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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Genetic Engineering and Experimental Models

Genetic Engineering and Experimental Models
Second semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English

Teaching staff

For any questions, you can contact Jorge Pérez Valle via email at


This course explores the methods and applications of genetic engineering. We will gain a broad understanding of the molecular tools which allow us to modify genetic material by cutting and joining DNA sequences from different organisms. We will learn about the range of 'model' organisms which can be genetically manipulated using these precise molecular tools, and the types of knowledge this allows us to gain about the function of the genetic system. We will also learn about the medical, industrial and forensic applications of genetic engineering technology. Finally, we will consider the most recent developments in technology to manipulate genes and the future of genetic engineering.

Pre-course requirements

Basic knowledge of Cell/Molecular Biology, Biochemistry and Genetics.


  • Gain a knowledge of the molecular toolkit of molecular cloning and genetic engineering more broadly.
  • Understand the steps of a typical experiment in the field of molecular cloning.
  • Understand the strengths and weaknesses of different types of host cells and model organisms.
  • Understand some specific examples of the application of genetic technologies in medical, industrial and forensic contexts.
  • Understand the current state of the art approaches to genetic engineering.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CB01 - Students must demonstrate that they have and understand knowledge in an area of study that is based on general secondary education, and it tends to be found at a level that, although it is based on advanced textbooks, also includes some aspects that involve knowledge from the cutting-edge of their field of study.
  • CB03 - Students must have the ability to bring together and interpret significant data (normally within their area of study) to issue judgements that include a reflection on significant issues of a social, scientific and ethical nature.
  • CB04 - That students can transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to specialist and non-specialist audiences.
  • CE16 - To identify and know how to apply the instrumental and experimental techniques from disciplines in the field of Biomedical Sciences, as well as the technology related to the biomedical, healthcare and industrial fields.
  • CG03 - To use and critically value biomedical techniques.
  • CG07 - To incorporate basic concepts related to the field of biomedicine both at a theoretical and an experimental level.
  • CT01 - To develop the organisational and planning skills that are suitable in each moment.
  • CT02 - To develop the ability to resolve problems.
  • CT03 - To develop analytical and summarising skills.
  • CT04 - To interpret experimental results and identify consistent and inconsistent elements.
  • CT05 - To use the internet as a means of communication and a source of information.
  • CT06 - To know how to communicate, give presentations and write up scientific reports.
  • CT07 - To be capable of working in a team.
  • CT08 - To reason and evaluate situations and results from a critical and constructive point of view.
  • CT09 - To have the ability to develop interpersonal skills.
  • CT10 - To be capable of autonomous learning.
  • CT11 - To apply theoretical knowledge to practice.
  • CT12 - To apply scientific method.
  • CT13 - To be aware of the general and specific aspects related to the field of nutrition and ageing.
  • CT14 - To respect the fundamental rights of equality between men and women, and the promotion of human rights and the values that are specific to a culture of peace and democratic values.

Learning outcomes of the subject

  • Identify the fundamentals and apply the methodology described for genetic modification of organisms.
  • Identify the main non-human experimental model organisms used in the study of human diseases and know the theory of animal experimentation organisms.
  • Understand and properly use scientific terminology and concepts used in the field of cell biology.
  • Research, organise and effectively communicate scientific information.
  • Develop a critical approach.
  • Learn how to discuss complex concepts and present hypotheses.



Unit 1: Introduction to Genetic Engineering and Experimental Models

Unit 2: Common Tools in Genetic Engineering

Unit 3: Host Cells and Vectors

Unit 4: Cloning and Genetic Editing Strategies

Unit 5: The Future of Genetic Engineering


These sessions will be accompanied by workshops (MCs) where some of the concepts explained in class will be addressed in a more applied manner.


Practical Classes (in the laboratory):

1st and 2nd practical classes: Transformation of E.coli cells with a plasmid expressing a fluorescent protein.

3rd and 4th practical classes: Identification of genetically modified foods by PCR.

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Conference: Explanation of a theoretical topic by the instructors.

Practical Lessons: Experimental demonstration in the laboratory on concepts studied in theoretical classes. Familiarization with the most common experimental techniques used in a biochemistry laboratory.

MCs (Activities): Practical activities related to the content explained in class.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

  1. First attempt students:
  • 20% Activities of the MCs.
  • 10% Evaluation of laboratory practices.
  • 20% Partial exam.
  • 50% Final exam: multiple-choice test.
  • The teaching staff reserves 10% of the grade for subjective arguments such as involvement, participation, adherence to basic rules, etc.
  1. Second attempt students:
  • Same criteria as the first attempt.
  1. Students in other attempts:
  • The grade obtained in continuous assessment will be kept, although, if desired, students may repeat different methodologies and obtain a new grade.

General points to consider about the evaluation system:


  • The average will be calculated among all grades as long as a grade equal to or greater than 5 is obtained in the final exam.
  • To pass the subject, in addition to the above point, a minimum grade of 5 must be obtained as the average of all assessments.
  • In awarding honors, candidates' participation in different methodologies of the subject, as well as adherence to basic rules, will be specially considered. No honors will be granted in the second attempt.


  • The final exam will be conducted in person in the classroom.
  • Exams will be multiple-choice, and incorrect answers will deduct points (+1 point for each correct answer, -0.25 points for each incorrect answer). Unanswered questions will not deduct points.


  • Practical classes require mandatory attendance. Non-attendance will result in failing the subject.
  • Attendance to the MCs is mandatory. Non-attendance to 80% of the sessions will result in failing the subject.
  • Attendance to theoretical classes will not be monitored, but to properly follow the subject's study, attending as many sessions as possible is recommended.


  • Improper use of electronic devices, such as mobile phones, tablets, or laptops, may lead to expulsion from class. Improper use includes recording and broadcasting both students and teachers during different lessons, as well as using these devices for non-educational purposes.

Bibliography and resources

An Introduction to Genetic Engineering: Fourth Edition. Nicholl, Desmond. Cambridge University Press, 2023.

Molecular Biology of the Cell: Sixth Edition. Alberts, Bruce, Johnson, Alexander D., Lewis, Julian, Morgan, David, Raff, Martin, Roberts, Keith, Walter, Peter. New York : Garland Science, 2015. *see chapter 8, section "Analysing and manipulating DNA".

Evaluation period

E: exam date | R: revision date | 1: first session | 2: second session:
  • E2 03/07/2025 A10 14:00h