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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Communication Techniques

Communication Techniques
Second semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan

Teaching staff

Reyes Alcón:

Office hours: Monday to Friday from 9.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. In all cases an email should be sent in advance to arrange an appointment.


The subject consists of two distinct parts.

On the one hand, sessions relating to written expression for jurists and, on the other, sessions dedicated to negotiation techniques.

The subject is complemented by two legal marketing sessions.

Pre-course requirements

None required.


Written expression for jurists.

The intention is to teach writing in an effective way. The course is aimed at developing the capacity for persuasion and improving the quality of communication with courts, clients and other lawyers. In the sessions, techniques for writing using simple, clear and accurate language will be explained as well as the composition of appropriate texts for a lawyer.

Negotiation techniques

From the analysis of a case study, an exploration will be made of how to apply different negotiation techniques, what pre-negotiation activities are, how to pre-prepare for a negotiation, how to discuss the arguments of the other party, how to determine the barriers that could prevent or hinder the possibility of reaching an agreement, how to close a negotiation successfully and what fundamental role soft skills play in our field.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CA11 - Know how to develop skills that allow lawyers to be more efficient in their work and enhance the overall functioning of the team or institution they belong to by accessing information sources, using their knowledge of languages, knowledge management and the management of applied techniques and tools
  • CA12 - Know and be able to apply in practice the organisational, management and commercial aspects of the legal profession, as well as company, tax and employment law and legislation on the protection of personal data.
  • CB06 - Possess and understand knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity to be original in the development and/or application of ideas in a professional context.
  • CB07 - Know how to apply acquired knowledge and problem-solving abilities in new or little-known surroundings within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their field of study.
  • CB09 - Know how to communicate their conclusions to specialist and non-specialist audiences alike in a clear and unambiguous way along with the rationale and knowledge that supports them.
  • CB10 - Possess the learning skills that allow them to continue studying in a mainly self-motivated and self-reliant way.
  • CG01 - Acquire the ability to work individually and as part of a team as well as the communication and leadership skills required to progress in the legal profession.

Learning outcomes of the subject

Students will learn how to:

Handle legal and meta-legal knowledge, skills and competences that are strictly instrumental or auxiliary in nature.


• Efficient written communication techniques in law and the legal professions.

• Legal argumentation and speech syntax.

• Negotiation techniques and psychology applied to the resolution of legal conflicts.

• Legal psychology applied to the professional environment of the lawyer.

Teaching and learning activities

In person

The explanation of theoretical content will be combined with the writing and correction of texts appropriate to the practice of law.

Bibliography and resources

The following bibliography is recommended for the study of negotiation techniques:

ü AAVV, “Negotiation”, published by the Harvard Business School (USA) 2003, available in the University library.

ü AAVV, "The Essentials of Negotiation", Harvard Business School Press (USA), 2005.

ü POWELL, Marcos, "International Negotiations", Cambridge Business Skills, UK, 2012.


For written expression for jurists, the following books are recommended reading:

Despacho Garrigues (2014): Libro de estilo Garrigues, Thomson Reuters Aranzadi: Cizur Menor, 2nd edition.

Muñoz Machado, Santiago (dir.) (2017): Libro de estilo de la justicia, Espasa Libros: Barcelona

Jiménez-Yáñez, Ricardo-María (2016): Escribir bien es de justicia, Thomson Reuters Aranzadi: Cizur Menor.

Blog of the lawyer Pablo Franquet, Litigio de Autor.
