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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Final Degree Project

Final Degree Project
Second semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English

Teaching staff

Questions will be resolved in person or by videoconference with the corresponding academic tutor. If necessary, please make an appointment with the coordinator: Dr Jorge Pérez (


The Final Degree Project is a transversal subject whose work will be carried out associated with different subjects and, in order to unify the criteria and procedures that ensure and guarantee homogeneity in the organization and evaluation of this subject, the International University of Catalonia has an internal regulation for final degree projects and final master's projects to which all official degrees offered by UIC Barcelona will be subject, regulated by Royal Decree 1393/2007, modified by Royal Decree 861/2010.

Pre-course requirements

The enrollment of the TFG subject will be done only after having passed at least all the subjects of the first year, second year and at least 80% of the credits of the third year.


Upon completion of the Final Degree Project, the student will be able to: 1. Apply in an integrated way all the knowledge and skills acquired throughout the degree studies. 2. Carry out an individual, autonomous, directed, original and unpublished research project. 3. Defend and publicly communicate your final degree project.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CB01 - Students must demonstrate that they have and understand knowledge in an area of study that is based on general secondary education, and it tends to be found at a level that, although it is based on advanced textbooks, also includes some aspects that involve knowledge from the cutting-edge of their field of study.
  • CB02 - Students must know how to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional way and have the competences that tend to be demonstrated through the creation and defence of arguments and the resolution of problems within their field of study.
  • CB03 - Students must have the ability to bring together and interpret significant data (normally within their area of study) to issue judgements that include a reflection on significant issues of a social, scientific and ethical nature.
  • CB04 - That students can transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to specialist and non-specialist audiences.
  • CB05 - That students have developed the necessary learning skills to undertake subsequent studies with a high degree of autonomy.
  • CE24 - To present the objectives, development and results of a biomedical research/innovation project both for an expert audience and a non-expert audience.
  • CG01 - To be aware of basic biological concepts and language specific to biomedical sciences and health status.
  • CG02 - To be aware of the aspects that govern pathological state and its implications at a clinical and diagnostic level.
  • CG03 - To use and critically value biomedical techniques.
  • CG04 - To use the bioinformatics tools specific to the field of biomedical research.
  • CG05 - To be aware of the different fields and dynamics in biomedical companies where a graduate in Biomedical Science can work.
  • CG06 - To apply scientific methodology to Biomedical research.
  • CG07 - To incorporate basic concepts related to the field of biomedicine both at a theoretical and an experimental level.
  • CG08 - To use tools that are complementary to the basic learning on the degree programme, AND that facilitate labour insertion for graduates.
  • CG09 - To be aware of the essential elements of the field of Biomedical Sciences including correct communication and setting out ethical principles.
  • CG10 - To design, write up and execute projects connected to the field of Biomedical Sciences.
  • CG11 - To be aware of basic concepts from different fields connected to biomedical sciences.
  • CT01 - To develop the organisational and planning skills that are suitable in each moment.
  • CT02 - To develop the ability to resolve problems.
  • CT03 - To develop analytical and summarising skills.
  • CT04 - To interpret experimental results and identify consistent and inconsistent elements.
  • CT05 - To use the internet as a means of communication and a source of information.
  • CT06 - To know how to communicate, give presentations and write up scientific reports.
  • CT07 - To be capable of working in a team.
  • CT08 - To reason and evaluate situations and results from a critical and constructive point of view.
  • CT09 - To have the ability to develop interpersonal skills.
  • CT10 - To be capable of autonomous learning.
  • CT11 - To apply theoretical knowledge to practice.
  • CT12 - To apply scientific method.
  • CT13 - To be aware of the general and specific aspects related to the field of nutrition and ageing.
  • CT14 - To respect the fundamental rights of equality between men and women, and the promotion of human rights and the values that are specific to a culture of peace and democratic values.

