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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Advanced Obstetrics and Gynaecology Nursing

Advanced Obstetrics and Gynaecology Nursing
First semester
Module MINORS (Choose one minor)
Advanced Clinical Care
Main language of instruction: Catalan

Other languages of instruction: English, Spanish,

Teaching staff

With prior appointment, to be confirmed through email. 


Advanced ginecobstetric nursing course aim to solidify ginecologic and obstetric content provided to students throughout the previous different nursing classes. This course aims to deepen the student knowledge on the different concepts, illness-health processes, including health promotion and disease prevention, critical care management of pregnant and postpartum women, and perinatal death. 

This course will promote critical thinking through different learning methodologies including in-class debates, and activities. The different classes on this course are organized in a logical manner. This course approaches ginecobstetric nursing care from a global and public health perspective to a more specific vision of women's and family's health.

Pre-course requirements

The following courses are recommeded prior to this class intake: Care from birth until adolescence, advanced pathology I, and advanced pathology II. Revision of previous materials and knowledge refreshers on anato-phisiology concepts are compulsory to guarantee successfulness of this course.

Course norms:

  • Active participation and in-class atendance that contributes to a professional in-class athomsphere; based on critical thinking and reflexive principles.
  • Meet deadlines, and perform valuable work and activities.
  • Follow University honesty and integrity policies, taking into consideration the risks of plagiarism.
  • Empathy and respect for colleagues and oneself throughout all the different in-class activities
  • Meet the institutional calendar and the present course syllabus. 

  The Department of Nursing in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences has agreed that it is compulsory for all students taking a Bachelor's degree in Nursing, when participating in online classes, to turn on their camera and remain visible to lecturers and professors at all times

If there are students in self-isolation due to the COVID-19 health and safety measures, who cannot physically attend class at the University like their peers, teaching staff will carry out online teaching during this isolation period only so that the student(s) in question can attend their classes online. The rest of the students will have to attend their classes in person in the classroom.



  1. Develop cognitive and relationship skills that allow providing adequate nursing care, promoting autonomy, and health maintenance, disease prevention and well-being of the patient, her family, and the community in the care environment gynecobstetrics.
  2. Integrate the specific knowledge related to obstetric-gynecological care imparted in previous years and apply it to new situations.
  3. Promote critical reflection through current scientific evidence on nursing interventions, both in the field of gynecological care, and during climacteric and the menopause.
  4. Delve into the management of nursing care focused on the family as a key strategy to facilitate the adaptation of the family in motherhood, from a global point of view to the health-disease binomial.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 11. E - Establish effective communication with patients, families, social groups and partners and promote health education.
  • 12. B - Know and observe the ethical code of conduct of Spanish nursing, understanding the ethical implications of health in a changing global context.
  • 17. E - Perform nursing care based on comprehensive health care, which involves multidisciplinary cooperation, integration of processes and continuity of care.
  • 18. E - Ability to lead nursing care in any area of professional practice.
  • 19. B - Ability to make decisions based on critical thinking and reflective practice.
  • 1. G - Ability to provide technical and professional health care appropriate to the health needs of the people they treat, with full technical and scientific autonomy, according to current and available scientific knowledge and to the quality standards and safety requirements set forth in the applicable legal standards and code of ethics.
  • 20. B - Multidisciplinary teamwork
  • 21. B - Oral and written communication.
  • 22. G - Use and management of information and research
  • 23. B - Ability to analyze and synthesize.
  • 25. E - Knowledge of the field of study
  • 2. E - Plan and provide nursing care for individuals or groups, taking health outcomes into account and their impact, through guidelines for clinical practice and care, which describe the four processes by which a health problem is diagnosed or treated.
  • 3. E - Know and apply the theoretical and methodological foundations and principals of nursing.
  • 5. G - Design systems of care programed for people or groups, assessing their impact and making necessary modifications.
  • 6. E - Base nursing care on scientific evidence and available resources.
  • 7. B - Understand people without prejudice, considering their physical, psychological and social aspects, as autonomous and independent individuals, ensuring respect for their opinions, beliefs and values, ensuring their right to privacy through confidentiality and professional secrecy.
  • 8. B - Promote and respect the right of participation, information, autonomy and informed consent in decision-making of people treated, according to the way they live their health - disease process..
  • 9. E - Promote healthy lifestyles, self-care, as well as the maintenance of therapeutic and preventive behaviors.

