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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Assessment and Diagnosis in Children and Adolescents

Assessment and Diagnosis in Children and Adolescents
First semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English

Teaching staff

The corresponding teacher should be contacted directly.

Pre-course requirements

Students must hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology, have knowledge of evolutionary psychology and and be familiar with psychopathology in childhood and adolescence to know the different disorders that can appear in the child and adolescent population.




  1. To know and analyze the different techniques, methodologies and resources for evaluation, diagnosis and intervention in different disorders with manifestation in childhood and adolescence.
  2. To understand the difficulties that infants and young people may present and the implications that these difficulties have in different contexts. 
  3. To study the specific characteristics of a process of evaluation, diagnosis and therapeutic intervention in childhood and adolescence. 
  4. To acquire the different strategies to achieve true inclusion and attention to diversity, as well as know how to advise educational centers and teachers in an appropriate way. 
  5. To learn to provide and offer guidance to the families of children and young people. 

The main objective is to delve deeper into the disorders that affect, directly or indirectly, children and young people. Emphasize multidisciplinary treatment and provide the guidelines that are necessary to guide families and educational centers so that they can ensure educational inclusion and an optimal teaching-learning process for them, as well as the best educational guidance and professional.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CB10 - Students should have learning skills that allow them to continue studying in a largely self-directed or autonomous manner.
  • CB7 - Students should be able to apply their knowledge and ability to solve problems in new or little-known environments, within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their area of study.
  • CB8 - Students should be able to integrate their knowledge and cope with the complexity of formulating judgements based on information that, being incomplete or limited, includes reflection on the social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgements.
  • CB9 - Students should be able to communicate their conclusions and the knowledge and arguments supporting these conclusions in a clear and unambiguous manner to specialised and non-specialised audiences.
  • CE1 - Acquire, develop and implement an integrative health concept, where the biopsychosocial components of health are included, in accordance with the guidelines established by the WHO.
  • CE10 - Know how to communicate with other professionals and master the skills necessary for to teamwork and in multidisciplinary groups.
  • CE12 - Extensive understanding of the psychological nature of human behaviour, as well as the social and biological factors that can affect it.
  • CE13 - Extensive understanding of the psychological nature of human behaviour disorders.
  • CE15 - Extensive understanding of the biological and psychosocial factors associated with health and disease issues, especially those related to mental health.
  • CE16 - Extensive understanding of the different evaluation and intervention models in the field of General Health Psychology, as well as the techniques and procedures derived therefrom to address behavioural disorders and the psychological factors associated with health problems in different contexts (private, primary care, community, crisis and emergency situations).
  • CE17 - Plan, execute and, if necessary, supervise the psychological evaluation process of human behaviour and the psychological factors associated with health problems in order to establish the evaluation of them.
  • CE18 - Design, develop and, if necessary, supervise and evaluate psychological intervention plans and programmes, based on psychological evaluation and the individual and social concurrent variables and apply it in different contexts (private, primary care, community, and crisis and emergency situations).
  • CE3 - Show interpersonal communication and emotional management skills appropriate for effective interaction with patients, family members and caregivers in the processes of identification, evaluation, diagnosis communication and psychological intervention and follow-up of the problem.
  • CE4 - Analyse critically and use clinical information sources.
  • CE6 - Correctly write psychological reports to the recipients.
  • CE7 - Formulate working hypotheses in research and collect and critically evaluate information to solve problems, applying the scientific method.
  • CG3 - Plan work from the perspective of quality and continuous improvement, with the self-critical capacity necessary for responsible professional performance in the clinical and healthcare field.
  • CG4 - Know how to work and interact in multidisciplinary groups in the clinical and healthcare field.
  • CT3 - Demonstrate ethical and professional commitment to civic and social responsibilities, especially regarding equality between people and respect for diversity in the clinical and healthcare field.
  • CT4 - Connect knowledge in a critical, synthetic and rigorous way in the clinical and healthcare field.
  • CT7 - Show critical ability in assessing one’s own work as well as that of other professionals using clinical information sources.
  • CT8 - Identify personal and professional limitations in the practice of their profession.
  • CT9 - Ability to integrate psychological knowledge and developments in the practice of their profession.

