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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya


First semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English

Teaching staff

Questions will be resolved in person or by videoconference with the corresponding tutor.

If necessary, make an appointment with the course coordinator: Dr. Jorge Pérez.


Biotechnology is defined by the use of biological organisms to obtain products or processes with particular purposes, as well as the development of biology-based technology such as the recent CRISPR-Cas9.

This subject will cover both the medical aspects of biotechnology, in terms of gene therapy and the development of pharmaceutical and health products (vaccines, antibiotics), as well as other fields in biotechnology, such as the important role it plays in the food and environmental sectors. It will delve into the millions of applications and tools that biotechnology provides to the medical field and to society in general.

Pre-course requirements

To be able to enrol on this course, it is recommended to have passed:

  • Cell biology I
  • Cell biology II
  • Molecular biology
  • Genetics
  • Genetic engineering
  • Microbiology


1. To connect the origins of biotechnology to the development of gene therapies.

2. To connect biotechnology to different industries for the benefit of humans.

3. To understand the contributions of biotechnology to different sectors such as production processes (proteins, fermentation products, etc.), diagnostic systems and to detect or check for diseases.

4. To understand the development of vaccines, antibiotics and peptides.

5. To see biotechnology as a source of energy.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CB01 - Students must demonstrate that they have and understand knowledge in an area of study that is based on general secondary education, and it tends to be found at a level that, although it is based on advanced textbooks, also includes some aspects that involve knowledge from the cutting-edge of their field of study.
  • CB03 - Students must have the ability to bring together and interpret significant data (normally within their area of study) to issue judgements that include a reflection on significant issues of a social, scientific and ethical nature.
  • CB04 - That students can transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to specialist and non-specialist audiences.
  • CE16 - To identify and know how to apply the instrumental and experimental techniques from disciplines in the field of Biomedical Sciences, as well as the technology related to the biomedical, healthcare and industrial fields.
  • CG03 - To use and critically value biomedical techniques.
  • CG07 - To incorporate basic concepts related to the field of biomedicine both at a theoretical and an experimental level.
  • CT01 - To develop the organisational and planning skills that are suitable in each moment.
  • CT02 - To develop the ability to resolve problems.
  • CT03 - To develop analytical and summarising skills.
  • CT04 - To interpret experimental results and identify consistent and inconsistent elements.
  • CT05 - To use the internet as a means of communication and a source of information.
  • CT06 - To know how to communicate, give presentations and write up scientific reports.
  • CT07 - To be capable of working in a team.
  • CT08 - To reason and evaluate situations and results from a critical and constructive point of view.
  • CT09 - To have the ability to develop interpersonal skills.
  • CT10 - To be capable of autonomous learning.
  • CT11 - To apply theoretical knowledge to practice.
  • CT12 - To apply scientific method.
  • CT13 - To be aware of the general and specific aspects related to the field of nutrition and ageing.
  • CT14 - To respect the fundamental rights of equality between men and women, and the promotion of human rights and the values that are specific to a culture of peace and democratic values.

Learning outcomes of the subject

The student:

• Will be able to describe the bases of the design and operation of biotechnological processes and identify different processes and products.


Unit 1. Introduction to biotechnology. Defining the objective of biotechnology. Origin of biotechnology and bioprocesses. Recombinant DNA technology and gene therapy. Applications. (1)

Unit 2. Microbial biotechnology. Microorganisms of industrial interest: diversity, isolation, selection and maintenance. Improving and developing of strains in industrial microbiology. Bioprocesses. Microbial products of industrial interest. (2)

Unit 3. Animal biotechnology. Reproductive biotechnology and animal production, Types of transgenic animals: how they are developed and their applications, Animals as bioreactors. (1)

Unit 4. Medical biotechnology. Tissue engineering: application in the medical industry of the cultivation and use of artificial tissues. Lignans and coumarins: pharmaceutical applications to combat cancer and antithrombotic agents. (1)

Unit 5. Plant biotechnology. Obtaining transgenic plants and the current situation of transgenic plants. Plants as biofactories. Applications of plant genetic engineering to improve the quality of plant products. Transgenesis for resistance to biotic and abiotic factors. Acetate, fatty acid and prostaglandins production. Terpenoids and steroids of industrial interest. (2)

Unit 6. Development and formulation of pharmaceutical products. Concept and general characteristics, Evolution and current trends, Development, production and market costs. (1)

Unit 7. Vaccines. Concept and origin of vaccines, Types of vaccines and mode of action, Inactive, attenuated, native subunits, recombinants, nucleic acids, toxoids..., Composition of vaccines, adjuvants, stabilizers and preservatives.(1)

Topic 9. Environmental biotechnology. Biofuels, Bioelectrogenesis, Production of biopolymers, treatment of liquid and solid waste. (1)

Topic 10. Bioremediation. Synthesis of herbicides and insecticides. Microbial fertilisers. Biological control. (1)

Unit 11. Nanotechnology. Systems with extended biological life. Systems that facilitate ligant-receptor interactions. Systems with the ability to respond to stimuli. Controlled release. (1)

Unit 12. Biosensors and Biochips. Classification. Biomarkers. Applications. Rapid diagnosis systems. DNA chips.

