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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Acceso al Mercado, Finanzas y Marketing

Acceso al Mercado, Finanzas y Marketing
Main language of instruction: English

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, Spanish

Teaching staff

Questions will be resolved before or after class.


Market Access coordinates all those aspects necessary to ensure that a product accesses the market in the best possible conditions.

Pre-course requirements

No prerequisites


Be able to do basic economic planning of the cost of developing these technologies.

Know the development plans on management, protection, finance, market, registration, and sales to commercialize a health technology.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

Basic skills:

CB1: That the student body demonstrates possession and understanding of knowledge in an area of study that is based on education in biomedical sciences and that involves knowledge from finance and business administration.

General competencies:

CG5: Design, write and execute projects related to the biomedical business area.

Specific competencies:

CE5: Acquire minimal knowledge in preparing budgets for the development of biomedical products (drugs, medical devices, diagnostics).

Learning outcomes of the subject

At the end of the course, the student:

Have acquired advanced knowledge in the different areas of the biomedical industry and the most used methodologies within companies.


Market access, finance, and marketing (4 ECTS)

- Market access and its management

- Medication registry

- Introduction to health technology assessment (HTA)

- Financing and pricing schemes

- Business models and business plan development

Teaching and learning activities

In person

• Master classes: Presentation of the contents of the subject orally by a teacher with secondary participation by the students.

• Conferences: Participation in a scientific or technical topic carried out by an expert in a specific subject. It will be related, in some way, to the sequencing of content of a certain subject, to ensure the integration of this type of teaching methodology in the subject in which it is located.

• Information search: Actively carried out by students, it is focused on the acquisition of knowledge autonomously, as well as training for the acquisition of skills and attitudes related to the need to obtain information in a discriminative way.

• Practical classes: Any activity developed through some type of professional technical procedure, always based on the conceptual contents of the master's degree, and following its reasoning.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

Class participation and attitude: 20%

Multiple choice exam: 80%

General points to consider about the evaluation system:

You must attend at least 80% of the sessions to pass the subject.

You must obtain a 5 or more in the multiple-choice exam to pass the subject.

Participation in class is understood as the contribution of interesting ideas or the raising of pertinent questions that help improve the quality of the session.

Bibliography and resources

The Entrepreneur's Guide to a Biotech Startup. Peter Kolchinsky. Free download:

During the course, viewing videos that reinforce or introduce some content will be recommended. Those required viewing will be seen and discussed in class.