Learning outcomes of the subject

  • To apply the acquired knowledge and skills critically and reflectively.
  • Tp formulate treatment objectives in operational and specific terms.
  • To maintain a favorable attitude towards permanent updating through scientific documentation.
  • To know the educational needs and characteristics of students with more abilities and the different intervention techniques, inside and outside the school environment.
  • To know the different interventions and adaptations to achieve the comprehensive development of different students in the clinical and school settings.
  • To know the conceptual bases of disorders, the interventions and guidance that are necessary at the personal, family and school level.
  • To understand, design and plan educational response strategies for the different types of disorders that negatively influence the teaching process.
  • To specify the intervention plan based on previously established objectives.
  • To recognize the code of ethics and act ethically, as well as respect and value diversity as an element of human enrichment.


  • Disorders related to trauma and stress factors 
  • Disruptive, impulse control, and conduct disorders
  • Eating disorders
  • Sleep disorders
  • Excretion disorders
  • Motor disorders
  • Psychotic disorders
  • Suicide

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Different methodologies will be used to facilitate reflective learning, both autonomously and in groups. They will therefore be combined throughout the semester:

- Theory classes/lectures, in a large group

Description: Presentation in the classroom of the fundamental concepts and development of the proposed contents. Explanation of the thematic content to the entire class by the teacher.

- Individual practicums, in pairs or groups

Description: Activities that enable students to apply the knowledge they acquire in interventions and help improve the educational reality. These activities may include: case studies, problem solving, etc.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person


  • The regulations established in the Master's Degree in General Health Psychology will always be followed.
  • The final exam has a value of 100% and will be evaluated using a rubric.
  • Studients must achieve a grade of 5 or higher on the exam to pass the subject.
  • If studients do not pass the subject, the second call exam must be passed with a grade of 5 or higher.