Unit 12. Biosensors and Biochips. Classification. Biomarkers. Applications. Rapid diagnostic systems. DNA chips. Protein microarrays. (1)

Topic 13. Legal and social aspects of biotechnology. Use of transgenic plants to improve food production. In vitro meat. Genes on demand. (1)



Case methods:


MC1: Microbial Biotechnology: Industrial Enzymes MC2: Animal Biotechnology: Animal Reproductive Biotechnology MC3: Forensic biotechnology. genetic footprint MC4: Plant Biotechnology: biofortified crops MC5: Bioterrorism  

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Lectures: 50-minute presentation of a theoretical topic by the lecturer. Visual support in powerpoint format used to accompany the explanations.


Case studies or case methods (CM): Approaches to a real or imaginary situation. Students work on questions in small groups or in active interaction with the lecturer and the answers are discussed. The lecturer intervenes actively and, if necessary, contributes new knowledge. These classes may cover content that goes into further detail on the topics covered in masterclasses or may look at new topics. The case methods as just as important and have the same weight as the questions in the final exam.


Online Education (OE): Online material located on the Moodle platform that the student can consult from any computer, at any time and that will contribute to the self-learning of concepts related to the subject. The online material is part of the content for the course and will be evaluated in the final exam.


Laboratory Practice (LP): Practical sessions that work on the experimental techniques covered in the syllabus in the theoretical classes. Familiarisation with industrial fermentation to manufacture products for human consumption. Attendance is compulsory and the content of the practical sessions will be evaluated at the end of the practical sessions.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

1) Assessment:

• Mid-term exam: 20%

• Resolution of case methods: 10%

• Laboratory practical exam: 10%

• Final exam: 60%

Teaching staff reserve up to 10% of the final mark to be awarded for subjective matters such as: involvement, participation, respect for basic rules, etc.


2) Retakes: same criteria.

3) Repeating students: the grades awarded during continuous assessment (participation, case methods, practices) will be maintained, although whenever they wish, students will be able to repeat the course and obtain a new grade. Mid-term grades will not be maintained.


General points to keep in mind about the evaluation system:

1) In the final exam, a minimum grade of 5 must be obtained to calculate the final grade including the continuous assessment grades (case methods and mid-term exams). The exams will be multiple choice with 4 options, with +1 for correct answers and -0.25 for errors.

2) Both class participation and laboratory practice will be evaluated through short Multiple choice exams.

3) 10% of the questions in the exams could be about concepts that have not been explained directly in the classroom, but that are covered in the recommended bibliography as well as in discussed articles, press or recommended online material.

4) Class attendance:

• Regular attendance at theoretical sessions and case methods classes is recommended.

• Attendance at masterclasses is not compulsory, but attendees will be governed by the rules indicated by the lecturers. The expulsion of a student from a masterclass or case method will have a negative impact on continuous assessments.

• Attendance to 80% (4 out of 5) case methods is mandatory..

• Attendance at practical sessions is compulsory and students must attend in the assigned groups. The expulsion of a student from the laboratory will mean they automatically fail the course.

5) When granting honours, the candidates will have special consideration for their participation and involvement in the different methodologies in the course, as well as their respect for basic rules.

6) The improper use of electronic devices, such as mobile phones, tablets or laptops, may lead to expulsion from class. Misuse is understood to be recording and sharing both the students or lecturers during classes, as well as the use of these devices for recreational and non-educational purposes.

Bibliography and resources

Katoh S. y Yoshida F. (2009) Biochemical engineering: a textbook for engineers, chemists and biologists. Editorial Wiley-VCH

Illanes, A. (2008) Enzyme biocatalysis. Principles and applications. Springer.

Liu S. (2017) Bioprocess engineering: Kinetics, Sustainability, and Reactor Design. Editorial Elsevier.

Mutto A., Mucci N., Kaiser G. (2008) Biotecnología aplicada a la reproducción y mejoramiento animal. Editorial Académica Española.

Conn P.M. (2013) Animal Models for the Study of Human Disease. Academic Press.

Kayser O., Warzecha H. (2012) Pharmaceutical Biotechnology: Drug Discovery and Clinical Applications (2nd Edition). Wiley-Blackwell.

Vallero D. (2015) Environmental Biotechnology: A Biosystem Approach. Academic Press.

Yang S-T. (2007) Bioprocessing for value-added products from renewable resources. Ed. Elsevier.

Thieman W., Palladino M. (2012) Introduction to Biotechnology. Pearson Education Limited.

Evaluation period

E: exam date | R: revision date | 1: first session | 2: second session:
  • E1 17/01/2025 A10 14:00h
  • R1 29/01/2025 11:00h
  • E2 25/06/2025 A16 11:00h