Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
In-Company Work Placement
Teaching staff
Work Placement Program Coordinator: Prof. Cristina Prats cprats@uic.es
Office hours: By appointment
Work Placement Academic Coordinator: Prof. Anna Akhmedova a.akhmedova@uic.es
Academic Secretary: Mrs. Arantxa Suau asuau@uic.es
Office hours: From 9 am to 1pm and from 2:30pm to 5pm
This master’s degree has a strong professional outlook, which means that work placements in companies are very important.
The aim behind the aforementioned placements is to ensure student insertion into the labour market, helping them to become integrated and to apply theoretical knowledge to various professional contexts. Work placements also promote the development of various skills, competences, attitudes and aptitudes.
Students taking the course take a work experience subject as part of their master’s degree. The program includes work placements for a minimum of 375 hours, during the second semester of the academic year, from January to the end of June maximum.
The Faculty will guide students to meet their academic requirements while also carrying out their work experience. In other words, the time they spend in the company will provide them with practical knowledge of their discipline, and this will in turn help them to search for further work placements.
On the other hand, students must respect the agreements made with companies and fulfil their commitments honestly. If there is a disagreement in the company, students must directly contact their university tutor or the directors of their master’s degree course.
The student will be monitored both by the university and the in-company tutor. This monitoring will be undertaken on a continuous basis and will involve various reports and a meeting with your university tutor. Each of the students will be individually monitored, and the tasks undertaken by the student and their development of competences will be overseen.
The aim behind the aforementioned placements is to ensure student insertion into the labour market, helping them to become integrated and to apply theoretical knowledge to various professional contexts. Work placements also promote the development of various skills, competences, attitudes and aptitudes.
Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme
- To possess and understand knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity to be original in the development and/or application of ideas, often in a research context.
- To know how to apply acquired knowledge and be able to solve problems in new or unknown environments within wider (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to your area of study.
- Be capable of integrating knowledge and face the complexity of formulating judgments from information that, besides being incomplete or limited, includes thoughts about the social and ethical responsibilities related to the application of its knowledge and judgments,
- To know how to communicate your conclusions and the ultimate knowledge and reasoning that sustain them to specialized and non-specialized audiences clearly and unambiguously.
- To work with and be part of multidisciplinary teams, and be proactive with problem-solving.
- To have organizational and work planning skills, and be flexible enough to adapt plans to new situations.
- To generate new ideas and critically assess alternatives when faced with multiple criteria and actors.
- To communicate effectively in a professional context.
- To reflect and think critically in interdisciplinary contexts.
- Proposing new improvements in organizations based on the knowledge acquired.
- Show sensitivity to the ethical, personal, social and environmental values, in the decision-making and in the relationship with others.
- To interact with the entrepreneurial ecosystem and establish relationships with its actors, institutions, incubators, accelerators and investment networks, among others.
Learning outcomes of the subject
Students will acquire sufficient maturity for their incorporation into the world of work
- put into practice the knowledge acquired in the classroom
- Acquire the professional maturity that comes with carrying out a job in a company
- Develop skills and aptitudes in the professional field
Teaching and learning activities
In person
- In the “Student Work Placement Report”, this is a formal document, which should be treated similarly to an accounting report, and it should be able to be presented by the student or university to the specific company.
- Students have to describe the purpose of their work placement.
- Students will demonstrate their knowledge of the company, sector and the tasks they undertook in the company, and the identification of the learning acquired during the work placement.
- Students will evaluate a series of competences and commitments, reflecting on their own individual strong points and areas for improvement, and also propose a plan of action that will help them to develop both personally and professionally.
- The in-company tutor will write one placement monitoring reports, which will provide an assessment of the student in terms of various competences and give their personal opinion in terms of areas for improvement and strong points.
Evaluation systems and criteria
In person
- 40% student´s Final report
- 50% in-company tutor report
- 10% on gping evaluation base on student´s attitude, proactivity, follow.up...