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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Foundations of Jurisdictional Law

Foundations of Jurisdictional Law
Second semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan

Teaching staff

Reyes Alcón:

Office hours: Monday to Friday from 9.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. In all cases an email should be sent in advance to arrange an appointment.


Article 24 of the Spanish Constitution recognises effective judicial protection as a fundamental right for everybody and adds a series of procedural guarantees to ensure its range of application. This part of the MUA is dedicated to the identification and practical analysis of this fundamental right

Pre-course requirements

Law degree students


Become familiar with the writ of amparo in various aspects linked to effective judicial protection.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CA04 - Know the different techniques for reconciling conflicting interests and how to find solutions to problems through methods other than the jurisdictional route.
  • CA05 - Know and be able to apply professional ethical rights and duties in the lawyer’s dealings with clients, third parties, courts, public authorities and other lawyers.
  • CA06 - - Know and assess the different responsibilities associated with professional practice, including the basic principles of offering free legal assistance and promoting the social responsibilities of the lawyer.
  • CA07 - Know how to identify conflicts of interest and know the techniques used to resolve them, establishing the scope of professional confidentiality and upholding independent judgement criteria.
  • CA08 - Know how to identify the key requirements for the provision and organisation of legal consultancy.
  • CA09 - Know and be able to apply in practice the organisational, management and commercial aspects of the legal profession, as well as company, tax and employment law and legislation on the protection of personal data.
  • CA10 - Develop skills and abilities to choose the correct strategy for defending the rights of clients, taking into account the demands of the different areas of professional practice.
  • CB07 - Know how to apply acquired knowledge and problem-solving abilities in new or little-known surroundings within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their field of study.
  • CB08 - Know how to incorporate acquired knowledge and deal with making complex judgements based on information which, being incomplete or limited, includes reflections on social and ethical responsibilities linked to how they apply their knowledge and judgements.

Learning outcomes of the subject

Students will learn how to:

- Master all the general issues pertaining to legal aid, free legal assistance, court appointed lawyers, domestic and European judicial organisation, the constitutional guarantees of the legal process and its corresponding protection mechanisms, and the organisational and bureaucratic functioning of judicial administration.

- Deal with the economic implications of the judicial process.


• Legal aid, paid for and free of charge and court appointed lawyers.

• The constitutional guarantees of the legal process; mechanisms for the protection of fundamental procedural rights.

• Domestic and European judicial organisation.

• Organization, operation, and the human and material infrastructures for the Administration of Justice. Its external collaborators

• Economic implications of the judicial process: the costs and expenses of the legal process.

Teaching and learning activities

In person

The University Master's Degree in Advocacy bases its methodology on the “case method” which consists in studying real-life scenarios and problems that law firms deal with. Students prepare and analyse cases, identify issues and, once in class together with the teacher, either individually or in groups, look for solutions and share the possible alternatives available. Our intention with the case method is to help students acquire the main skills of a good legal professional such as logical reasoning, ease of oral expression and language proficiency, among others.

The module on Fundamentals of Jurisdictional Law consists of 4 ECTS of which 40 hours are teaching and 50 hours are a minimum that will require the student's work and which will be evaluated.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

The evaluation consists of two parameters:

• Participation in class: Accounts for 60% of the final mark.

• Written examination consisting of a test and a case study: The average mark of the two parts accounts for 40% of the final mark.