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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Trabajo Fin de Máster

Trabajo Fin de Máster
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English,

Teaching staff


A master's thesis (TFM) is a project or study carried out by a student, with the supervision of a tutor, where the knowledge acquired during the master's degree is shown and applied. When preparing a TFM it is important to acquire advanced knowledge and demonstrate it in a scientific research environment.

Pre-course requirements

No prerequisites


Better understand the value chain of the development of drugs, medical devices, and digital health technology for the continuous progression of this process.

Be able to do basic economic planning of the cost of developing these technologies.

Train students in understanding large databases that can be used to improve understanding of the biomedical industry.

Be able to develop the different stages of development of a biomedical technology.

Know the necessary language of the industry regarding development, value chain, markets, costs, and institutional relationships.

Know the development plans on management, protection, finance, market, registration, and sales to commercialize a health technology.

Understand the global vision of the biomedical company and the strategy behind it.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

Basic skills:

CB1: That the student body demonstrates possession and understanding of knowledge in an area of study that is based on education in biomedical sciences and that involves knowledge from finance and business administration.

CB4: That the student body can transmit information, ideas, problems, and solutions to both a specialized and non-specialized audience.

General competencies:

CG5: Design, write and execute projects related to the biomedical business area.

Specific competencies:

CE1: Be able to constantly learn and adapt work to eventualities.

CE2: Use databases to search for verified information and analyze it critically.

CE3: Interpret the data obtained to solve problems that arise.

CE4: Be able to lead work and colleagues if necessary to meet delivery deadlines.

CE5: Acquire minimal knowledge in preparing budgets for the development of biomedical products (drugs, medical devices, diagnostics).

CE6: Integrate a global and strategic business vision.

CE7: Integrate the vocabulary necessary to carry out the necessary institutional relationships within a biomedical company.

CE8: Be able to clearly communicate a work plan.

CE9: Prepare a development plan for a health technology (drug, medical device, or digital device), the fictitious design of a clinical trial and plan the different phases of the process.

CE10: Be able to carry out a fictitious negotiation to reach an agreement with a possible supplier, client, or industrial partner.

Learning outcomes of the subject

At the end of the course, the student:

Will be able to analyze a drug or medical device development process from all its aspects with the intention of planning and programming the different phases, both scientific and management, protection, finance, market, registration, and sales.

Have acquired critical reasoning to understand and improve the processes that underpin the biomedical industry.

Acquire an overview of the research development process that includes the development of a problem, the use of literature and resources, the preparation of different business, communication, sales, development and strategic plans and the understanding of ethical issues in the biomedical industry.


The Master's Thesis (TFM) will be carried out as a group by the students in groups of 3-4 people. Its bases will be presented during the first seminar held and will be focused on the realization of a business model where the knowledge acquired in each of the subjects is applied and the planning corresponding to the evaluation, development, marketing, and management of a product is developed. biomedical.

Teaching and learning activities

In person

• Expository classes: Oral presentation, by the students, of a topic or work carried out and which is presented to the rest of their classmates. Students can also benefit from some type of written presentation.

• Project preparation: This work method tries to promote learning through the preparation, by the student body, of a project. This will start from an idea and, based on it, a design, planning, development, and evaluation of said project will be carried out. These projects can be designed to be developed individually or as a team.

• Written work: Any type of activity where a written document needs to be presented; considering the character of other acts