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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

The Sociology of Education

The Sociology of Education
Second semester
Main language of instruction: Catalan

Other languages of instruction: English, Spanish,

Teaching staff

The teacher of this area is Dr. Jaume Camps Bansell. You can contact him through his email:


The relevance of education in the process of development of adolescents and young people in our society is beyond doubt. Indeed, from many well-worked perspectives and theories, we agree that formal education, that is to say school education, is the key to citizen socialization and the personal development of the new generations.

The new society of information and communication has led to the appearance of new forms of work, new relationships between people, and the need to live together with different cultures, different languages, ways of thinking, etc. All this makes it more necessary than ever that the reflection on the educational fact by the actors who are part of the great theater of education is constant and deep. This dialogue will try to answer such important questions as: what kind of citizen do we want today?, what skills must be learned in this new society?, what role does the new teacher have in all this?, etc.

At the same time, understanding how the idea of education and school has evolved will help us understand the current situation.

Pre-course requirements

No n'hi ha.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

CE7: Relating education to the social environment, understanding the educational function of the family and the community, both in the acquisition of skills and learning and in education in respect of rights and freedoms, in the equality of rights and opportunities between men and women and in equal treatment and non-discrimination of persons with disabilities.

CB6: Possess and understand knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity to be original in the development and/or application of ideas, often in a research context.

CB9: That the students know how to communicate their conclusions - and the knowledge and ultimate reasons that support them - to specialized and non-specialized audiences in a clear and unambiguous way.

CG3: Integrate and actively collaborate in the achievement of common objectives with other people, areas and organizations

CG6: Integrate and use Information and Communication Technologies in various fields effectively and responsibly.

CT4: Develop the ability to evaluate inequalities based on sex and gender, to design mechanisms to achieve real equality, avoiding partial and discriminatory interpretations.

CT5: Identify strategies to promote gender equality, equity and respect for human rights.

Learning outcomes of the subject

  1. Describe the centrality of the person in the educational process.
  2. Identify the different ways of understanding freedom.
  3. It argues the importance of the sociology of education in the different educational policies of the context.
  4. It integrates the concepts of gender, sexuality and education.
  5. It identifies pedagogical strategies that promote a sociology of education that adapts to the socio-educational reality of the 21st century.
  6. It develops proposals in different areas (school, family, work, community) that promote gender equality and the prevention of gender-based violence.


  1. Sociability and interpersonal relationships: the educational relationship.
  2. Sociology of Education, educational institutions and policies.
  3. Paradigms of the sociology of education. Current scenario and new methodologies.
  4. Sociology of education and attention to diversity.
  5. Ethnicity and race. Gender and sexuality.

Teaching and learning activities


The methodologies we will use are summarized in:

  • Online theoretical classes
  • Practical classes
  • Solving exercises and questions

Training activities:

  • Master class online
  • Online practical class
  • Forums and virtual debates
  • Online tutorials (individual or group)
  • Study and individual work
  • Group work

Evaluation systems and criteria


The evaluation systems will be:

  • Open question exam (40% of the subject grade)
  • Test-type exam (40%)
  • Presentation of works and activities online or through videos (20%)

Bibliography and resources

    • Almeida, J. (2003). Principios de sociología de la educación. Azacanes.
    • Altarejos, F., Rodríguez Sedano, A., Parra, C. (2001). Pensar la sociedad.  Eunsa. (3a edició de 2008)
    • Beltran, J. i Hernàndez, F.J. (coord.) (2012). Sociología de la educación. McGraw-Hill.
    • Bonal, X. (1998). Sociología de la educación. Una aproximación crítica a las corrientes contemporáneas. Paidós.
    • Camps Bansell, J. (2016). Evolución del entorno de socialización de niños y adolescentes: un análisis sociohistórico. Educationis Momentum, 2(1), 29-49.
    • Camps Bansell, J. (2021). Corazón educador. Un ensayo sobre la vocación a la enseñanza. Aula Magna / McGraw Hill.
    • Fernández Palomares, F. (coord.) (2003). Sociología de la Educación.Pearson,
    • Guerrero Serón, A. (2003). Enseñanza y sociedad: el conocimiento sociológico de la educación. Siglo XXI.
    • Luri, G. (2008). L'escola contra el món: l'optimisme és possible. La Campana.
    • Luri, G.  (2012). Per una educació republicana: Escola i valors. Barcino.
    • Ruiz Martín, H. (2021). ¿Cómo aprendemos? Graó (3ª edició)
    • Taberner, J. (2008). Sociología y Educación. Ed. Tecnos.