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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Medical Profession and Interprofessional Relationships

Medical Profession and Interprofessional Relationships
First semester
Main language of instruction: Catalan

Other languages of instruction: English, Spanish,

Teaching staff

Students may ask lecturers questions at the end of each class. For enquiries outside of class time, students must make an appointment by email:

Dr. Miquel Aranda Sànchez (


Medical practice cannot be understood without the existence of interpersonal relations. We relate with patients and their families and with other healthcare professionals. The correct interaction established with them will depend on the quality of assistance we give our patients.


Patient care is, obviously, multidisciplinary. It is for this reason, that beyond the technical competence and knowledge of its respective disciplines, all students of the healthcare professions need to acquire the competencies that have to do with relations with different healthcare professionals who participate in the care and assistance of the patients.


In this course, we will concentrate in the professional conduct (professionalism), the identification of the different professional roles, the communication between professionals and teamwork, with the main objective of giving the best possible care to the patient and their families.

Pre-course requirements

There are no prerequisites


Professional Conduct

 Respect the dignity, values and interests of the patient

Acquire habits to establish a trustful relationship with the patient and the rest of the healthcare assistance team

Preserve the confidentiality in our relationship with patients


Professional Roles

 Recognize the responsibility of each member of the team in patient care

Recognize our role within the team

Being aware of our own limitations


Interprofessional Communication

 Recognize the different means of communication in the healthcare assistance team: transmission of verbal information (documents in the patient’s healthcare records, discharge and referral reports...).

Be conscience of the importance of communication, verbal and nonverbal, in the interprofessional relations, and the benefit for the patients and their families due to good communication skills between members of the healthcare teams.



Being aware of the importance of teamwork.

Integrate knowledge and experience with the different member of the team to improve the healthcare assistance of our patients.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 01 - Recognise the essential elements of the medical profession, including ethical principles, legal responsibilities and patient-centered professional skills.
  • 02 - Understand the importance of central principles, in particular of professional confidentiality for the benefit of patients, society and the profession.
  • 03 - Know how to apply the principle of social justice to professional practice and understand the ethical implications of health in a changing global context.
  • 04 - Develop professional practice with respect for patient autonomy, beliefs and culture.
  • 05 - Recognize own limitations and the need to maintain and upgrade professional skills, with particular emphasis on autonomous learning of new knowledge and skills and motivation for quality.
  • 06 - Develop professional practice with other health professionals, acquiring teamwork skills.
  • 24 - Establish good interpersonal communication skills that enables efficient and empathetic communication with patients, relatives, media and other professionals.

Learning outcomes of the subject

Know the fundamental principles of professional conduct.

Know the main interprofessional communication skills.

Know the different professional role and your own within the team.

Teamwork to achieve the established goals.


1. Principles and commitment of professional conduct.

2. The role of the professional in the care of patients.

     2.1. The care team.

     2.2. Individual therapeutic care plan.


3. Interprofessional communication.

     3.1. Different means of communication.

     3.2. Gathering information (patient's medical records).

     3.3. Transfer of the information (patient care reports).


4.  Teamwork.


Teaching and learning activities

In person


Participatory classes with joint debate and participation of different health professionals.

Practical classes, during which, through the use of new technologies, (audio-visual methods, debates and/or role playing), an affective and experiential dimension will be introduced coherent with the theory contents taught: aspects of communication, relation and decision making...


-  Affective , experiential and participative activities


-  Role playing and feedback through recorded interviews that will provide the student the opportunity to familiarize him/herself with different types of communicational and interview strategies.


-  Reflective practice using visualization of films related with the theme as the conveying element

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person


        1. Evaluation of the teamwork and practical activities carried out during the course (70%) class attendance is    essential.

        2. Individual self-evaluatio (15%): each student will write out a self-evaluation report and reflect on the knowledge acquired through the contents covered.

       3. Group evaluation (15%): every member of the established groups will write a reflective evaluation report on the team's work.


To be able to pass this course, the student must have obtained a grade greater than a 5 and a minimum score of 5 in each of the 3 components of the course evaluation.


Students that do not pass the course in the first call, will count with a second extraordinary call in July that will consist  of the completion of an individual project related to the subject that caused the suspension in the first exam. Students who have passed any of the parts in the regular exam will retain their grade for the extraordinary exam.




Bibliography and resources

 -  Xavier Clèries. La Comunicación. Una competencia esencial para los profesionales de la salud.Editorial Elsevier Masson. Barcelona, 2006 (1ª edición)

 -  Xavier Clèries. El paciente tiene la palabra. Viguera editores. - ISBN 13: 9788485424924 - Viguera Editores, S.L. – 2011.

 -  Jaime Merino. Profesionalismo o profesionalidad médica. (

- Medical Profesionalism in the new millenium:

- La profesión médica: los retos del milenio:


Evaluation period

E: exam date | R: revision date | 1: first session | 2: second session:
  • E1 15/01/2025 I2 14:00h
  • E1 15/01/2025 I1 14:00h
  • E1 15/01/2025 I3 14:00h
  • R1 30/01/2025 A21 11:00h