de periodontitis apical del diente endodonciado

Teaching and learning activities

In person

The theoretical concepts of the subject will be transmitted through master classes and directed readings.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

Final exam with multiple choice questions and / or short questions. In special circumstances, and upon approval by the faculty and academic secretariat, the student may request an oral examination before a court of two or more professors. Once the class is started, entry to the classroom will not be accepted. Attendance at seminars is mandatory. In case of more than two absences the subject will be considered as not approved.   Siguiendo las directices establecidas en la memoria de verificación, el parobado es a partir del 5.   Final grade: Weighted sum of the theory grade and the practice grade (80% theoretical exam, 20% continuous assessment)

Bibliography and resources

Articles of the journals Endodontic Topics, Journal of Endodontics and the International Endodontic Journal.

Evaluation period

E: exam date | R: revision date | 1: first session | 2: second session:
  • E1 13/05/2025 A15 08:00h
  • R1 05/06/2025 A16 08:30h