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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Curriculums for Specialist Areas Catalan/Spanish

Curriculums for Specialist Areas Catalan/Spanish
First semester
Main language of instruction: Catalan

Other languages of instruction: English, Spanish

Teaching staff

Prof. Antònia Bonjorn, Catalan specialisation, email:

Prof. Ingrid Creus, Spanish specialisation, email:

Prof. Yolanda Scott, English specialisation, email:


The subject of Specialisation Curriculum intends to probe into the components that make up a didactic programme and the specialisation curriculum so that students can have the tools necessary to design, programme, implement and evaluate active, participative and effective activities.

Pre-course requirements

C1 level, according to CEFR, in the specialisation language.


  • To know the curricular content and components pertaining to the specialisation.
  • To design didactic programmes.
  • To know the Centre's Linguistic Project.
  • To design a reading plan.

Learning outcomes of the subject

  • To organise and systematise curricular content.
  • To develop principles and techniques that allow for planning, development and assessment of the teaching-learning process.
  • To use resources and alternative non-sexist strategies to stimulate thinking, as well as organise the classroom and other work and shared spaces.


  1. Didactics and curriculum.
  2. Design, planning and didactic programme. Communicative approach and competence-based approach.
  3. Assessment: systems, criteria and instruments.
  4. The Centre's Linguistic Project and reading plan.

Teaching and learning activities


Teaching methodologies:

  • Online theoretical/demonstrative classes
  • Online practical classes
  • Resolution of exercises and questions

Training activities:

  • Online master classes
  • Online practical classes
  • Virtual forums and debates
  • Individual study and work
  • Group work
  • Online tutorials

Evaluation systems and criteria


The assessment of this subject is of a continuous nature. The assessment consists of several tasks and each task needs to obtain a minimum pass mark to successfully complete the subject.

Catalan specialization:

  • Portfolio of activities - 75%
  • Multiple choice exam - 25%

The tasks must be presented for assessment in Catalan. Work submitted past the deadline will not be accepted. Tasks assessed with serious language errors will be considered Uncorrected; they can be re-submitted in 2nd call but the maximum grade will be the pass mark (5).

The assessment of this subject is of a continuous nature. The assessment consists of several tasks and each task needs to obtain a minimum pass mark to successfully complete the subject.

Spanish specialization:

  • Portfolio of activities - 75%
  • Multiple choice exam - 25%

The tasks must be presented for assessment in Spanish. Work submitted past the deadline will not be accepted. Tasks assessed with serious language errors will be considered Uncorrected; they can be re-submitted in 2nd call but the maximum grade will be the pass mark (5).

English specialization:

  • Portfolio of activities - 75%
  • Multiple choice exam - 25%

The tasks must be presented for assessment in English. Work submitted past the deadline will not be accepted. Tasks assessed with serious language errors will be considered Uncorrected; they can be re-submitted in 2nd call but the maximum grade will be the pass mark (5).

Bibliography and resources

Diversos autors (2010). “Competències i didàctica de la llengua”. Articles de Didàctica de la Llengua i la Literatura, 51.

Barrieras, M.; Comellas, R.; Fidalgo, M.; Junyent, M.C.; Unamuno, V. (2009). Diversitat lingüística a l’aula. Construir centres educatius plurilingües. Vic: Eumo Editorial i Fundació Jaume Bofill.

Camps, A. (coord.); Adell, P.; Bernárdez, E.; Brucart, J. M.; Camps, A.; Cassany, D.; Cuenca, M. J.; Guasch, O.; Salvador, V.; Sánchez-Enciso, J.. i Sanz, G. (2011) Llengua i literatura catalana. Complements de formació disciplinària. Formació del Professorat de Secundària. Barcelona. Ed. Graó.

Comajoan, L. (2003) “Adquisició de primeres i segones llengües: perspectiva històrica i qüestions actuals”, Caplletra, número 35 (2003), p. 15-46.

Cots, J. M.; Armengol, L.; Arnó, E.; Irún, M.; Llurda, E. (2007) La conciencia lingüística en la enseñanza de lenguas. Barcelona: Graó.

Cuenca, M. J. (1992) Teories gramaticals i ensenyament de llengües. València, Tàndem.

Funes, J. (2018) Estima’m quan menys ho mereixi… perquè és quan més ho necessito. Una guia per a pares i mestres adolescents. Barcelona: Columna. Versió castellana: Quiéreme cuando menos me lo merezca… porque es cuando más lo necesito. Barcelona: Paidós.

Imbernon, F. (2017) Ser docente en una Sociedad compleja. La difícil tarea de enseñar. Barcelona: Graó.

