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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Innovation and Resources Biology/Geology

Innovation and Resources Biology/Geology
First semester
Main language of instruction: Catalan

Other languages of instruction: English, Spanish,

Teaching staff

Prof. Montse Pons, Catalan specialization, email:

Prof. María José López, Spanish specialization, email:

Prof. Yolanda Scott, English specialization, email:

Prof. Patricia Gil, Biology-Geology, email:


The subject Innovation and Resources intends to offer the basic elements so that the student can become familiar with the fundamental concepts of educational innovation, such as the characteristics and typologies of innovation, recommended methodologies and possible uses of technology.

Pre-course requirements

C1 level, according to CEFR, in the specialization language.


- To know the fundamental concepts of educational innovation.

- To apply innovative teaching proposals in the area of specialization.

- To design innovative educational projects.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CE3.- To plan the resolution of educational situations that affect students with different skills and different rhythms of learning; to design proposals based on the acquisition of intellectual and emotional skills and aptitudes.
  • CE14.- To apply innovative teaching proposals, critically analysing the performance of teaching, good practice and guidance using quality indicators in the field of the specialization.
  • CT3.- Show ethical and responsible behaviours as a citizen and as a professional.
  • CT5.- To identify strategies to promote gender equality, fairness and respect for human rights.
  • CG1.- To form reflexive and critical, responsible, ethical and respectful judgments on the various protagonists of the educational community (family, school and society).
  • CG2.- To analyse and synthesize information obtained from various sources in order to solve problems or conflictive situations, to identify and define the significant elements that constitute a problem to resolve it effectively and with criteria.
  • CG6.- To incorporate and use Information and Communication Technologies in various fields effectively and responsibly.
  • CB6.- To possess and comprehend knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity to be original in the development and/or application of ideas, often in a context of research.

Learning outcomes of the subject

RA1.- Applies innovative teaching proposals in the area of the specialization, that promote autonomous learning in current intercultural and plurilingual educational contexts.

RA5.- Demonstrates critical thinking and the ability to define and resolve problems.

RA6.- Demonstrates skills in designing and developing innovative educational projects, aswell as those related to research and assessment.


  1. Educational innovation at regional, national and international level: modalities for training and secondary education experiences. 
  2. Materials for the development of communicative competences.
  3. Materials for attention to diversity and for promoting cross-curricular and intercultural practice.
  4. Integration of training in Audiovisual Materials and ICT in the teaching-learning process.
  5. Innovative educational projects: models, Secondary education experiences, design and self-assessment practices.

Teaching and learning activities


Teaching methodologies:

  • Online theoretical/demonstrative classes
  • Project based learning

Training activities:

  • Online master classes
  • Online practical classes
  • Virtual forums and debates
  • Individual study and work
  • Group work
  • Online tutorials

Evaluation systems and criteria


The assessment of this subject is of a continuous nature. The assessment consists of several tasks and each task needs to obtain a minimum pass mark to successfully complete the subject.

Catalan specialization:

  • Creation of didactic materials and innovative project - 35%
  • Formative activities - 20%
  • Debate forum - 25%
  • Multiple choice exam - 20%

The tasks must be presented for assessment in Catalan. Work submitted past the deadline will not be accepted. Tasks assessed with serious language errors will be considered Uncorrected; they can be re-submitted in 2nd call but the maximum grade will be the pass mark (5).

Spanish specialization:

  • Creation of didactic materials and innovative project - 35%
  • Formative activities - 20%
  • Debate forum - 25%
  • Multiple choice exam - 20%

The tasks must be presented for assessment in Spanish. Work submitted past the deadline will not be accepted. Tasks assessed with serious language errors will be considered Uncorrected; they can be re-submitted in 2nd call but the maximum grade will be the pass mark (5).

English specialization:

  • Creation of didactic materials - 25%
  • Innovative project - 30%
  • Debate forum - 25%
  • Multiple choice exam - 20%

The tasks must be presented for assessment in English. Work submitted past the deadline will not be accepted. Tasks assessed with serious language errors will be considered Uncorrected; they can be re-submitted in 2nd call but the maximum grade will be the pass mark (5).

Biology-Geology specialization:

  • Innovative project - 30%
  • Creation of didactic materials - 25%
  • Debate forum - 25%
  • Multiple choice exam - 20%

The tasks must be presented for assessment in Spanish. Work submitted past the deadline will not be accepted. Tasks assessed with serious language errors will be considered Uncorrected; they can be re-submitted in 2nd call but the maximum grade will be the pass mark (5).

Other considerations:

Linguistic quality will count for 20% of the mark of assessed tasks.

Points will be lost for language errors: 1 point for a serious error and 0'25 for a minor error. In the exam, 0'5 for a serious error and 0'2 for a minor error.

Bibliography and resources

Camps, A. (2012). Intervención, innovación e investigación. Una relación necesaria para las didácticas. Enunciación, 17(2), 161-168.

Cano, M.I. et al. (2011). Biología y Geología. Investigación, innovación y buenas  prácticas. Grao.

Daza Navarro, M., Morón-Monge, H., & Daza Navarro, P. (2020). El trabajo por proyectos en educación secundaria obligatoria: ‘Tres Visiones, Tres Generaciones’. Revista Andina de Educación, 3(2), 32-40.

d'Ensenyament, D. (2017). Marc de la innovació pedagògica a Catalunya.

Echeita, G. & Jury, C. (2007). Evaluación Sistemática de un Proyecto de Innovación para Atender a la Diversidad del Alumnado en la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria “Aula Cooperativa Multinivel”. REICE. Revista Electrónica Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 5(3), 1-10.

Estéban-Guitart, M., Iglesias, E., González-Patiño, J., & González-Ceballos, I. (2020). La personalización educativa en tiempos de cambio e innovación educativa. Un ejemplo ilustrativo. Aula Abierta, 49(4), 395-402.

Gil López, A.J., Antelm Lanzat, A.M., & Cacheiro González, M.L. (2018). Análisis de la capacidad de innovación escolar desde la perspectiva del profesorado de educación secundaria. La escuela como organización que aprende. Educar, 54(2), 449-468.

Hernández Ortega, J. & Rovira-Collado, J. (2020). Diseño de proyectos transmedia para la Educación Literaria en el aula de Educación Secundaria. RESED. Revista de Estudios Socioeducativos, 8, 80-94.

Manresa, M., & Rodríguez Gonzalo, C. (2017). Projectes de treball a la classe de llengua i literatura. De Didàctica de la Llengua i de la Literatura, 75, 4-7.

Motteram, G. (2013). Innovations in Learning Technologies for English Language Teaching. (Innovations in English Language Teaching). British Council.

Pérez Albo, M.J. & Gutiérrez Lacalle, A. (2020). Proyectos globalizados. Cómo articular la innovación en Educación Secundaria. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 36, 187-199.

Pila Martínez, J.C., Andagoya Pazmiño, W.G., & Fuertes Fuertes, M.E. (2020). El Profesorado: Un factor clave en la Innovación Educativa. Educare, 24(2), 212-232.

Real Martínez, S., Ramírez Fernández, S., Bermúdez Martínez, M., & Pino Rodríguez, A.M. (2020). Las metodologías empleadas en la innovación educativa. Aula de Encuentro, 22(1), 57-80.