Bibliography and resources

  • AMERICAN PSYCHIATRIC ASSOCIATION (APA) (2012): Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, DSM-5. Panamericana Medical Editorial. Madrid.
  • Andreu i Barrachina, Llorenç. Aguado Alonso, Fernando. Claustre Cardona i per, María. (2013). “Specific language disorder. Diagnosis and intervention.” VOC Publishing. ISBN:9788490640890
  • Barrio, MV., Carrasco, MA. (2013). Depression in children and adolescents. Publisher: Synthesis. ISBN: 978-84-9958-881-0.
  • Caballo, V. and Simón, M. (2001). Child and adolescent clinical psychology manual. General disorders. Madrid: 21st century.
  • Caballo, V. and Simón, M. (2002). Child and adolescent clinical psychology manual. Specific disorders. Madrid: 21st century.
  • Comeche, I. and Vallejo, M.A. (2012). Manual of behavioral therapy in childhood. Madrid: Dykinson.
  • Díaz Marta, Isabel; Ruiz, M.ª Ángeles; Villalobos, Arabella. (2017): “Manual of Cognitive-Behavioral Techniques and Therapies.” Desclée de Brouwer Publishing House. ISBN: 9788433029508.
  • Elices Simon, Juan Antonio. Palazuelo Martínez, María Marcela. Del Caño Sánchez, Maximiliano. (2013). “Students with intellectual AACC, characteristics, evaluation and educational response.” CEPE Editorial. Collection: Special education and learning difficulties. ISBN: 9788478699667.
  • Ehrenreich-May, J., Kennedy, S., Sherman, J., Bilek, E., Buzzella, B., Bennett, S., and Barlow, D. (2022). Unified protocol for the transdiagnostic treatment of emotional disorders in children and adolescents. Therapist's manual. Madrid: Pirámide. ISBN-13:978-8436845556.
  • Ehrenreich-May, J., Kennedy, S., Sherman, J., Bilek, E., Buzzella, B., Bennett, S., and Barlow, D.(2020). Unified protocol for the transdiagnostic treatment of emotional disorders in adolescents: Patient manual. Madrid: Pirámide.ISBN-13: 978-8436843248.
  • Esquivel Ancona, Fayne. (2020): “Clinical interview: Child, adolescent, health, family and group.” CEPE Editorial. Collection: Modern Manual. ISBN: 9786074488487.
  • Galve, José Luis. Trallero, Manuel. (2008). “Fundamentals for intervention in learning spelling (Ortoleco Manual)”. CEPE Editorial. ISBN: 9788478696666.
  • García López, Cristina. (2020): “Families of children with ASD. “Emotional Psychoeducation and Mutual Support Program.” CEPE Editorial. ISBN: 9788418044205.
  • Garrido Landivar, Jesus. (2017) “Activity program for special education.” Publisher: CEPE. Collection: Special education and learning difficulties. ISBN: 9788486235857.
  • González, María. Llorente, María. Raposo, José. Martos, Juan. Help, Rachel. Freire, Sandra. (2017). Team spells. "High-functioning autistic spectrum disorders". CEPE Editorial. Collection: Special education and learning difficulties. ISBN: 9788478698547.
  • González Navarro, Ana. Martos Pérez, Juan. Llorente Lomí, María. Help Pascual, Raquel. Freire, Sandra. (2018). “Little children with autism. “Practical solutions for everyday problems.” Team Spell. Collection: Special education and learning difficulties. CEPE Editorial. ISBN: 9788478696734.
  • Gonzalez Navarro, Ana María. (2017). “Asperger's syndrome. Guide to improve school coexistence aimed at family members, teachers and classmates. Team spells. PE Publishing. Collection: Special education and learning difficulties. ISBN: 9788478697267.
  • Magaz Lago, Angela. García Pérez, Emmanuel. (2016). “Inattentive children and adolescents (ADD) characteristics, diagnosis and psycho-educational treatment.” CEPE Editorial. Collection: Special education and learning difficulties. ISBN: 9788478695881.
  • Martínez-Torres, M. and Guirado, A. (2012). High intellectual abilities. Guidelines for action, orientation, intervention and evaluation during the school period. Barcelona: Graó
  • Méndez Carrillo, Francisco Xavier; Espada Sánchez, José Pedro; Orgilés Amorós, Mireia. (2006). “Psychological and educational intervention with children and adolescents. School case study.” Pyramid Editions. Collection: Psychology. ISBN: 9788436820690
  • Méndez, FX.(2012). Fears and fears in childhood: Helping children overcome them. Madrid: Pyramid. ISBN: 978-8436827620.
  • Méndez, FX.(2011). The child who does not smile: Strategies to overcome childhood sadness and depression. Madrid: Pyramid. ISBN: 978-8436825688.
  • Mendoza Lara, Elvira. (2016): “Specific language disorder, Advances in the study of an invisible disorder.” Piramide Publishing. ISBN: 9788436836196.
  • Miller, A.,Rathus, J. (2023) DBT Skills Manual for Adolescents. Psara Editions. ISBN-13: 978-8412572285.
  • Labrador Encinas, Francisco Javier; Cruzado Rodríguez, Juan Antonio; Muñoz López, Manuel. (2001). “Manual of behavior modification and therapy techniques.” Pyramid Editions. Psychology Collection. ISBN: 9788436813746.
  • Llopis Paret, Ana María. From Pablo Marcos, Carmen. Fernández Baroja, Fernanda. (2017): “Dyslexia: origin, diagnosis and recovery.” CEPE Editorial. Collection: Special education and learning difficulties. ISBN: 9788485252121.
  • Llopis Paret, Ana María. From Pablo Marcos, Carmen. Fernández Baroja, Fernanda. (2012). Collection: Special education and learning difficulties. ISBN: 9788478698530.
  • Outon Oviedo, Paula. (2018): “Intervention Programs with Dyslexics. Design, implementation and evaluation. CEPE Editorial. Collection: Special Education and Learning Difficulties. ISBN: 9788478694327.
  • Orjales Villar, Isabel. (2017). "Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Manual for parents and educators.” Publisher: CEPE. Collection: Special education and learning difficulties. ISBN:9788478692941.
  • Orjales Villar, Isabel, Polaino Lorente, Aquilino. (2018): “Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention Program for children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.” CEPE Editorial. Collection: Psychopedagogical and Educational Intervention Programs. ISBN: 9788478693597.
  • Orgilés, M.; Méndez, F.X.; Espada, J,P. (2022) Step-by-step treatment of psychological problems in childhood and adolescence. Madrid: Pirámide.ISBN-13: 978-8436847079.
  • Pérez, M. et al (2006). Guide to effective psychological treatments III. Childhood and adolescence. Madrid: Pyramid.
  • Wicks-Nelson, R., & Israel, A. (1997). Child and adolescent psychopathology. Madrid: Prentice Hall.