Jensen E. F. i A. E. Nutt (2016) The Teenage Brain: A Neuroscientist's Survival Guide to Raising Adolescents and Young Adults. Haper. Versió espanyola: El cerebro adolescente. Guia de una madre neurocientífica para educar adolescentes. Barcelona: RBA. 2019.

Lomas, C. (coord.); J-P. Bronckart, Colomer, T.; Gracida, Y.; Jover, G.; López Villalva, M. A.; Martínez Montes, G. T.; Tusón Valls, A. (2015) Fonaments per a un aprenentatge comunicatiu del llenguatge. Barcelona: Graó. Versió castellana: Fundamentos para una enseñanza comunicativa del lenguaje. Barcelona: Graó.

Lomas, C., (coord.) (1996) La educación lingüística y literaria en la enseñanza secundaria. Barcelona: ICE / Horsori.

Mendoza Fillola, A. (coord.) (1998) Conceptos clave en didáctica de la lengua y la literatura. Barcelona: ICE UB.

Navarra, Andreu. (2019). Devaluación continua. Informe urgente sobre alumnos y profesores de secundaria. Tusquets editores.

Navarra, Andreu. (2021) Prohibido aprender. Un recorrido por las leyes de educación de la democracia. Barcelona: Cuadernos Anagrama.

Pujolàs, Pere (2003) Aprendre junts alumnes diferents Ed. EUMO

Ruiz Bikandi, U. (coord.) Ambròs, M. A.; Bernárdez, E.; Breu, R.; Escandell, M. V.; Guasch, O.; Jover, G.; Leonetti, M.; Olaziregi, M. J.; Oteagi, M. L.; Romera, M.; Ruiz Bikandi, U.; Tolchinsky, L. (2011) Lengua castellana y literatura. Complementos de formación disciplinar. Barcelona: Graó.

Sánchez Jiménez, S. U.; Martín Rogero, N.; Servén Díez, C. (2018) Complementos para la formación en lengua y literatura. Máster de Formación del Profesorado. Madrid: Editorial Síntesis.




Gardner, R. and Lambert, W. (1972) Attitudes and motivation in second language learning. Newbury House, Rowley, MA.

Gardner, R. and Macintyre, P. (1992) "A student's contribution to second language learning. Part I: Cognitive variables" in Language Teaching, 25, p. 211-220, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Gardner, R. y Macintyre, P. (1993) “A student’s contributions to second language learning. Part II: Affective variables” in Language Teaching, 26, pp. 1-11, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Johns, A.M. (2011): "The future of genre in L2 writing: Fundamental, but contested, instructional decisions", Journal of Second Language Writing, 20 (I), 56-58.

Nussbaum, L. and Bernaus, M. (2001). Didactics of Foreign Languages in Compulsory Secondary Education, Madrid: Síntesis.




  • Decree 175/2022, of 28th September, on Management of Compulsory Secondary Education.
  • Decree 171/2022, of 23rd September, by which it is established the Management of high-school education (Batxillerat).
  • The strategic framework for European cooperation in the field of education and training (ET 2020).
  • Recommendation of 2006/962/CE of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 18th December 2006, on key competences for lifelong learning.
  • Documents for the organisation and management of the centres. Implementation and development of the competency-based curriculum and educational guidance in ESO 20/06/2019. Government of Catalonia 2019.
  • Decree ENS/108/2018, of 4th of July, which determines the procedure of documents and formal requirements of the assessment process in obligatory secondary education.
  • Framework for multilingualism. Government of Catalonia 2019.
  • The linguistic model of the education system in Catalonia. General Subdirectorate of Language and Multilingualism. Website: Government of Catalonia 2018 (Generalitat de Catalunya 2018).





  • Core competences in the linguistic area. Language and literature (Catalan and Spanish). Identification and development in Compulsory Secondary Education. Generalitat de Catalunya, 2015.
  • Curricula at a glance. Generalitat de Catalunya, 2017.
  • Competence-based curriculum in the classroom. A tool for pedagogical reflection and programming in ESO. March, 2018. Generalitat de Catalunya, 2018.
  • Literature in the classroom. Core competences of the linguistic field, literary and communicative dimension. Generalitat de Catalunya, 2014.
  • 4th of ESO assessment. Senior Adviser for Evaluation of the Education System website. Generalitat de Catalunya.
  • 2019 4th of ESO assessment. Quaderns d'avaluació, 43. Generalitat de Catalunya, 2019.
  • Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. European Council, 2002.
  • Practical guidelines for the improvement of spelling. Core competences of the linguistic field, literary and communicative dimensions. Generalitat de Catalunya, 2014.
  • Community Service. Department of Education reference website.
  • Core competences network. Various materials. Network Website.