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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Master's Degree Final Project (Cross Disciplinary Subject)

Master's Degree Final Project (Cross Disciplinary Subject)
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English,

Teaching staff


In the Final Master`s degree project, students will put into practice the knowledge acquired during the course of the training program, regarding clinical research and materials. The tutor of the program will be responsible for the area in question, which will monitor this work. This work may have a clinical or research profile and will have to follow in detail, during the execution of the same, the protocol that is designed and authorized during the first semester of the activity of the master's degree, where a work hypothesis will be marked and specific objectives. Once the results of the study have been reached, the student will have to prepare a written memory of his clinical or research work following the criteria of scientific rigor learned during the master's degree program.

Clinical profile TFM will be aimed at the revision of a specific therapeutic pathology or technique on the patient, where the student has participated directly in the decision-making process or has performed the treatments himself. The bibliographic review, the knowledge of the theoretical principles of pathologies and the level of surgical ability must be taken into account in order to opt for this type of TFM.

The TFM of a research profile will have the character of a laboratory research on topics or materials related to the field of dental aesthetics and prosthodontics. Based on previous studies (internal and external to the OI) and following the criteria of the scientific method will be able to design research works that provide more information to fit the multiple variables that appear in the patient's clinic.

Pre-course requirements

    Have accepted the Research protocol

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

CE10 - Obtain the ability to apply the scientific method, and apply the knowledge acquired in solving problems in a scientific field. Learn to develop research projects both in vitro and in vivo, within the field of mechanics, biology and microbiology applied to prosthetic dentistry, restorative and implantopròtesi.
CE11 - Have autonomy in the development and application of new technologies in esthetic restorative dentistry and in the search for new scientific information, and acquire the ability to evaluate and do the research and development projects offered by the industry in an ethical manner, and manage economic and human resources, as well as know the strategic bases for the transfer of new knowledge to the industry.
CE12 - Update knowledge of molecular biology, biochemistry and microbiology to be able to apply them.
CE7 - Be able to search, organize and analyze, with a critical spirit, using biomedical information sources, the scientific literature on topics related to temporomandibular dysfunction and aesthetic restorative dentistry, in order to follow their continuing education process in a self-directed and autonomous way .
CE8 - Know how to apply the epistemological, ethicodeontological, legislative and humanitarian foundations in the exercise of research and the dissemination of scientific data in the field of aesthetic restorative dentistry.
CG1 - Have the ability to communicate with patients in order to explain, with scientific criteria, but affordable language, diagnosis, treatment plan and prognosis, in pathologies that tend to have an advanced or multidisciplinary profile.
CG2 - Have autonomy to make the anamnesis and oral explorations to patients with pathologies that may have advanced or multidisciplinary character; and fill in the clinical history and the clinical course with appropriate scientific terminology and terminology to a professional in esthetic restorative dentistry.
CG3 - Know how to apply the protocols established in the University Clinic of Dentistry in relation to the diagnosis, the complementary explorations and the treatment of the patients, as well as the planning of it, taking into account that the patients to whom they are directed have pathologies with profiles advanced or multidisciplinary.
CG4 - Know how to apply the protocols for the use of the dental lab-workshop equipment until they are able to carry out the necessary procedures that help in the preparation of the oral rehabilitation or the own treatments of a restorative dentist.

Learning outcomes of the subject

Design a research protocol based on the scientific method
- Learn to start in clinical or laboratory research, to develop a research project applying new techniques and managing time and resources.
- Properly write the introduction, justification, objective, hypothesis, status of the question, materials and methods, results, discussion and conclusions of the master's final work.

 Defense in front of  competent court in Dentistry the "Master's Final Project" carried out.

Teaching and learning activities

In person


Tutoring in small groups

Problem solving in the dental workshop

Study of clinical cases

Resolution of clinical cases

Pathology-oriented learning

Guided learning in laboratory search

Communicative methodology of research

Formation activities:

5 LAB (75 hours)

5 TUT (25 hours)

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

Follow the caracteristics that the Final Master's Project, is the * group of all the training received during the two years of the master's program, the Scientific Commission of the Faculty of Dentistry of the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, composed of representatives from each area of the dental specialties * and those responsible for the Center Board of the Faculty, to contribute to this Work having a scientific quality in accordance with the competences that this teaching module requires, will value and must authorize the protocol of this research work or clinical before carrying it out. Once the study has been completed and the report of the "Final Master's Project" has been prepared, it will be reviewed by the Scientific Commission itself. The review system for the "Final Master's Project" will focus on evaluating the scientific and methodological rigor of the work done, taking into account the communication skills that the student demonstrates.


The final grade of the work will be assessed based on the following criteria:

60% note proposed by the end of master's work commission.

40% note proposed by the court on the day of the oral defense.