Learning outcomes of the subject

At the end of this course, the student will be able to: 

  • Recognize signs and symptoms of the most common obstetric emergencies
  • Provide quality health education to women and their families during pregnancy and postpartum.
  • Understand and reflect on mental health during pregnancy and postpartum.
  • Provide quality support to families who are grieving the loss of their baby.
  • Reflect on one’s own autonomous and leadership practice in the obstetric and gynecological environment.
  • Make a critical and reflective analysis of current scientific evidence on maternal and child health and propose advanced nursing interventions.



  • Nursing care activities for health promotion during pregnancy, birth, and the pospartum period.
  • Nursing care management on most common obstetric emergencies.
  • Nursing care management for high and low risk labor and birth.
  • Creative accompaniment to maternal mental health.
  • Creative acompaniment to perinatal loss, mourning, and duel.
  • Preparation for breast feeding during pregnancy and first hours after birth. 
  • Pelvic floor. 

Teaching and learning activities

In person

This course opts for a in-person modality, which will be developed during different theory, practice, and online learning activities;

  • In-class theory
  • Discussion and presentation of different clinical cases 
  • Problem-based learning
  • In-Class debate
  • In-group activity and in-class presentation

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

This class will be assessed through a wide range of evaluation activities and learning methodologies, as presented below:

ACTIVITY 1. Basic knowledge test (5%)

ACTIVITY 2. Content summary (10%)

ACTIVITY 3. Weekly critical thinking diary on slack platform (35%)

ACTIVITY 4. Poster evaluations 15% each (x2)

ACTIVITY 5. Final poster presentation and assessors evaluation. 


In order for student's to pass this class, they must follow with the following items: 

1. Minimum of 85% participation on weekly critical reflections.

2. Be present during the last week of this class. 

3. Have the poster passed with at least a score of 5. 

4. NP of any activity will be count as a 0 on the evaluation.

Second evaluation: 

To be able to pass the second evlauation, students must complete all activities. Furthermore, they will have to complete a final poster presentation, assessed by a tribunal. In no case, student's will be scored with a 7 or above. 

Honors will not be allowed to students during second evaluations. 


Third, fourth, and extraordinary evaluations: 

The same evaluative system as for first an second evaluation's will be followed.

Honor Matrix Assignment Procedure (MH)

  1. The criterion for assigning Honorary Enrolments (MH) is based on the Excellent (9.0).
  2. The assignment is solely for the teacher and does not have to give it, even if the student has obtained a mark above 9.0.
  3. In case the teacher decides to award MH, he will not take into account the numerical mark and the highest, but will evaluate other factors. The HM might not match the highest numeric score.

Procedure for Non-presented Assignment (NP)

  1. To register an NP in the student's file, it must not have been submitted to any of the evaluation tests throughout the assignment.
  2. If a student has submitted to one of the evaluation tests, the corresponding percentages in the teaching guide will be applied, with a 0 in those not presented.


Procedure for plagiarism or academic fraud

Any assignment or activity (including exams) in which plagiarism, falsification or academic fraud is detected, will result in a failure of the activity and an academic sanction that will entail from the loss of enrolment rights in this subject, to the opening of a file process.

Bibliography and resources

  • Fundació Medicina Fetal Barcelona. (2018). Protocolos y Medicina Materno-infantil. BCN Natal. Disponible en:

  • National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). (2021). Guidances, UK. Disponible en:

  • American College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (ACOG). (2021). Disponible en:

  • Marshall,J., & Raynor, M. (2014). Myles Textbook for Midwives, 16th ed. 

  • Película: Tomates verdes fritos 

  • 30 minuts. “Sense Batec”. (2019). Disponible a: