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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Organisational Psychology

Organisational Psychology
First semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English,

Teaching staff


During the development of the subject, students will learn to describe, explain and predict the psychosocial phenomena that occur in work and organisational contexts, as well as trying to solve possible problems by improving the quality of life of people and groups at work and in the workplace. the organisations. Therefore, this subject is an effort to apply psychosocial knowledge to understand human behaviour and experience at work and in organisations. 

This subject constitutes an instrument of preparation for the analysis of the human experience of people and groups in relation to work from a psychosocial perspective, which, emphasising practical application, does not forget to enhance theoretical knowledge to better understand the nature of work. and from organisations. In this way, an attempt is made to emphasise both the scientific dimension of this discipline and its professional aspect. Therefore, the acquisition of knowledge and skills related to research and professional practice is intended, emphasising the latter through practical activities and meetings with active professionals.

Pre-course requirements

It is recommended having attending the subjects of Social Psychology and Group Psychology.


The aim of Organisational Psychology is that students may acquire and develop competencies related to the study of people's behaviour in organisations, acquiring an adequate understanding of organisational phenomena from an eminently psychosocial perspective. Likewise, the course aims to provide students with the theoretical knowledge and skills necessary to interpret, measure, explain and diagnose the main processes related to work activity. 

Finally, and given that intervention is a fundamental dimension of Organisational Psychology, students are expected to develop their competences through cases, practical problems and meetings with professionals to familiarise themselves with possible fields of work. Therefore, the final objective will focus on the transfer of theoretical knowledge to levels of personal experience in psychosocial interventions at work and in organisations.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

Lectures will be the setting in which students will learn and use the terminology and linguistic structures related to the sphere of study, for the purpose of practising and developing oral and written communication skills and becoming familiar with the literature and instruction materials provided to better integrate the curricular content.
Project-oriented learning is a method based on experiential and reflective learning in which the process of researching a particular subject matter proves very important, with the aim of resolving complex problems based on open solutions or addressing complicated issues that enable students to generate new knowledge and develop new skills.
Case studies are a learning technique in which the subject is given the description of a specific situation that poses a problem, which must be understood, assessed and resolved by a group of people through discussion. Case studies are generally resolved in groups to promote student participation and develop their critical thinking skills. They also prepare students to make decisions, teaching them how to back up their arguments and contrast them with the opinions of the other group members.
The guided reading of texts aims to develop the students’ critical thinking skills, which play a fundamental role in creating citizens who are both aware and responsible.
This is a scenario in which a lecturer, with a small group of students, answers any questions that may surface throughout the learning process. This helps the lecturer detect the elements that are less obvious to students and provide tools to address aspects that do not work correctly. This activity may be done individually or in group. This methodology should not be confused with personal student guidance, which is in addition to the curricular education.

Learning outcomes of the subject

At the end of the course, students are expected to know how to:

  • Search for relevant and updated scientific bibliography to interpret a specific case (introduction to the final work)
  • Take into account the organizational context in the analysis of the needs of a real case (business case communication + detection of final work needs)
  • Distinguish the symptoms of discomfort and well-being at work (Businnes case dambo planes).
  • Apply their skills and prior knowledge in the organizational context.
  • Obtain the relevant information to carry out a needs analysis in an organizational context.
  • Design an intervention proposal based on the needs of a real case.
  • Organize your work method to meet the intermediate and final objectives proposed in the subject.
  • Use different information and communication technologies to search for reliable and relevant information.
  • Use different information and communication technologies to capture the attention of the audience when transmitting their ideas.
  • Demonstrate one's own communication strengths and skills in an oral presentation.
  • Convey information and ideas using an appropriate style of written communication.
  • Contribute cooperatively and collaboratively in group work.



Teaching and learning activities

In person

The methodology used in this subject will be active and focused on the students, who will be the protagonist in their learning process and development of competences. This methodology combines master classes, practical teaching (group dynamics, case studies, analysis of readings and audiovisual resources), preparation of group work (project) and tutoring (both collective and personalised).

The subject requires both individual and autonomous work as well as group work. In addition to the continuous work that requires the preparation and use of the different theoretical and practical sessions, the student must carry out a project in groups of 5±1 people, with an empirical basis and on a topic negotiated with the teaching staff. For this, it will have tutorials with the teachers during the semester.

Lectures will be the setting in which students will learn and use the terminology and linguistic structures related to the sphere of study, for the purpose of practising and developing oral and written communication skills and becoming familiar with the literature and instruction materials provided to better integrate the curricular content.
Project-oriented learning is a method based on experiential and reflective learning in which the process of researching a particular subject matter proves very important, with the aim of resolving complex problems based on open solutions or addressing complicated issues that enable students to generate new knowledge and develop new skills.
Case studies are a learning technique in which the subject is given the description of a specific situation that poses a problem, which must be understood, assessed and resolved by a group of people through discussion. Case studies are generally resolved in groups to promote student participation and develop their critical thinking skills. They also prepare students to make decisions, teaching them how to back up their arguments and contrast them with the opinions of the other group members.
The guided reading of texts aims to develop the students’ critical thinking skills, which play a fundamental role in creating citizens who are both aware and responsible.
This is a scenario in which a lecturer, with a small group of students, answers any questions that may surface throughout the learning process. This helps the lecturer detect the elements that are less obvious to students and provide tools to address aspects that do not work correctly. This activity may be done individually or in group. This methodology should not be confused with personal student guidance, which is in addition to the curricular education.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

The evaluation of the subject is carried out based on:

  • Final exam (40%), including multiple choice questions and open-ended questions
  • Group work (30%)
  • Individual and collective practical activities (20%)
  • Attendance and participation (10%): minimum 80% attendance to qualify for this score

In the second call, the same criteria will be maintained and the same evaluation methodology will be followed.

Repeating students who have passed group work and practical activities will not require continuous assessment. They can be presented directly in the exam that will have a value of 100% of the note. If they have not passed the group work and/or practical activities, they must retake the subject.

Important considerations:

  1. It will be necessary to obtain a minimum grade of 5.0 in the final exam and in group work to be able to do average with the rest of the grades.
  2. The realisation of the practical activities is understood as continuous assessment, and therefore it’s NO delivery according to the established dates will imply the impossibility of having that part of the note.
  3. The evaluation will always respect the general regulations established in the Degree.
  4. Plagiarism, copying or any other action that can be considered cheating will suppose a zero in that evaluation section. Doing it in the exams will suppose the immediate suspension of the subject.
  5. On second call, the "Honour Registration" qualification cannot be obtained, so the maximum qualification will be "Excellent".

Bibliography and resources


  • Gil-Monte, P.R. y Prado-Gascó, V. J. (2021). Manual de Psicología del Trabajo. Ediciones pirámide
  • Martínez-Tur, V., Ramos López, J. y Moliner Cantos, C. (2015). Psicología de las organizaciones. Síntesis.



  • Alcover de la Hera, C.M., Martínez Iñigo, D., Rodríguez Mazo, F. y Domínguez Bilbao, R. (2004). Introducción a la Psicología del Trabajo. McGraw Hill.
  • Alcover, C.M., Moriano, J.A. y Topa, G. (2016). Psicología del Trabajo. Conceptos claves y temas emergentes. Sanz y Torres.
  • Osca, A., Palací, F.J., Moriano, J.A. y Lisbona, A. (2016). Nuevas perspectivas en Psicología de las Organizaciones. Sanz y Torres.
  • Salanova, M. (2010). Psicología de la Salud Ocupacional. Síntesis.

Others resources 

Evaluation period

E: exam date | R: revision date | 1: first session | 2: second session:
  • E1 11/01/2023 I3 12:00h
  • E2 21/06/2023 I2 10:00h