Learning outcomes of the subject

The student: • Is capable of carrying out a bibliographic search in indexed databases in different languages. • Uses a bibliographic and reference manager correctly. • The student is able to plan their learning autonomously and appropriately. • The student understands and interprets the information encountered and is able to discern valid and reliable information. From it he is able to draw conclusions. • The student is able to deliver a final written document with the stipulated requirements, making a correct adaptation of the style, content and structure. • Uses the knowledge acquired for the description and resolution of biomedical problems, in relation to their causes, mechanisms and treatments and prepares a report adapted to its objectives and results. • Make an oral and written presentation of an original scientific work or a professional report, relating theoretical concepts with professional practices. • The student is capable of making an oral presentation respecting the formal presentation rules and adapting to the established requirements. • The student understands and interrelates the concepts studied during the course in their work and identifies and reflects on the learning acquired. • The student takes into account the ethical aspects of the work he has done, both for the documentation he has used and for carrying out the work.


Original work that is carried out individually and is presented and defended before a court in which the skills acquired in the Degree in Biomedical Sciences are synthesized and integrated. The subject of the work will be established by common agreement between the student and the tutor of the TFG, prior approval of the coordinator and based on their academic and professional interests.

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Carrying out the TFG includes several tasks or fundamental training activities: • Attendance at individual tutorials • Attendance at group seminars • Planning • Developing • Individual work, autonomous and directed by the tutor • Drafting of a written memory • Delivery • Presentation and individual public defense • Completion of rubrics

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

The evaluation process corresponds to a continuous evaluation by competencies throughout the completion of the TFG. There are several evaluative moments, as well as the agents or actors of the evaluation:
  • Evaluation of the process of carrying out the TFG by the tutor.
  • Final evaluation of the TFG by the tutor.
  • Evaluation of the TFG by the court.
For the evaluation of the TFG, the following criteria will be taken into account:
  • Entity, difficulty, complexity and originality of the project included in the TFG.
  • Degree of achievement of the objectives.
  • Bibliographic sources consulted and how they have been cited in the memory and in the presentation.
  • Quality in the elaboration of the written document of the academic memory of the TFG.
  • Quality in the presentation and oral defense before the court of the TFG.
  • Degree of commitment and dedication of the students to the research project.
  • Learning, skills and abilities demonstrated during the performance of the work.
The tutor may decide not to authorize the presentation of a TFG by a student (leaving a record of this in the corresponding rubric) if he considers that he does not meet the minimum academic requirements to be publicly defended. The tutor will propose, in the last rubric of evaluation of the written memory of the TFG, the granting of honors to that student or not. Depending on the number of honors that can be awarded per subject and the global evaluations obtained by that student in all the rubrics of the subject compiled from the court, the tutor, the student himself and his classmates, the TFG coordinator will ultimately decide Instance to whom the honors degree is awarded. The evaluation court will be made up of professors from the department of basic sciences, in the case of the research project, or by expert collaborators in the field of study. The court, once the oral defense is finished, will proceed to accept or reject the work presented and to fill in the rubrics evaluating both the written work and the oral defense of the student. In the event that the TFG is rejected by the court, it must record those errors, omissions and deficiencies that must be corrected and that motivate its non-acceptance in a written report that will be sent to the TFG coordinator and the tutor. In case of suspending the TFG in the first call, it will be possible to opt for its defense in the second call as long as the TFG is reworked taking into account the errors, omissions and deficiencies detected and noted by the court in its report after the defense in the first call and with the approval of the tutor. In case of suspending the TFG in the second call, the student must enroll in the subject during the following course. Percentages of each evaluation in the final grade of the subject, valid for both 1st and 2nd call: 5 % Continuous assessment tutor 25% Tutor final evaluation 35% Evaluation court defense and memory 35%


Note percentage



Tutor Continuous assessment

10 %

Tutor Final assessment

30 %

Evaluation court defense and memory

60 %

Important considerations: 
  1. The TFG subject is approved with a minimum of 5 out of 10 points. 
  2. To obtain the final average, a minimum of 5 out of 10 points must be obtained from each of the parts. 
  3. Plagiarism, copying or any other action that can be considered cheating will result in a zero in that evaluation section. 
  4. Exchange students (Erasmus and others) or repeaters will be subject to the same conditions as the rest of the student body.

Bibliography and resources

(1). Reglamento interno de Trabajo Fin de Grado y Fin de Máster Universitario de la Universitat Internacional de Catalunya:

(2). Guía TFGs en la web de la biblioteca de la UIC:

(3). Tutorial aplicación gestión TFGs UIC para alumnos/as:

(4). Repositorio institucional UIC Trabajos Final de Grado:

(5). Gestión bibliográfica: